Мэри Бёртон

Mary Burton

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Новинки Мэри Бёртон

  • Последний ход Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-180628-6
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    От автора бестселлеров New York Times и USA Today. Для нее охота на серийных убийц — как игра в шахматы. Понять тактику противника, просчитать его действия на несколько шагов вперед и заманить в ловушку. Но он — достойный соперник, и еще неизвестно, чей ход будет последним. Кейт Хейден — профайлер ФБР, эксперт по криминалистической лингвистике. Она мастерски вычисляет маньяков по их словам — написанным или сказанным. Но не может держать в узде свои собственные кошмары… СТАВ ЖЕРТВОЙ, ОНА НАУЧИЛАСЬ ЧИТАТЬ ЛЮДЕЙ. Сан-Антонио. Опять этот проклятый город. Город ее юности, город ее кошмаров. Много лет назад Кейт пережила…

  • The House Beyond the Dunes Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 9781542038683
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Montlake
    Язык: Английский
    A tragic accident or something more sinister? A woman’s buried memories put her life at risk in a novel of shattering psychological suspense by New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton.

    Lane McCord wakes up in a hospital having survived a near-fatal fall at a North Carolina beach cottage. Her boyfriend, Kyle, wasn’t so lucky. A senseless tragedy on their first romantic getaway. All Lane remembers is lying at the bottom of the stairs in Kyle’s pooling blood.

    Confused and grieving, Lane plans to return to the cottage, collect her personal belongings, and get out. Until a winter rainstorm leaves her stranded and vulnerable, but not alone. A concerned neighbor, who claims he heard a violent argument before the accident, has come out of the storm. So has a suspicious detective on the trail of a missing woman, whose diary deepens the mystery—and raises more questions that fill Lane with dread.

    How well did she know Kyle? How well does she know herself? What really happened at the cottage on the beach? And when the answers come, who can Lane trust to get out of this waking nightmare alive?
  • The Lies I Told Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 9781542032636
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Montlake
    Язык: Английский
    For a woman obsessed and a killer in her shadow, remembering the past becomes a mind game in a novel of psychological suspense by New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton.

    Twin sisters Marisa and Clare Stockton were sixteen when Clare’s body was found in Virginia’s James River. No arrests were made. Fourteen years later, Marisa’s friends and dedicated career as a photographer help her to cope with the open wound of the past. But Marisa still feels the hurt—and the unsolved murder isn’t the only thing haunting her.

    A recent car crash has erased ten days of Marisa’s memories—a black hole leading up to the accident that’s left her disoriented. Every text and phone call from that crucial missing time has vanished, along with her phone. A photograph she took of the river has disappeared. A new neighbor Marisa believes she knows introduces himself as if he were a stranger. And there’s the growing fear that her near-fatal accident was no accident at all. As dreams of Clare and nightmares of the crash begin to converge, so do two disturbing puzzles fourteen years apart.

    Putting the pieces together could be fatal. As she struggles to remember everything, Marisa closes in on a killer—without realizing that he’s already closed in on her.
  • Последнее испытание Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-164392-8
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Мечта специального агента ФБР Мэйси Кроу – получить место в элитной команде профайлеров. И вот она почти сбылась…


    В качестве «экзамена» ей предлагают раскрыть убийство Тоби Тёрнер – пропавшей пятнадцать лет назад старшеклассницы. Её кости недавно обнаружили в Дип-Ран – небольшом городке, где обосновался шерифом старый знакомый Мэйси, Майкл Невада.


    Ею убийца, по всей видимости, связал жертву перед смертью. Мэйси понимает, что нащупала верный след. Причем не старый, а совсем свежий: точно такую же красную веревку, только новую, полиция обнаружила в машине девушки..

