Джим Аль-Халили - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку
- 10 произведений
- 26 изданий на 6 языках
Парадокс. Девять великих загадок физики Джим Аль-Халили
ISBN: 978-5-4461-0841-1 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Питер Язык: Русский - Галилей, ты что, утверждаешь, что Земля вертится?
- Да... понимаете?
- Что, и ратуша наша вертится?!
- Именно так. Позвольте пояснить...
- Галилей, да что за глупость тебе привиделась! Ратуша триста лет на месте стоит. Всем, кто безнадежно и безутешно пытается увязать современную науку со здравым
смыслом, господин Аль-Халили ответственно заявляет: бросьте, иногда это попросту невозможно. Потому-то настоящая наука так интересна, загадочна и... парадоксальна! -
Квант Джим Аль-Халили
ISBN: 978-5-386-12495-3 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Рипол-классик Язык: Русский Квантовая механика - основа современной науки. И еще не было человека, который, познав ее, не испытал шок. Математически красивая, а на деле непредсказуемая теория по-настоящему расширяет сознание, разбивая в пух и прах наши бытовые представления о мире. Книга блестящего популяризатора физики Джима Аль-Халили простым и понятным языком расскажет о прошлом, настоящем и будущем квантовой механики. Читателей ждет увлекательное путешествие от философии, физики субатомных частиц и теорий больших размерностей к сегодняшнему технологичному миру лазеров и микрочипов и завтрашнему удивительному миру квантовой магии.
Sunfall Джим Аль-Халили
ISBN: 9780857503527 Год издания: 2020 Язык: Английский 'Excellent, exactly how good science fiction should be: gripping story, beautifully told, while at the same time being scientifically well-informed.' tweeted RICHARD DAWKINS.
'Reminiscent of vintage Arthur C. Clarke . . . has a chilling, nail-biting authenticity' said JAMES LOVEGROVE in the Financial Times.
From renowned theoretical physicist, broadcaster and author Jim Al-Khalili, comes this thrilling debut novel drawing on cutting-edge s -
Halo Nuclei Джим Аль-ХалилиWhile neutron halos were discovered 30 years ago, this is the first book written on the subject of this exotic form of nuclei that typically contain many more neutrons than stable isotopes of those elements. It provides an introductory description of the halo and outlines the discovery and evidence for its existence. It also discusses different theoretical models of the halo's structure as well as models and techniques in reaction theory that have allowed us to study the halo. This is written at a level accessible to graduate students starting a PhD in nuclear physics. Halo nuclei are an exotic form of atomic nuclei that contain typically many more neutrons than stable isotopes of those elements. To give you a famous example, an atom of the element lithium has three electrons orbiting a nucleus with three protons and, usually, either 3 or 4 neutrons. The difference in the number of neutrons gives us two different isotopes of lithium, Li6 and Li7. But if you keep adding neutrons to the nucleus you will eventually reach Li11, with still 3 protons (that means it's lithium) but with 8 neutrons. This nucleus is so neutron-rich that the last two are very weakly bound to the rest of the nucleus (a Li9 core). What happens is a quantum mechanical effect: the two outer neutrons float around beyond the rest of the nuclear core at a distance that is beyond the range of the force that is holding them to the core. This is utterly counterintuitive. It means the nucleus looks like a core plus extended diffuse cloud of neutron probability: the halo. The author of the book, Jim Al-Khalili, is a theoretician who published some of the key papers on the structure of the halo in the mid and late 90s and was the first to determine its true size. This monograph is based on review articles he has written on the mathematical models used to determine the halo structure and the reactions used to model that structure.
Biolog?a al l?mite Джим Аль-ХалилиLa vida es el fen?meno m?s extraordinario que conocemos, un misterio que ninguna ciencia ha sido capaz de desentra?ar en su m?s profunda verdad. Incluso en nuestra era, donde se han podido realizar clonaciones y donde la biolog?a sint?tica o la ingenier?a gen?tica est?n dando grandes pasos, nadie ha podido hacer vivir nada de materia muerta. La vida sigue siendo lo ?nico que produce vida. ?Cu?l es el ingrediente vital que falta por descubrir? En este libro, los prestigiosos cient?ficos Johnjoe McFadden y Jim Al-Khalili nos brindan una nueva perspectiva de las din?micas de la vida. Guiando al lector a trav?s de los descubrimientos que se est?n desarrollando en los ?ltimos a?os, nos descubren la clave de nuestra existencia. LA BIOLOG?A CU?NTICA: LA NUEVA DISCIPLINA CAPAZ DE DESVELAR LA MAGIA QUE ENCIERRA LA VIDA.
