Роб Томас

Rob Thomas

  • 6 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 238 читателей
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Роб Томас — новинки

  • Big Data Revolution: What farmers, doctors and insurance agents teach us about discovering big data patterns Роб Томас
    ISBN: 978-1-118-94371-7
    Год издания: 2015
    REVOLUTIONIZE BUSINESS WITH THE POWER OF BIG DATA Big Data can be a powerful tool for creating effective business solutions, but formulating and executing the right strategy requires a deep understanding of an increasingly complex subject. Big Data Revol
  • Вероника Марс Роб Томас
    ISBN: 978-5-17-086547-5
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Перед вами роман о Веронике Марс, героине одноименного культового американского телесериала, завоевавшего любовь поклонников по всему миру. Спустя десять лет после окончания школы в Нептуне, Калифорния, Вероника Марс возвращается в город солнца, песка, преступлений и коррупции. Наступает пора весенних каникул, и студенты стекаются в Нептун рекой, превращая пляжи и набережные в беспробудные круглосуточные вечеринки. Когда с одной такой вечеринки пропадает девушка, Веронике предлагают заняться расследованием. Но это не похоже на простое похищение: дом, откуда пропала девушка, принадлежит людям с нешуточными криминальными связями, и Веронике…

  • Veronica Mars: Mr. Kiss and Tell Rob Thomas
    ISBN: 978-0804170727
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский

    In the second book in the New York Times bestselling mystery series, Veronica Mars is back with a case that will expose the hidden workings of one of Neptune’s most murderous locations. The Neptune Grand has always been the seaside town’s ritziest hotel, despite the shady dealings and high-profile scandals that seem to follow its elite guests. When a woman claims that she was brutally assaulted in one of its rooms and left for dead by a staff member, the owners know that they have a potential powder keg on their hands. They turn to Veronica to disprove—or prove—the woman's story. The case is a complicated mix of hard facts,…

  • Veronica Mars: The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line Rob Thomas
    ISBN: 0804170703, 9780804170703
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    From Rob Thomas, the creator of the television series and movie phenomenon Veronica Mars, comes the first book in a thrilling mystery series that picks up where the feature film left off.

    Ten years after graduating from high school in Neptune, California, Veronica Mars is back in the land of sun, sand, crime, and corruption. She’s traded in her law degree for her old private investigating license, struggling to keep Mars Investigations afloat on the scant cash earned by catching cheating spouses until she can score her first big case.

    Now it’s spring break, and college students descend on Neptune, transforming the beaches and boardwalks into a frenzied, week-long rave. When a girl disappears from a party, Veronica is called in to investigate. But this is no simple missing person’s case; the house the girl vanished from belongs to a man with serious criminal ties, and soon Veronica is plunged into a dangerous underworld of drugs and organized crime. And when a major break in the investigation has a shocking connection to Veronica’s past, the case hits closer to home than she ever imagined.

    In Veronica Mars, Rob Thomas has created a groundbreaking female detective who’s part Phillip Marlowe, part Nancy Drew, and all snark. With its sharp plot and clever twists, The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line will keep you guessing until the very last page.
  • Neptune Noir: Unauthorized Investigations into Veronica Mars Роб Томас
    ISBN: 978-1933771137
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Benbella Books
    Neptune Noir is a collection of essays on the hit drama Veronica Mars, and is not authorized by CW, the creators or producers of Veronica Mars, or any entity associated with the show.

    More than just a high school drama, Veronica Mars is a smart and savvy teen detective show that offers complex mysteries and rapier wit, engaging social commentary, and noir sensibilities—with the occasional murder thrown in for good measure. This collection, edited by the creator and executive producer of the show, offers supreme insight into the class struggles and love stories of the series. Essays by top writers intelligently address a multitude of questions, such as Is Veronica a modern-day vigilante? Why is a show that features rape, potential incest, and a teen girl outsmarting local authorities so popular with America’s conservative population? and Why is Veronica and Logan’s relationship the most important story-driving factor in the show?
  • Rats Saw God Rob Thomas
    ISBN: 9781416938972
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Simon Pulse
    For Steve York, life was good. He had a 4.0 GPA, friends he could trust, and a girl he loved. Now he spends his days smoked out, not so much living as simply existing.
    But his herbal endeavors -- and personal demons -- have lead to a severe lack of motivation. Steve's flunking out, but if he writes a one-hundred-page paper, he can graduate.
    Steve realizes he must write what he knows. And through telling the story of how he got to where he is, he discovers exactly where he wants to be...