Лучшие книги Пенелопа Фицджеральд
- 18 произведений
- 28 изданий на 4 языках
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Книжная лавка Пенелопа Фицджеральд
ISBN: 978-5-04-089035-4 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Эксмо Язык: Русский 1959 год, Хардборо. Недавно овдовевшая Флоренс Грин рискует всем, чтобы открыть книжный магазин в маленьком приморском городке. Ей кажется, что это начинание может изменить ее жизнь и жизнь соседей к лучшему. Но не всем по душе ее затея. Некоторые уверены: книги не могут принести особую пользу – ни отдельному человеку, ни уж тем более городу. Одна из таких людей, миссис Гамар, сделает все, чтобы закрыть книжную лавку и создать на ее месте модный "Центр искусств". И у нее может получиться, ведь на ее стороне власть и деньги. Сумеет ли простая женщина спасти свое детище и доказать окружающим, что книги – это вовсе не бессмыслица, а…
В открытом море Пенелопа Фицджеральд, Alan Hollinghurst
ISBN: 978-5-04-097818-2 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Эксмо Язык: Русский Пенелопа Фицджеральд – английская писательница, которую газета "Таймс" включила в число пятидесяти крупнейших писателей послевоенного периода. В 1979 году за роман "В открытом море" она была удостоена Букеровской премии, правда в победу свою она до последнего не верила. Но удача все-таки улыбнулась ей. "В открытом море" – история столкновения нескольких жизней таких разных людей. Ненны, увязшей в проблемах матери двух прекрасных дочерей; Мориса, настоящего мечтателя и искателя приключений; Юной Марты, очарованной Генрихом, богатым молодым человеком, перед которым открыт весь мир. И других удивительных обитателей плавучих домов, чья жизнь проходит на воде. Воде, которая одновременно может стать и раем, и адом. -
The Blue Flower Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 0395859972 Год издания: 1997 Издательство: Mariner Book Язык: Английский This is the story of Friedrich von Hardenberg--Fritz, to his intimates--a young man of the late 18th century who is destined to become one of Germany's great romantic poets. In just over 200 pages, Fitzgerald creates a complete world of family, friends and lovers, but also an exhilarating evocation of the romantic era in all its political turmoil, intellectual voracity, and moral ambiguity. A profound exploration of genius, The Blue Flower is also a charming, wry, and witty look at domestic life. Fritz's family--his eccentric father and high-strung mother; his loving sister, Sidonie; and brothers Erasmus, Karl, and the preternaturally…
At Freddie's Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 9780006542551 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: 4th Estate Язык: Английский It is the 1960s, in London’s West End, and Freddie is the formidable proprietress of the Temple Stage School. Of unknown age and provenance, Freddie is a skirt-swathed enigma – a woman who by sheer force of character and single-minded thrust has turned herself and her school into a national institution. Anyone who is anyone must know Freddie.
At Freddie’s is a wickedly droll comedy of the theatre and its terminally eccentric devotees.
From the Booker Prize-winner of Offshore comes this entertaining tale of a chaotic stage school and its singular headmistress. With a new introduction by Simon Callow. -
Хирухарама Пенелопа Фицджеральд
Язык: Русский В своём рассказе Пенелопа Фицджеральд описала суровый и праведный быт новозеландских поселенцев.
The Beginning of Spring Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 978-0006543701 Год издания: 2003 Издательство: Flamingo Язык: Английский Penelope Fitzgerald’s Booker Prize-shortlisted novel about a troubled printworks in Moscow. Frank Reid had been born and brought up in Moscow. His father had emigrated there in the 1870s and started a print-works which, by 1913, had shrunk from what it was when Frank inherited it. In that same year, to add to his troubles, Frank’s wife Nellie caught the train back home to England, without explanation. How is a reasonable man like Frank to cope? How should he keep his house running? Should he consult the Anglican chaplain’s wife? Should he listen to the Tolstoyan advice of his chief book-keeper? How do people live together,…
The Means of Escape Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 978-0-00-710501-4 Год издания: 2000 Издательство: Flamingo Язык: Английский Penelope Fitzgerald was one of the most highly-regarded writers on the English literary scene. Apart from Iris Murdoch, no other writer has been shortlisted so many times for the Booker. Her last novel, ‘The Blue Flower’, was the book of its year, garnering extraordinary acclaim in Britain, America and Europe.