Quantum Mechanics Джим Аль-Халили
ISBN: 9780718186272 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Penguin What is quantum mechanics? Learn from the experts in the All-New Ladybird Expert Series
A clear, simple and entertaining introduction to the weird, mind-bending world of the very, very small.
Written by physicist and broadcaster Professor Jim Al-Khalili, Quantum Mechanics explores all the key players, breakthroughs, controversies and unanswered questions of the quantum world.
You'll discover:
- How the sun shines
- Why light is both a wave and a particle
- The certainty of the Uncertainty Principle
- Schrodinger's Cat
- Einstein's spooky action
- How to build a quantum computer
- Why quantum mechanics drives even its experts completely crazy
'Jim Al-Khalili has done an admirable job of condensing the ideas of quantum physics from Max Planck to the possibilities of quantum computers into brisk, straightforward English' THE TIMES
Learn about other topics in the Ladybird Experts series including The Big Bang, Gravity, Climate Change and Evolution.
Written by the leading lights and most outstanding communicators in their fields, the Ladybird Expert books provide clear, accessible and authoritative introductions to subjects drawn from science, history and culture.
For an adult readership, the Ladybird Expert series is produced in the same iconic small format pioneered by the original Ladybirds. Each beautifully illustrated book features the first new illustrations produced in the original Ladybird style for nearly forty years. -
Sunfall Джим Аль-ХалилиFrom renowned theoretical physicist, broadcaster and author Jim Al-Khalili, comes this thrilling debut novel drawing on cutting-edge science and set in a near-future full of dazzling technologies.
2041 and the world as we know it grinds to a halt. Our planet seems to be turning against itself - it would appear that the magnetic field, that protects life on Earth from deadly radiation from space, is failing . . .
Desperate to quell the mass hysteria that would surely follow, world governments have concealed this rapidly emerging Armageddon. But a young Iranian hacktivist stumbles across the truth, and it becomes a race against time to reactivate the earth's core using beams of dark matter.
As a small team of brave and brilliant scientists battle to find a way of transforming theory into practice, they face a fanatical group intent on pursuing their own endgame agenda: for they believe mankind to be a plague upon this earth and will do anything, commit any crime, to ensure that the project fails . . .
And so bring about humanity's end. -
Paradox. The Nine Greatest Enigmas in Physics Джим Аль-ХалилиJim Al-Khalili is about to untangle the world's greatest science conundrums...
How does the fact that it gets dark at night prove the Universe must have started with a big bang?
Where are all the aliens?
Why does the length of a piece of string vary depending on how fast it is moving?
Our subject is 'perceived paradoxes' - questions or thought-experiments that on first encounter seem impossible to answer, but which science has been able to solve.
Our tour of these mind-expanding puzzles will take us through some of the greatest hits of science - from Einstein's theories about space and time, to the latest ideas of how the quantum world works. Some of our paradoxes may be familiar, such as Schrodinger's famous cat, which is seemingly alive and dead at the same time; or the Grandfather Paradox - if you travelled back in time and killed your grandfather you would not have been born and would not therefore have killed your grandfather. Other paradoxes will be new to you, but no less bizarre and fascinating.
In resolving our paradoxes we will have to travel to the furthest reaches of the Universe and explore the very essence of space and time. Hold on tight. -
Gravity Джим Аль-ХалилиHow does gravity work? Learn from the experts in the ALL-NEW LADYBIRD EXPERT SERIES
Discover the vast and momentus effects of this profound force on the world around us, written by celebrated physicist and broadcaster Jim Al-Khalili.
Inside you will learn:
- What is Gravity?
- How does it work?
- And why are there extreme gravitational environments?
Above all, discover how gravity controls the shape of space and the passage of time itself, influencing the history and destiny of the entire Universe.
Gravity is a fascinating and authoritative introduction to a phenomenon as familiar to us as breathing.
Learn about other topics in the Ladybird Experts series including The Big Bang, Quantum Physics, Climate Change and Evolution.