Элисон Маклауд

Alison MacLeod

  • 6 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 41 читатель
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Новинки Элисон Маклауд

  • Нежность Элисон Маклауд
    ISBN: 978-5-389-24484-9
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, Иностранка
    Язык: Русский

    Среди холмов Сассекса и на берегах Средиземного моря Д. Г. Лоуренс (для одних — современный классик, для других — записной нарушитель спокойствия и апологет непристойности) набирается впечатлений для своего последнего романа под рабочим названием «Нежность», который станет скандально знаменит как «Любовник леди Чаттерли». В 1928 году официальная публикация этой книги невозможна — и смертельно больной Лоуренс, отчаявшись, частным порядком печатает ее в Италии, тиражом 1000 экземпляров. Через тридцать лет общественный климат меняется, начинают дуть новые ветры — и вот сперва «Гроув-пресс» в США, а затем «Пингвин букс» в Англии решаются…

  • Tenderness Alison MacLeod
    ISBN: 1635576105, 9781635576108
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Bloomsbury Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    On the glittering shores of the Mediterranean in 1928, a dying author in exile races to complete his final novel. Lady Chatterley's Lover is a sexually bold love story, a searing indictment of class distinctions, and a study in sensuality. But the author, D.H. Lawrence, knows it will be censored. He publishes it privately, loses his copies to customs, and dies bereft.

    Booker Prize-longlisted author Alison MacLeod brilliantly recreates the novel's origins and boldly imagines its journey to freedom through the story of Jackie Kennedy, who was known to be an admirer. In MacLeod's telling, Jackie-in her last days before becoming First Lady-learns that publishers are trying to bring D.H. Lawrence's long-censored novel to American and British readers in its full form. The U.S. government has responded by targeting the postal service for distributing obscene material. Enjoying what anonymity she has left, determined to honor a novel she loves, Jackie attends the hearing incognito. But there she is quickly recognized, and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover takes note of her interest and her outrage.

    Through the story of Lawrence's writing of Lady Chatterley's Lover, the historic obscenity trial that sought to suppress it in the United Kingdom, and the men and women who fought for its worldwide publication, Alison MacLeod captures the epic sweep of the twentieth century from war and censorship to sensuality and freedom. Exquisite, evocative, and grounded in history, Tenderness is a testament to the transformative power of fiction.
  • All the Beloved Ghosts Элисон Маклауд
    ISBN: 1408863782, ‎ 978-1408863787
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Bloomsbury
    Язык: Английский
    From 1920s Nova Scotia to the London riots of 2011, from Oscar Wilde’s grave to the Brighton Pavilion, these exquisitely formed stories capture the small tragedies and profound truths of existence.
    Evocative, sensual, and tender, these stories confront reality culture and interrogate our relationship with iconic figures, coming to life at the boundary between reality and fiction.
    A professor of cardiovascular physiology lingers on the cusp of consciousness as he waits for his new heart to be delivered, still beating, from another body—and is carried on a tidal wave of memories to an attic room half a century ago. Visiting Sylvia Plath’s grave in Yorkshire, the author imagines a conversation with the poet, a fellow North American who settled in grey England. She reflects on the treasured photograph of Princess Diana she took as a teenager, one of a multitude taken during a life cut short. And at Charleston, Angelica Garnett, child of the Bloomsbury Group, is overpowered by echoes of the past—all the beloved ghosts that spring to life before her eyes. MacLeod’s characters hover on the border of life and death, where memory is most vivid and the present most elusive.
  • Unexploded Элисон Маклеод
    ISBN: 978-0-141-01607-8
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Penguin Books
    Язык: Английский
    May, 1940. On Park Crescent, Geoffrey and Evelyn Beaumont and their eight-year-old son, Philip, anxiously await news of the expected enemy landing on the beaches of Brighton.

    It is a year of tension and change. Geoffrey becomes Superintendent of the enemy alien camp at the far reaches of town, while Philip is gripped by the rumour that Hitler will make Brighton's Royal Pavilion his English HQ. As the rumours continue to fly and the days tick on, Evelyn struggles to fall in with the war effort and the constraints of her role in life, and her thoughts become tinged with a mounting, indefinable desperation.

    Then she meets Otto Gottlieb, a 'degenerate' German-Jewish painter and prisoner in her husband's internment camp. As Europe crumbles, Evelyn's and Otto's mutual distrust slowly begins to change into something else, which will shatter the structures on which her life, her family and her community rest. Love collides with fear, the power of art with the forces of war, and the lives of Evelyn, Otto and Geoffrey are changed irrevocably.
  • Unexploded Элисон Маклауд
    ISBN: 9780241142639
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Hamish Hamilton
    Язык: Английский
  • The Wave Theory of Angels Элисон Маклауд
    ISBN: 0143051334, 9780143051336
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Penguin Canada
    Язык: Английский
    EVERY STORY IS THE STORY OF A SECRET This is a story that unfolds across two far-flung centuries, across two worlds. In each, the lives of a father and his two daughters are about to be catapulted into crisis.

    France. 1284. In the heat of an August night, Christina-sister of Marguerite, daughter of the heretic sculptor Giles of Beauvais-struggles to keep a secret. The year is also 2001. We're in Chicago, where Christina Carver, daughter of rebel physicist Dr Giles Carver, also keeps a secret, even from her sister Maggie. When a bell rings for matins-when a telephone rings in the middle of the night-Christina will fail to wake and all six lives will change forever.

    The Wave Theory of Angels is a story of attractions, both cosmic and earthly. The riddles of magic, metaphysics and modern-day science transport the reader from the enchantment of the thirteenth century to the disenchantment of the twenty-first and back again. Through it all, one question persists: What is the real force of the imagination?