  • Последнее испытание Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-156765-1
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    ПОЙМАТЬ УБИЙЦУ, ЧТОБЫ СТАТЬ ПРОФАЙЛЕРОМ Мечта специального агента ФБР Мэйси Кроу – получить место в элитной команде профайлеров. И вот она почти сбылась… ОСТАЛОСЬ ЛИШЬ ПОСЛЕДНЕЕ ИСПЫТАНИЕ. В качестве «экзамена» ей предлагают раскрыть убийство Тоби Тёрнер – пропавшей пятнадцать лет назад старшеклассницы. Её кости недавно обнаружили в Дип-Ран – небольшом городке, где обосновался шерифом старый знакомый Мэйси, Майкл Невада. РЯДОМ С КОСТЯМИ БЫЛА НАЙДЕНА КРАСНАЯ ВЕРЕВКА. Ею убийца, по всей видимости, связал жертву перед смертью. Мэйси понимает, что нащупала верный след. Причем не старый, а совсем свежий: точно такую же красную веревку,…

  • Последний ход Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-157462-8
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский
    Кейт Хейден – профайлер ФБР, эксперт по криминалистической лингвистике. Она мастерски вычисляет маньяков по их словам – написанным или сказанным. Но не может держать в узде свои собственные кошмары…

    Сан-Антонио. Опять этот проклятый город. Город ее юности, город ее кошмаров. Много лет назад агент Хейден пережила здесь личную трагедию, подтолкнувшую ее к профайлингу. Здесь же она поймала и упрятала за решетку известного маньяка по прозвищу Самаритянин. Однако случилось невозможное – его убийства продолжились. Либо Кейт совершила ужасную ошибку, посадив невиновного, либо в городе завелся подражатель. Начав расследование в паре со своеобразным детективом Тео Мазуром, она быстро понимает, что имеет дело не с обычным маньяком, а с грозным врагом. Врагом, который слишком хорошо ее знает. И чем ближе они приближаются к убийце, тем яснее становится главное правило затеянной им игры: не верь ничему, что видишь…

    От автора бестселлеров New York Times и USA Today.

    Для нее охота на серийных убийц – как игра в шахматы. Понять тактику противника, просчитать его действия на несколько шагов вперед и заманить в ловушку. Но он – достойный соперник, и еще неизвестно, чей ход будет последним.
  • Охота на монстра (комплект из 4 книг) (сборник) Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-155856-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Комплект из 4-х лучших книг о профайлерах и серийных убийцах: "Внутри убийцы", "Заживо в темноте", "Глазами жертвы" и "Последний ход". Чтобы поймать убийцу, нужно смотреть глазами убийцы. Профайлер… Криминальный психолог, буквально по паре незначительных деталей способный воссоздать облик и образ действий самого хитроумного преступника. Эти люди выглядят со стороны как волшебники, как супергерои. Тем более если профайлер - женщина... В комплекте собраны лучшие триллеры о противостоянии профайлеров самым неуловимым и жестоким серийным убийцам современности. Внутри убийцы На мосту в Чикаго, облокотившись на перила, стоит…

  • Последний ход Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-116059-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Inspiria
    Язык: Русский

    Кейт Хейден — профайлер ФБР, эксперт по криминалистической лингвистике. Она мастерски вычисляет маньяков по их словам — написанным или сказанным. Но не может держать в узде свои собственные кошмары… Сан-Антонио. Опять этот проклятый город. Город ее юности, город ее кошмаров. Много лет назад агент Хейден пережила здесь личную трагедию, подтолкнувшую ее к профайлингу. Здесь же она поймала и упрятала за решетку известного маньяка по прозвищу Самаритянин. Однако случилось невозможное — его убийства продолжились. Либо Кейт совершила ужасную ошибку, посадив невиновного, либо в городе завелся подражатель. Начав расследование в паре со…

  • Never Look Back Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 9781542009843
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Montlake
    Язык: Английский
    After multiple women go missing, Agent Melina Shepard of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation makes the impulsive decision to go undercover as a prostitute. While working the street, she narrowly avoids becoming a serial killer’s latest victim; as much as it pains her to admit, she needs backup.

    Enter lone wolf FBI agent Jerrod Ramsey. Stonewalled by a lack of leads, he and Melina investigate a scene where a little girl has been found abandoned in a crashed vehicle. They open the trunk to reveal a horror show and quickly realize they’re dealing with two serial killers with very different MOs. The whole situation brings back memories for Melina—why does this particular case feel so connected to her painful past?

    Before time runs out, Melina must catch not one but two serial killers, both ready to claim another victim—and both with their sights set on her.
  • Burn You Twice Mary Burton
    ISBN: 978-1542021289
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Montlake
    Язык: Английский
    Fire can destroy the past. It can also uncover secrets in this novel of searing suspense by New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton.