This superb collection of stories, originally published in anthologies and newspapers, shows Penelope Fitzgerald at her very best. From the tale of a young boy in 17-century England who loses a precious keepsake and finds it frozen in a puddle of ice, to that of a group of buffoonish amateur Victorian painters on a trip to Brittany, these stories are characteristically wide ranging, enigmatic and very funny. They are each miniature studies of the endless absurdity of human behaviour. -
The Golden Child Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 0395956196, 9780395956199 Год издания: 1999 Издательство: Mariner Books Язык: Английский Penelope Fitzgerald's novel, The Golden Child, combines a deft comedy of manners with a classic mystery set in London's most refined institution—the museum. When the glittering treasure of ancient Garamantia, the golden child, is delivered to the museum, a web of intrigue tightens around its personnel, especially the hapless museum officer Waring Smith. While prowling the halls one night, Waring is nearly strangled. Two suspicious deaths ensue, and only the cryptic hieroglyphics of the Garamantes can bring an end to the mayhem. Fitzgerald has an unerring eye for human nature, and this satirical look at the art world delivers a terrifically witty read. -
Human Voices Пенелопа Фицджеральд
ISBN: 9780006542544 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: 4th Estate "Human Voices" — блестящий роман Пенелопы Фицджеральд, Букеровского лауреата и автора знаменитых книг «Оффшор» и «Голубой цветок», лауреата Букеровской премии; это забавная, трогательная, достоверная история о жизни в Доме Вещания во время Блица.
Человеческие голоса в романе Пенелопы Фитцджеральд – это голоса Би–би-си в первые годы Второй мировой войны, когда Концертный зал был превращен в общежитие для мужчин и женщин, все здание стало мишенью для вражеских бомбардировщиков.
На Би-би-си, как и везде, кому-то пришлось потерпеть неудачу, некоторым пришлось умереть, но ожидающей нации всегда передавали девятичасовые новости с безупречным акцентом.
"Human Voices" Пенелопы Фицджеральд — это предельно честный, захватывающий ностальгический роман, полный драматизма и любви к людям и к жизни.
Книга на английском языке.
From the Booker Prizewinning author of ‘Offshore’ and ‘The Blue Flower’; a funny, touching, authentic story of life at Broadcasting House during the Blitz.
The human voices of Penelope Fitzgerald’s novel are those of the BBC in the first years of the World War II, the time when the Concert Hall was turned into a dormitory for both sexes, the whole building became a target for enemy bombers, and in the BBC – as elsewhere – some had to fail and some had to die, but where the Nine O’Clock News was always delivered, in impeccable accents, to the waiting nation. -
Innocence Пенелопа Фицджеральд
ISBN: 9780006542377 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: 4th Estate A new edition of the Booker Prize winner Penelope Fitzgerald’s best-loved novel of romance in post-war Italy, with a new introduction by Julian Barnes.
Innocence is set in the 1950s, when Italy was picking up the pieces after the war. Chiara Ridolfi is the guileless daughter of a decrepit Italian family. Barney is her practical English girlfriend, who can sum up a man, she says, in one firm hand-grip. Salvatore is a penniless doctor from the south, who thinks he is proof against politics, social conscience and tenderness. Chiara’s cousin, Cesare, says very little, which gives him time to think… -
The Gate of Angels Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 0395848385 Год издания: 1998 Издательство: Mariner Books Язык: Английский In 1912, rational Fred Fairly, one of Cambridge's best and brightest, crashes his bike and wakes up in bed with a stranger - fellow casualty Daisy Saunders, a charming, pretty, generous working-class nurse. So begins a series of complications - not only of the heart but also of the head - as Fred and Daisy take up each other's education and turn each other's philosophies upside down.
