Magnus Macintyre
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Magnus Macintyre — новинки

  • Whirligig Magnus Macintyre
    ISBN: 978-1780721279
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Short Books Ltd

    Claypole is not a large man . He is a fat man. A fat man with thin limbs, like an egg with tentacles. And life is not going well. He's alone, idle, and on the brink of a medical crisis when a childhood acquaintance makes him an offer he can't understand, can't talk about, but ultimately can't refuse.

    A week later, and he finds himself in the wilds of Scotland, plunged into an eccentric community at war over a wind farm. And he's supposed to be a backer, but he has no idea what side he's on, even though it may bag him a lot of money. All he wants is to look like a hero in front of the woman with the bright blue eyes who brought him here. To do so he must run the gauntlet of a family with many dark secrets, some dangerous hippies and their hallucinogenic potions, and the wilderness itself with all its threats and dangers.

    Whirligig is a raucous, joyous, often poignant comedy about the redemptive power of the countryside. Written with peerless wit, it's a timely fable that takes its place within the tradition of the Great English Comic Novel. It's The Wicker Man as told by P.G. Wodehouse.