    Ten years ago as an undergrad, Joan Mason escaped an arsonist’s fire. Shaken, she fled the small collegiate Montana town, leaving behind friends and not looking back. Now a Philadelphia homicide detective, Joan’s trying to put her traumas to rest. It’s not easy. Elijah Weston, the classmate who torched her house, is out of prison and returning to Missoula. Gut instinct tells Joan he’ll strike again. To stop him, she must return to the past as well. To face not only the man she fears but Detective Gideon Bailey, too. The man she loved and left behind.

    When a local woman dies tragically in another fire, it can’t be a coincidence. Can it be Elijah? He has a solid alibi for the night of the blaze. Reunited by the tragedy, Joan and Gideon have their doubts. So does Gideon’s sister, Ann―Joan’s old college roommate.

    The investigation draws Joan and Gideon together, but it also sends them down a dangerous path―into a troubling history that Joan, Elijah, and Ann all share. As more lives go up in flames in Missoula, this town’s secrets are just beginning to rise from the ashes.
  • I See You Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 9781542007603
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский
    From New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton comes a gritty, suspenseful story in the Criminal Profiler series.

    FBI special agent Zoe Spencer uses skeletal remains to recreate the faces of murder victims through sculpture. Though highly scientific, the process is also sensitive and intimate; she becomes attached to the individuals she identifies, desperate to find justice for each.

    As Zoe examines old remains, she sees a teenage girl looking back at her—the victim in a cold case from over a decade ago. Zoe wants nothing more than to tell this young woman’s story and to bring her killer to justice.

    Zoe’s case leads her to the victim’s hometown and to homicide detective William Vaughan, Zoe’s on-again, off-again lover. As the two become more involved in the case, they quickly realize that it isn’t as cold as they first believed: someone’s still out there hunting women. And with more women gone missing, time’s running out. Can they work together and stop this madman before he kills again?
  • Wise Moves Mary Burton
    ISBN: 9781408970133
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    Blood bonds Kristen Rodale is haunted by the spine-chilling screams of the people her brother murdered in cold blood.The fear she can’t forget forced her to run and hide far from where he would ever find her. Can’t protect you She’s built her own safe world in a small Virginia town, out of terror’s reach. Until Former FBI agent Dane Cambia, desperately seeking revenge for his own sister’s gory death at the monster’s hands, pleads for her help.From Evil’s Grasp Using Kristen as bait to catch her murderous brother is Cambia’s last hope. Only her blood can quench his thirst for vengeance. But playing into the killer’s hands is just the beginning of Kristen and Cambia’s new nightmare.
  • The Arsonist Mary Burton
    ISBN: 9781408969922
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    His gameA monster who left the charred, savaged remains of twelve innocents in his wake, ?Nero strikes fear wherever there is fire. ?As new fires have been ripping through a small Virginia town, the countdown to Nero’s thirteenth murder has begun. His rules Haunted by the agonising screams of Nero’s victims, investigator Michael Gannon refuses to let the arsonist claim another life.Especially reporter Darcy Sampson, who Gannon knows is treading too close to the flames in her determination to unmask the killer. Your nightmare But relentless Nero is watching, waiting for them. And he doesn’t like players who try to best him at his own game. Now he intends to teach Michael and Darcy one last, fatal lesson.
  • The Unexpected Wife Mary Burton
    ISBN: 9781472040923
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    He Could Never Love AgainOf that, Matthias Barrington was certain, despite the well-intentioned meddling of his neighbors. But now they'd sent him a special delivery in the form of the very comely Miss Abigail Smyth, who'd stepped off the stagecoach and announced that he needed a wife–and she was just the woman!Mail-order bride Abby Smyth just wanted a place to belong–preferably at rancher Matthias Barrington's side, making a home for his motherless boys. Ever practical, she knew love wasn't necessary, really. Yet the more she learned of this decent, honorable man, the more she knew the only place she wanted was one securely in his heart!
  • Heart Of The Storm Mary Burton
    ISBN: 9781472040046
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    When Danger Took Root, Her Courage Grew Strong…And Rachel Emmons fled her violent marriage, seeking a safe haven. Her brave escape led her to the saving embrace of Ben Mitchell, the man who rescued her from the depths of the ocean and made her determined to heal….The island locals claimed he'd drawn a mermaid from the sea, and light keeper Ben Mitchell agreed. Certainly Rachel possessed sirenlike beauty her widow's weeds could not hide, and the bruises she bore testified to secrets as deep–and dark–as any hidden beneath the waves. But could he help her see that happiness–together–was on her horizon?
  • The Lightkeeper's Woman Mary Burton
    ISBN: 9781472040718
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    Their Grand Passion Had Burned Too Brightly To SurviveBut faced with wedding another, Alanna Patterson was determined to reignite any smoldering embers of desire Caleb Pitt might still harbor for her. Would her brawny captain, now a solitary lighthouse keeper, rescue her from a sea of regrets? Or had tragedy both public and private sunk any hopes for a lasting love?Caleb Pitt had once believed love was eternal as the sea, for Alanna Patterson had promised him forever. But despite her vow, she'd left him to drown in disgrace. Now, years later, she'd reappeared on a storm-tossed wave, beautiful as a siren…and just as seductive!
  • Cold Case Cop Mary Burton
    ISBN: 9781408961971
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
  • Her Last Word Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-1503950061
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский
    An unsolved crime pits a desperate woman against a relentless killer in New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton’s heart-stopping novel of psychological suspense…

