Хелен Саймонсон

Helen Simonson

  • 8 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 712 читателей
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Хелен Саймонсон – лучшие книги

  • Последний бой майора Петтигрю Хелен Саймонсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-077991-8
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Астрель, Corpus
    Язык: Русский

    Майор в отставке Эрнест Петтигрю после смерти брата сталкивается с проблемами, решать которые он должен, не поступившись понятиями о чести, долге, благопристойности. Страсти разгораются и вокруг семейной реликвии, которую родственники намерены выгодно продать, и вокруг дружбы майора с владелицей деревенского магазинчика пакистанкой миссис Али. Оба любят литературу, оба потеряли супругов, и их дружба может перерасти в нечто большее. Но местное общество не готово принять мусульманку как равную.

  • The Summer Before the War Helen Simonson
    ISBN: 978-0812993103
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    East Sussex, 1914. It is the end of England’s brief Edwardian summer, and everyone agrees that the weather has never been so beautiful. Hugh Grange, down from his medical studies, is visiting his Aunt Agatha, who lives with her husband in the small, idyllic coastal town of Rye. Agatha’s husband works in the Foreign Office, and she is certain he will ensure that the recent saber rattling over the Balkans won’t come to anything. And Agatha has more immediate concerns; she has just risked her carefully built reputation by pushing for the appointment of a woman to replace the Latin master.

    When Beatrice Nash arrives with one trunk and several large crates of books, it is clear she is significantly more freethinking—and attractive—than anyone believes a Latin teacher should be. For her part, mourning the death of her beloved father, who has left her penniless, Beatrice simply wants to be left alone to pursue her teaching and writing.

    But just as Beatrice comes alive to the beauty of the Sussex landscape and the colorful characters who populate Rye, the perfect summer is about to end. For despite Agatha’s reassurances, the unimaginable is coming. Soon the limits of progress, and the old ways, will be tested as this small Sussex town and its inhabitants go to war.