Адриан Чайковски

Adrian Tchaikovsky

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Новинки Адриана Чайковски

  • Days of Shattered Faith Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-1035901524
    Год издания: 2025
    Издательство: Head of Zeus
    Язык: Английский
    Welcome to Alkhalend, Jewel of the Waters, capital of Usmai, greatest of the Successor States, inheritor to the necromantic dominion that was the Moeribandi Empire and tomorrow's frontline in the Palleseen's relentless march to bring Perfection and Correctness to an imperfect world.

    Loret is fresh off the boat, and just in time.

    As Cohort-Invigilator of Correct Appreciation, Outreach department, she's here as aide to the Palleseen Resident, Sage-Invigilator Angilly. And Sage-Invigilator Angilly – Gil to her friends – needs a second in the spectacularly illegal, culturally offensive and diplomatically inadvisable duel she must fight at midnight.

    Outreach, that part of the Pal machine that has to work within the imperfection of the rest of the world, has a lot of room for the illegal, the unconventional, the unorthodox. But just how much unorthodoxy can Gil and Loret get away with?

    As a succession crisis looms, as a long-forgotten feat of necromantic engineering nears fruition, as pirate kings, lizard armies and demons gather, as old gods wane and new gods wax, sooner or later Gil and Loret will have to settle their ledger.

    Just as well they are both very, very good with a blade…
  • House of Open Wounds Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-1035901388
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Head of Zeus
    Язык: Английский
    City-by-city, kingdom-by-kingdom, the Palleseen have sworn to bring Perfection and Correctness to an imperfect world. As their legions scour the world of superstition with the bright flame of reason, so they deliver a mountain of ragged, holed and scorched flesh to the field hospital tents just behind the frontline.

    Which is where Yasnic, one-time priest, healer and rebel, finds himself. Reprieved from the gallows and sent to war clutching a box of orphan Gods, he has been sequestered to a particularity unorthodox medical unit.

    Led by 'the Butcher', an ogre of a man who's a dab hand with a bone-saw and an alchemical tincture, the unit's motley crew of conscripts, healers and orderlies are no strangers to the horrors of war. Their's is an unspeakable trade: elbow-deep in gore they have a first-hand view of the suffering caused by flesh-rending monsters, arcane magical weaponry and embittered enemy soldiers.

    Entrusted – for now – with saving lives deemed otherwise un-saveable, the field hospital's crew face a precarious existence. Their work with unapproved magic, necromancy, demonology and Yansic's thoroughly illicit Gods could lead to the unit being disbanded, arrested or worse.

    Beset by enemies within and without, the last thing anyone needs is a miracle…
  • Alien Clay Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-1-035-01374-6
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Tor Books
    Язык: Английский
    Планета Килн — это место, где тирания Мандат держит свою тюремную колонию, и для заключенных путешествие туда всегда является поездкой в один конец. Одним из таких заключенных является профессор Артон Дагдев, ксеноэколог и политический диссидент. Вскоре после прибытия он обнаруживает, что у планеты есть секрет. Люди — не первая разумная цивилизация, ступившая туда.

    Посреди ненасытной, хаотичной экосистемы находятся руины цивилизации, но кем были исчезнувшие строители и куда они делись? Если он сможет пережить как суровое правление коменданта лагеря, так и инопланетные ужасы окружающего его мира, у Артона появится шанс сделать открытие, которое может просто преобразить не только Килн, но и далекую Землю.
  • And Put Away Childish Things Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 9781786188793
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Solaris
    Harry Bodie’s been called into the delightful fantasy world of his grandmother’s beloved children’s books. It’s not delightful here at all.

    All roads lead to Underhill, where it’s always winter, and never nice.

    Harry Bodie has a famous grandmother, who wrote beloved children’s books set in the delightful world of Underhill. Harry himself is a failing kids’ TV presenter whose every attempt to advance his career ends in self-sabotage. His family history seems to be nothing but an impediment.