    Fourteen years ago, Kaitlin Roe was the lone witness to the abduction of her cousin Gina. She still remembers that lonely Virginia road. She can still see the masked stranger and hear Gina’s screams. And she still suffers the guilt of running away in fear and resents being interrogated as a suspect in the immediate aftermath. Now Kaitlin has only one way to assuage the pain and nightmares—by interviewing everyone associated with the unsolved crime for a podcast that could finally bring closure to a case gone cold.

    But when a woman Kaitlin questions is later found stabbed to death, she fears that she’s drawn a killer out of hiding. It’s Detective John Adler’s fear that the murders have only just begun. Now his job is to keep Kaitlin safe.

    As a bond between Kaitlin and Adler builds, the past closes in just as fast—and it’s darker than Kaitlin remembers. Soon, her wish will come true. She’s going to find out exactly what happened to Gina. Someone has been dying to tell her.
  • Cut and Run Mary Burton
    ISBN: 1503902862
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский
    Twin sisters separated by the past are reunited by unspeakable crimes in New York Times bestselling author Mary Burton’s throat-clutching novel of suspense…

    Trauma victims are not new to medical examiner Faith McIntyre, but this one is different. The unconscious woman clinging to life after a hit and run is FBI agent Macy Crow. What the woman from Quantico was doing in a dark alley after midnight is just one mystery. The other is more unsettling: Macy is Faith’s mirror image—the twin sister she never knew she had.

    Faith knew that she was adopted, but now she’s finding that her childhood concealed other secrets. Following the trail of clues Macy left behind, Faith and Texas Ranger Mitchell Hayden make a shocking discovery on an isolated country ranch—a burial ground for three women who disappeared thirty years before.

    They weren’t the only victims in a killer’s twisted plot. And they won’t be the last.

    As the missing pieces of Faith’s and Macy’s dark lives snap into place, Faith is becoming more terrified by what she sees—and by what she must do to save her sister and herself from the past.
  • The Last Move Мэри Бёртон
    ISBN: 978-1542046923
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Montlake Romance
    Язык: Английский
    In this gripping stand-alone from bestselling author Mary Burton, an FBI agent must catch a copycat killer. The only difference this time: she’s the final victim.

    Catching monsters helps FBI agent Kate Hayden keep her nightmares at bay. Now an urgent call brings her back to San Antonio, the scene of her violent past. A brutal new murder shows hallmarks of a serial killer nicknamed the Samaritan. Tricky part is, Kate already caught him.

    Either Kate made a deadly error, or she’s got a copycat on her hands. Paired with homicide detective Theo Mazur, she quickly realizes this murder is more twisted than it first appeared. Then a second body is found, the mode of death identical to a different case that Kate thought she’d put behind her.

    Now Kate and Detective Mazur aren’t just working a homicide; the investigative pair is facing a formidable enemy who knows Kate intimately. While Mazur is personally trying to protect Kate, the closer they are drawn to the killer, the clearer it becomes that in this terrifying game, there is only one rule: don’t believe everything you see…
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