Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
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Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer — новинки

  • The Mislaid Magician or Ten Years After Patricia C Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
    ISBN: 978-0152062095
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: Graphia Books
    Язык: Английский
    Ten years have passed since Kate and Cecy married Thomas and James, and England is now being transformed by the first railways. When James is asked to look into the sudden disappearance of a German railway engineer, he and Cecy make a shocking discovery: The railway lines are wreaking havoc with ancient underground magic, which could endanger the very unity of England. Written in letters between Kate and Cecy--and between their husbands--this installment of the cousins' adventures is another satisfying blend of magic, mystery, adventure, humor, and romance.
  • The Mislaid Magician; or, Ten Years After Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
    ISBN: 0152055487
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Harcourt
    Язык: Английский

    Ten years have passed since Kate and Cecy married Thomas and James, and England is now being transformed by the first railways. When the Duke of Wellington asks James to look into the sudden disappearance of a German railway engineer, James and Cecy's search reveals a shocking truth ... The railway lines are wreaking havoc with ancient underground magical ley lines, which could endanger the very unity of England. Meanwhile, Kate has her hands full taking care of all their children, not to mention the mysterious mute girl Drina, rescued from a kidnapper! The letters between Kate and Cecy, and between their husbands, blend magic, mystery,…

  • The Grand Tour Patricia C Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
    ISBN: 978-0152055561
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Harcourt Brace and Company
    Язык: Английский
    Kate and Cecy and their new husbands, Thomas and James, are off on a leisurely tour of the Continent. But once they arrive in France, strange things start to happen. Cecy receives a mysterious package, Thomas's valet is assaulted, and Kate loses a glove. Soon it becomes clear that the newlyweds have stumbled upon a magical plot to take over Europe, and they must embark on a daring chase to thwart the evil conspiracy. There's likely more trouble ahead--for when you mix Kate and Cecy and magic, who knows what's going to happen next!
  • The Grand Tour Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
    ISBN: 015204616X
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: HMH Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский

    Kate and Cecy and their new husbands, Thomas and James, are off on a Grand Tour. Their plans? To leisurely travel about the Continent, take in a few antiquities, and--of course--purchase fabulous Parisian wardrobes. But once they arrive in France, mysterious things start to happen. Cecy receives a package containing a lost coronation treasure, Thomas's valet is assaulted, and Kate loses a glove. Soon it becomes clear that they have stumbled upon a dastardly, magical plot to take over Europe. Now the four newlyweds must embark on a daring chase to thwart the evil conspiracy. And there's no telling the trouble they'll get into along the…

  • Sorcery and Cecelia, or the Enchanted Chocolate Pot Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
    ISBN: 978-0152046156
    Год издания: 2003
    Издательство: Harcourt
    Язык: Английский

    A great deal is happening in London this season. For starters, there's the witch who tried to poison Kate at Sir Hilary's induction into the Royal College of Wizards. (Since when does hot chocolate burn a hole straight through one's dress?!) Then there's Dorothea. Is it a spell that's made her the toast of the town--or could it possibly have something to do with the charm-bag under Oliver's bed? And speaking of Oliver, just how long can Cecelia and Kate make excuses for him? Ever since he was turned into a tree, he hasn't bothered to tell anyone where he is! The girls might think it all a magical nightmare . . . if only they weren't…

  • Sorcery & Cecelia: or The Enchanted Chocolate Pot Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer
    ISBN: 0441775594
    Год издания: 1988
    Издательство: Ace
    Язык: Английский
    Dearest Kate,

    It is dreadfully flat here since you have been gone, and it only makes it worse to imagine all the things I shall be missing…

    Indeed, there’s a great deal happening in London. First, there was the matter of the witch trying to poison Kate at Sir Hilary’s induction into the Royal College of Wizards. And why did she think that Kate was the roguish Marquis of Schofield, in clever disguise? What spell did the beautiful Dorothea cast to make her the toast of the town? And how to tell Aunt Charlotte that Oliver has been turned into a tree…