Фрэнк Ллойд Райт

Frank Lloyd Wright

  • 10 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 91 читатель
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5 8
4 42
3 21
2 2
1 0

Фрэнк Ллойд Райт - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Frank Lloyd Wright Interior Style & Design Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    ISBN: 0762416270
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Running Press Book Publishers
    Язык: Русский
    This legendary architect's vision wasn't limited to mere structures. Many of Frank Lloyd Wright's "organic" home furnishings have become bona fide classics, as well-known as the buildings for which he designed them. This stunningly illustrated survey of Wright's stylish interiors delivers an up-close look at his designs in furniture, fittings, ornamentation, lighting, art glass, fabric patterns, carpets, and even crockery. Informative text and fantastic color photography document the revolutionary methods, techniques, and materials with which the visionary 20th-century architect transformed the indoor spaces of domestic, public, and religious buildings
  • An Organic Adventure – The Architecture of Democracy Frank Lloyd Wright
    ISBN: 9780262731614
    Год издания: 2004
    Язык: Английский
    An Organic Adventure – The Architecture of Democracy
  • Исчезающий город Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    ISBN: 978-5-906264-63-3
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Strelka Press
    Язык: Русский

    Фрэнк Ллойд Райт - один из главных архитекторов ХХ столетия - не просто строил дома, которые радикально меняли представления современников о задачах и возможностях архитектуры, но и разрабатывал детальные планы абсолютно нового мироустройства. "Исчезающий город" - это одновременно история трогательной, страстной любви профессионала к своему ремеслу и поразительное по точности руководство к действию для тех, кто надеется сделать людей счастливее с помощью архитектуры.

  • Frank Lloyd Wright Portfolio Notes Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    Frank Lloyd Wright Portfolio Notes from Galison include 12 cards featuring 6 beautiful photographs of famous buildings and residences designed by Wright. Locations include: Fallingwater, Taliesin, Hollyhock House, Frederick C. Robie House and Oak Park Home and Studio. The breadth and variety of Frank Lloyd Wright’s styles and materials are represented in the photos of this notecard set.
    – 12 notecards, 12 envelopes
    – 6 designs
    – Ca
  • Drawings and Plans of Frank Lloyd Wright Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    "I would much rather build than write about building, but when I am not building, I will write about building — or the significance of those buildings I have already built." — Frank Lloyd WrightFrank Lloyd Wright built a body of works and drawings to illustrate and explain his work: collections of designs with commentary that temperamentally parallel that work: irascible, radical, powerful and dense, astonishing and simple in its clarity. One of his earliest published works illustrates the parallel, preserving thought and design at a prophetic moment, shortly before Wright's genius and fame captured two continents and many converts. The Wasmuth portfolio of drawings (named after the original German publisher) is reproduced here from an extremely rare first edition (1910).Wright's polemical preface indicates the importance he attached to the drawings and their publication: «. . . the work illustrated in this volume, with the exception of the work of Louis Sullivan, is the first consistent protest in bricks and mortar against this pitiful waste [academic, inorganic styles]. It is a serious attempt to formulate some industrial and aesthetic ideals that in a quiet, rational way will help to make a lovely thing of an American's home environment. . . .» «Home environment» for Wright was the Midwestern plain; these these drawings, perhaps his earliest experiments in organic design, partake of the Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin prairie with their emphasis on the horizontal («the line of domesticity») and the environmental motif: «A beautiful elm standing near gave the suggestion for the mass of the building,» Wright says of the Winslow house in River Forest, Illinois, a dwelling he cites as the first embodiment of many of his ideas. Elegant full-page architectural drawings and plans show Wright's atelier in Oak Park, Illinois, many homes, cottages, banks, a burial chapel, Unity Church temple, a concrete house designed for Ladies' Home Journal and numerous studies for buildings, treated as problems in design, that were never built.The republication of this rare work gives access again to what has been called «the single most important collection of work published by Frank Lloyd Wright.» Students of American architectural genius will find here the seeds of Wright's greatness.
  • I Heart Architecture With Frank Lloyd Wright Activity Book Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    A new addition to Mudpuppy's successful "I Heart" Activity Book series, I Heart Architecture with Frank Lloyd Wright Activity Book is an exciting collaboration with the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. This 64 page activity book is filled with guided activities based on Frank Lloyd Wright's buildings, window designs, furniture, and more. Draw, color, and design works of your very own! - 64 full-color pages
  • My First Shapes with Frank Lloyd Wright Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    ISBN: 9780735351196
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Galison
    Язык: Английский
    Frank Lloyd Wright used basic geometric shapes as the foundation for his modern architecture. Learn your basic shapes alonside this famous architect with My First Shapes with Frank Lloyd Wright Board Book from Mudpuppy. Each chapter tab focuses on one of three basics shapes: circle, square, or triangle.
  • From within outward Frank Lloyd Wright
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Rizzoli
    Язык: Английский
    Одно из самых полных изданий архитектурной графики Ф. Л. Райта. Большое количество планов, разрезов, фасадов, отмывок и архивных фотографий. Включает редкие материалы по Багдадскому проекту и др.
  • Будущее архитектуры Фрэнк Ллойд Райт
    Год издания: 1960
    Издательство: Государственное издательство литературы по строительству, архитектуре и строительным материалам, архитектуре и строительным материалам
    Язык: Русский
    Книга представляет собою собрание статей, лекций и выступлений амерканского архитектора Райта. В ней автор излагает свои взгляды по многим вопросам теории архитектуры и приводит примеры из своего личного опыта.
    Уделяется большое внимание таким важным вопросам архитектурного творчества, как роль архитектуры в жизни общества, органическое единство техники и искусства в архитектуре, новаторство и традиции, связь архитектора со строительной практикой, соответствие сооружения целям, средствам и условиям строительства, проблема расселения и.п.
    В целом можно охарактеризовать книгу как описание взаимодействия информации (как части триединства: информации, меры, материи) и архитектуры с точки зрения практики проектирования и строительства Райта.