Фрэнк Джилл Слотер

Frank Gill Slaughter

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  • 22 читателя
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Фрэнк Джилл Слотер — об авторе

  • Родился: 25 февраля 1908 г. , Washington, D.C
  • Умер: 17 мая 2001 г.
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Биография — Фрэнк Джилл Слотер

Frank Gill Slaughter, pen-name Frank G. Slaughter, pseudonym C.V. Terry, was an American novelist and physician whose books sold more than 60 million copies. His novels drew on his own experience as a doctor and his interest in history and the Bible. Through his novels, he often introduced readers to new findings in medical research and new medical technologies.
Slaughter was born in Washington, D.C., the son of Stephen Lucious Slaughter and Sarah "Sallie" Nicholson Gill. When he was about five years old, his family moved to a farm near Berea, North Carolina, which is west of Oxford, North Carolina. He earned a bachelor's degree from Trinity College (now Duke University) at 17 and went to…

medical school at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. He began writing fiction in 1935 while a physician at Riverside Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida, paying off a $60 typewriter at $5 a month. He rewrote the manuscript of That None Should Die, a semi-autobiographical story of a young doctor, six times before Doubleday accepted it.
Several of Slaughter's novels became films, including Sangaree, made into the 1953 film of that name starring Fernando Lamas; and Doctors' Wives, made into the 1971 film of the same name starring Dyan Cannon and Gene Hackman.
Other books by Slaughter include The Purple Quest, Surgeon, U.S.A., Tomorrow's Miracle and The Scarlet Cord. Slaughter's last novel, Transplant, was published in 1987. Slaughter died May 17, 2001 in Jacksonville, Florida.
William DuBois was a silent writer with Slaughter on 27 of Slaughter's historical novels.


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That None Should Die (1941)
Spencer Brade M.D. (1944)
A Touch of Glory (1945)
In a Dark Garden (1946)
The Golden Isle (1947)
Sangaree (1948)
The Divine Mistress (1949)
The Stubborn Heart (1950)
Fort Everglades (1951)
The Road to Bithynia (1951)
East Side General (1952)
The Cross and The Crown (1953)
Storm Heaven (1953)
The Galileans: The story of Mary Magdalene (1953)
The Song of Ruth (1954)
The Healer (1955)
Flight From Natchez (1955)
The Scarlet Cord: A novel of the woman of Jericho (1956)
The Warrior (1956)
Sword and Scalpel (1957)
The Mapmaker (1957)
Daybreak (1958)
The Crown and the Cross: The Life of Christ (1959)
Lorena (1959)
The Thorn Of Arimathea (1960)
The Land and the…


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29 марта 2022 г. 08:12


4 Первый император принявший христианство.

Императора Константина и его мать Елену русская православная церковь причисляет к лику святых. А за что? Благодаря любящей матери Константин приобщился к христианским ценностям, строил храмы при нем уже не было гонений на христиан построил великолепный город Константинополь вторую столицу римской империи отличной от Рима с его пороками. Не лишина была судьба Константина и личной трагедии погибает любимый сын Крисп. Роман показывает Константина как любящего сына, отважного полководца и христианина.


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