The Bookshop, The Gate of Angels, The Blue Flower (сборник) Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 1857152476, 1400041260 Год издания: 2003 Издательство: Everyman's Library Язык: Английский Penelope Fitzgerald, who died in 2000, emerged late in life as one of the most remarkable English writers of the last century. She began her writing career in 1975 at the age of fifty-nine, and over the next two decades she published three biographies, nine novels, and a collection of short stories. Now three of her acclaimed novels are gathered here in one volume.
The Bookshop is a postwar tragicomedy of manners, set in an isolated seaside town where an enterprising woman opens a bookstore only to find it beset by poltergeists, weather, and hostile townsfolk. The Gate of Angels is an Edwardian romance within a novel of ideas: a young doctor devoted to science and to his all-male Cambridge college finds his life and views disrupted by a nurse named Daisy. The Blue Flower, which won the National Book Critics Circle Award, revitalizes historical drama through the story of Novalis, an eighteenth-century German romantic poet and visionary genius, and his unlikely love affair with a simple child-woman.
These three novels all display Fitzgerald’s characteristic wit, intellectual breadth, and narrative brilliance, applied to an array of traditional forms into which she breathed new life. -
Offshore, Human Voices, The Beginning of Spring Penelope Fitzgerald
ISBN: 1857152697, 9781857152692 Год издания: 2003 Издательство: Everyman's Library Язык: Английский After publishing her first novel in 1977 at the age of sixty-one, Penelope Fitzgerald (1916-2000) went on to become one of the most remarkable and highly acclaimed English writers of the last century. Each of the three novels gathered here vividly and unforgettably conjures up an entire world.
The Booker Prize-winning novel Offshore limns the marginal existence of an eccentric assortment of barge dwellers on the Thames in the early 1960s, a group of misfits who are drawn to life on the muddy river in exile from the world of the landlocked. Human Voices takes us behind the scenes at the BBC during World War II, as world-weary directors and nubile young assistants attempt to save Britain’s heritage and keep Britons calm in the face of a feared German invasion. In The Beginning of Spring, a struggling English printer living in Moscow in 1913 is abandoned by his wife and left alone to care for his three young children in the face of the impending revolution. -
So I Have Thought of You: The Letters of Penelope Fitzgerald Пенелопа Фицджеральд
ISBN: 9780007379590 Издательство: HarperCollins Язык: Английский A fascinating collection of letters from the great English novelist – and prolific correspondent – Penelope FitzgeraldAcclaimed for her exquisitely elegant novels – including the Booker Prize-winning ‘Offshore’ – and superb biographies, Penelope Fitzgerald was one of the most admired authors in Britain during the last century. ‘So I Have Thought Of You’ is an invaluable addition her distinguished oeuvre.Penelope Fitzgerald was one of the most distinctive voices in British literature. The prizewinning author of nine novels, three biographies, and one collection of short stories, she died in 2000. -
Charlotte Mew: and Her Friends Пенелопа Фицджеральд
ISBN: 9780007378753 Издательство: HarperCollins Язык: Английский Penelope Fitzgerald’s fascinating portrait of the tragic poet and her life at the heart of the Bloomsbury set.Thomas Hardy hailed her as ‘far and away the best living woman poet’; the formidable Charlotte Mew (1869–1928) was the writer of some of the best English poems of the twentieth century.In her private life, to all appearances, Mew was a dutiful daughter living at home with her elderly mother. But this respectable fa?ade hid painful truths – the Mews were penniless, two siblings had been declared insane and Charlotte was secretly lesbian, living a life of self-inflicted frustration. Despite literary success and a passionate, enchanting personality, eventually the conflicts within her drove her to despair, and she killed herself by swallowing household disinfectant.In this gripping portrait, Penelope Fitzgerald brings all her novelist’s skills into play, giving us touching story, and an entire life’s emotional history.