Т.Э.Д. Клайн

Theodore "Eibon" Donald Klein

  • 5 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 162 читателя
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 33
4 47
3 51
2 13
1 6

Новинки Т.Э.Д. Клайна

  • Церемонии Т.Э.Д. Клайн
    ISBN: 978-5-17-111328-5
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Неподалеку от Нью-Йорка находится небольшое поселение Гилеад , где обосновалась религиозная секта, придерживающаяся пуританских взглядов. Сюда приезжает молодой филолог Джереми Фрайерс для работы над своей диссертацией. Он думает, что нашел идеальное место, уединенное и спокойное, но еще не знает, что попал в ловушку и помимо своей воли стал частью Церемоний, зловещего ритуала, призванного раз и навсегда изменить судьбу этого мира. Ведь с лесами вокруг Гилеада связано немало страшных легенд, и они не лгут: здесь действительно живет что-то древнее самого человечества, чужое и разумное существо, которое тысячелетиями ждало своего часа. Вскоре…

  • Dark Gods Ted Klein
    ISBN: 978-0670805907
    Год издания: 1985
    Издательство: Viking Adult
    Язык: Английский
    Although these four stories have failings, they'll make readers jump when things go bump in the night. Klein sometimes lets his idea of what is literary obtrude on his storytelling; all in all, however, these are among the best the genre has to offer. These tales are not for gore-fest fans; the horrors generally do not get detailed descriptions. But readers who are admirers of Lovecraft will recognize the master's influence. "Black Man with a Horn" is a direct tribute to the Lovecraft tradition. In "Petey," middle-aged angst provides the background for a more concrete terror; "Children of the Kingdom" is an interesting experiment with horror in an urban setting; and "Nadelman's God," a black comedy about the nihilistic follies of idols, is excellent. So advise readers to avoid those dark paths and enjoy the shivers. Catherine Chauvette, Fairfax County Public Library, Va.
  • The Ceremonies T. E. D. Klein
    ISBN: 0553250558, 978-0553250558
    Год издания: 1985
    Издательство: Bantam Books
    Язык: Английский
    Jeremy Freirs is a graduate student and teacher who decides to spend his summer working on his dissertation and preparing for the class he will be teaching in the fall on Gothic Literature; he thinks he has found the perfect place in Gilead, New Jersey, is a world all to its own, the home of a strict religious sect with extremely puritan ideas. Moving into a former storage building on the farm of Sarr and Deborah Poroth, he expects to spend a productive summer free from essentially all distractions - he is quite wrong in this assumption. Meanwhile, in New York, the rather reserved Carol Conklin goes about trying to survive in the big city on a small income from her job at a library. She meets Jeremy in New York just before he leaves for the summer, and a connection is made which will find the couple developing a romantic relationship on somewhat strange terms. What Jeremy and Carol do not know is that this relationship is the work of a strange, little old man known as Mr. Rosebottom. Rosie is actually the Old One working to bring his master back after a very long absence, and Jeremy and Carol are the unsuspecting keys to his success
  • Dark Gods T.E.D. Klein
    ISBN: 0670805904
    Год издания: 1985
    Издательство: Viking
    Four unusually literate horror novellas, by the former editor of "The Twilight Zone" magazine.
  • The Ceremonies T. E. D. Klein
    ISBN: 0670209821, 9780670209828
    Год издания: 1984
    Издательство: Viking Press
    Язык: Английский
    Jeremy Freirs is a graduate student and teacher who decides to spend his summer working on his dissertation and preparing for the class he will be teaching in the fall on Gothic Literature; he thinks he has found the perfect place in Gilead, New Jersey, is a world all to its own, the home of a strict religious sect with extremely puritan ideas. Moving into a former storage building on the farm of Sarr and Deborah Poroth, he expects to spend a productive summer free from essentially all distractions - he is quite wrong in this assumption. Meanwhile, in New York, the rather reserved Carol Conklin goes about trying to survive in the big city on a small income from her job at a library. She meets Jeremy in New York just before he leaves for the summer, and a connection is made which will find the couple developing a romantic relationship on somewhat strange terms. What Jeremy and Carol do not know is that this relationship is the work of a strange, little old man known as Mr. Rosebottom. Rosie is actually the Old One working to bring his master back after a very long absence, and Jeremy and Carol are the unsuspecting keys to his success