Грэм Мур — новинки
- 2 произведения
- 8 изданий на 4 языках
The Holdout Грэм Мур
ISBN: 9781409196815 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: Orion Язык: Английский Fifteen-year-old Jessica Silver, heiress to a billion-dollar fortune, vanishes on her way home from school. Her teacher, Bobby Nock, is the prime suspect. It's an open and shut case for the prosecution, and a quick conviction seems all but guaranteed.
Until Maya Seale, a young woman on the jury, persuades the rest of the jurors to vote not guilty: a controversial decision that will change all of their lives forever. -
Verweigerung Грэм Мур
ISBN: 9783838795614 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Lübbe Audio Язык: Немецкий Es ist das spektakulärste Gerichtsverfahren des Jahrzehnts: Jessica Silver, Erbin eines Immobilienmoguls, verschwindet, und ihr Lehrer Bobby Nock wird des Mordes angeklagt. Der Afro-Amerikaner führte eine geheime Affäre mit Jessica.
Die Jury ist gespalten, bis die junge Geschworene Maja alle von einem Freispruch überzeugt. Jetzt, 10 Jahre später, wird der ganze Fall neu aufgerollt. Als einer der Geschworenen tot aufgefunden wird, gerät Maja ins Visier der Polizei und wird zur Hauptverdächtigen.
David Nathan, die deutsche Stimme von Christian Bale, Johnny Depp und Leonardo Di Caprio, gehört zu den besten Sprechern Deutschlands. Als Hörbuchsprecher ist er Spezialist für Horror und Spannung. -
The Holdout Грэм Мур
ISBN: 039959177X, 978-0399591778 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Random House Язык: Английский It’s the most sensational case of the decade. Fifteen-year-old Jessica Silver, heiress to a billion-dollar real estate fortune, vanishes on her way home from school, and her teacher, Bobby Nock, a twenty-five-year-old African American man, is the prime suspect. The subsequent trial taps straight into America’s most pressing preoccupations: race, class, sex, law enforcement, and the lurid sins of the rich and famous. It’s an open-and-shut case for the prosecution, and a quick conviction seems all but guaranteed—until Maya Seale, a young woman on the jury, convinced of Nock’s innocence, persuades the rest of the jurors to return the verdict of not guilty, a controversial decision that will change all their lives forever.
Flash forward ten years. A true-crime docuseries reassembles the jury, with particular focus on Maya, now a defense attorney herself. When one of the jurors is found dead in Maya’s hotel room, all evidence points to her as the killer. Now, she must prove her own innocence—by getting to the bottom of a case that is far from closed.
As the present-day murder investigation weaves together with the story of what really happened during their deliberation, told by each of the jurors in turn, the secrets they have all been keeping threaten to come out—with drastic consequences for all involved. -
Die letzten Tage der Nacht Грэм Мур
ISBN: 9783838783505 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Lübbe Audio Язык: Немецкий New York, 1888. Thomas Edison hat mit seiner bahnbrechenden Erfindung der Glühbirne ein Wunder gewirkt. Die Elektrizität ist geboren, die dunklen Tage der Menschheit sind Vergangenheit. Nur eine Sache steht Edison und seinem Monopol im Weg, sein Konkurrent George Westinghouse. Zwischen den beiden Männern entbrennt ein juristischer Kampf, es geht um die Millarden-Dollar-Frage: Wer hat die Glühbirne wirklich erfunden? Und wer hat also die Macht, ein ganzes Land zu elektrifizieren? -
The Last Days of Night Graham Moore
ISBN: 0812988906, 9780812988901 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Random House Язык: Английский A thrilling novel based on actual events, about the nature of genius, the cost of ambition, and the battle to electrify America—from the Oscar-winning screenwriter of The Imitation Game and New York Times bestselling author of The Sherlockian
New York, 1888. Gas lamps still flicker in the city streets, but the miracle of electric light is in its infancy. The person who controls the means to turn night into day will make history—and a vast fortune. A young untested lawyer named Paul Cravath, fresh out of Columbia Law School, takes a case that seems impossible to win. Paul’s client, George Westinghouse, has been sued by Thomas Edison over a billion-dollar question: Who invented the light bulb and holds the right to power the country?
The case affords Paul entry to the heady world of high society—the glittering parties in Gramercy Park mansions, and the more insidious dealings done behind closed doors. The task facing him is beyond daunting. Edison is a wily, dangerous opponent with vast resources at his disposal—private spies, newspapers in his pocket, and the backing of J. P. Morgan himself. Yet this unknown lawyer shares with his famous adversary a compulsion to win at all costs. How will he do it?
In obsessive pursuit of victory, Paul crosses paths with Nikola Tesla, an eccentric, brilliant inventor who may hold the key to defeating Edison, and with Agnes Huntington, a beautiful opera singer who proves to be a flawless performer on stage and off. As Paul takes greater and greater risks, he’ll find that everyone in his path is playing their own game, and no one is quite who they seem. -
Дневник Шерлока Холмса Грэм Мур
ISBN: 978-5-17-080975-2 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: АСТ Язык: Русский В декабре 1893 года Лондон погрузился в траур. Погиб самый любимый и знаменитый человек Англии - Шерлок Холмс. А убийцей стал... создатель гениального сыщика - сэр Артур Конан Дойл.
А потом наступил 1901 год - и Конан Дойл "воскресил Холмса из мертвых". Воскресил так же решительно и неожиданно, как и "убил" когда-то. И вот что самое интересное: в своих дневниках он не упоминает о том, что заставило его вновь начать писать о Холмсе. Правда, после смерти Конан Доила один из дневников бесследно исчез. Прошли десятилетия - а его так и не нашли. Или... все же НАШЛИ?
Гарольд Уайт, литературовед и поклонник классических детективов, вступает в опасную игру - охоту за утраченным дневником Конан Дойла, этим "святым Граалем" шерлокианцев. Но когда при загадочных обстоятельствах погибает Алекс Кейл, ученый, исследователь творчества Конан Дойла, именно Гарольду предстоит призвать на помощь знания и таланты всех гениальных сыщиков прошлого - и начать поиски убийцы и дневника... -
The Sherlockian Грэм Мур
ISBN: 978-0446572590 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Twelve Язык: Английский In December 1893, Sherlock Holmes-adoring Londoners eagerly opened their Strand magazines, anticipating the detective's next adventure, only to find the unthinkable: his creator, Arthur Conan Doyle, had killed their hero off. London spiraled into mourning -- crowds sported black armbands in grief -- and railed against Conan Doyle as his assassin.
Then in 1901, just as abruptly as Conan Doyle had "murdered" Holmes in "The Final Problem," he resurrected him. Though the writer kept detailed diaries of his days and work, Conan Doyle never explained this sudden change of heart. After his death, one of his journals from the interim period was discovered to be missing, and in the decades since, has never been found.
Or has it?
When literary researcher Harold White is inducted into the preeminent Sherlock Holmes enthusiast society, The Baker Street Irregulars, he never imagines he's about to be thrust onto the hunt for the holy grail of Holmes-ophiles: the missing diary. But when the world's leading Doylean scholar is found murdered in his hotel room, it is Harold - using wisdom and methods gleaned from countless detective stories - who takes up the search, both for the diary and for the killer. -
Der Mann, der Sherlock Holmes t?tete Грэм Мур
ISBN: 9783838788876 Язык: Немецкий Weil Scotland Yard keinen Anlass sieht, den Mord an einem augenscheinlich leichten M?dchen aufzukl?ren, macht sich Arthur Conan Doyle selbst auf die Suche nach dem M?rder. Er schleicht durch die dunklen Stra?en des viktorianischen London und landet an Orten, die kein Gentleman betreten sollte. Etwa hundert Jahre sp?ter ist ein junger Sherlock-Fan in einen Mordfall verstrickt, bei dem Doyles verschwundenes Tagebuch und einige F?lle seines ber?hmten Detektivs eine wichtige Rolle spielen.