    An impediment... or worse. What if Underhill is real? What if it has been waiting decades for a promised child to visit? What if it isn’t delightful at all? And what if its denizens have run out of patience and are taking matters into their own hands?
  • Дети времени Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-5-04-109304-4
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Доктор Аврана Керн проводит эксперимент по наделению животных разумом.
    Терраформированная планета должна стать домом для обезьян, с которыми спустя века Керн мечтает говорить как с равными. Но по Земле и ее колониям прокатывается война. Эксперимент и его наблюдатель отрезаны от всех.
    Через две тысячи лет на сигнал бедствия Керн прилетает корабль-ковчег с остатками человечества. Мир Керн его последняя надежда. Кажется, пропасть непонимания между последними людьми и экспериментальным видом непреодолима, ведь разум обрели совсем не обезьяны, а совсем другой вид.
  • Children of Memory Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 9780316466400
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Orion
    Язык: Английский
    The unmissable follow-up to the highly acclaimed Children of Time and Children of Ruin.

    Earth is failing. In a desperate bid to escape, the spaceship Enkidu and its captain, Heorest Holt, carry its precious human cargo to a potential new Eden. Generations later, this fragile colony has managed to survive, eking out a hardy existence. Yet life is tough, and much technological knowledge has been lost.

    Then Liff, Holt’s granddaughter, hears whispers that the strangers in town aren’t from neighbouring farmland. That they possess unparalleled technology – and that they've arrived from another world. But not all questions are so easily answered, and their price may be the colony itself.
  • The Bear and the Serpent Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 9781529091434
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: TOR
    Язык: Английский

    The Bear and the Serpent is the second book in Adrian Tchaikovsky's epic fantasy trilogy, Echoes of the Fall, following The Tiger and the Wolf. As the south is in turmoil, an old terror emerges in the north… Maniye, child of both Wolf and Tiger clans, has been named Champion of her people. But they're unsure if she's an asset - or a threat. To buy time, she joins Prince Tecuman's warband of outcasts and heads south, to help him gain his crown. She wants to discover her true place in the world, but instead heads into the jaws of a fierce new conflict. Civil war threatens as Tecuman and his twin sister battle for the throne, for only one…

  • Eyes of the Void Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-0316705875
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Orbit
    After eighty years of fragile peace, the Architects are back, wreaking havoc as they consume entire planets. In the past, Originator artefacts – vestiges of a long-vanished civilization – could save a world from annihilation. This time, the Architects have discovered a way to circumvent these protective relics. Suddenly, no planet is safe.

    Facing impending extinction, the Human Colonies are in turmoil. While some believe a unified front is the only way to stop the Architects, others insist humanity should fight alone. And there are those who would seek to benefit from the fractured politics of war – even as the Architects loom ever closer.

    Idris, who has spent decades running from the horrors of his past, finds himself thrust back onto the battlefront. As an Intermediary, he could be one of the few to turn the tide of war. With a handful of allies, he searches for a weapon that could push back the Architects and save the galaxy. But to do so, he must return to the nightmarish unspace, where his mind was broken and remade.

    What Idris discovers there will change everything.
  • City of Last Chances Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 9781801108423
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Head of Zeus
    Язык: Английский
    Arthur C. Clarke winner and Sunday Times bestseller Adrian Tchaikovsky's triumphant return to fantasy with a darkly inventive portrait of a city under occupation and on the verge of revolution.

    There has always been a darkness to Ilmar, but never more so than now. The city chafes under the heavy hand of the Palleseen occupation, the choke-hold of its criminal underworld, the boot of its factory owners, the weight of its wretched poor and the burden of its ancient curse.
    What will be the spark that lights the conflagration?
    Despite the city's refugees, wanderers, murderers, madmen, fanatics and thieves, the catalyst, as always, will be the Anchorwood – that dark grove of trees, that primeval remnant, that portal, when the moon is full, to strange and distant shores.

    Ilmar, some say, is the worst place in the world and the gateway to a thousand worse places.

    City of Long Shadows.
    City of Bad Decisions.
    City of Last Chances.
  • Ogres Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 1786185288
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Solaris
    It’s always idyllic in the village until the landlord comes to call.

    Because the landlord is an Ogre. And Ogres rule the world, with their size and strength and appetites. It’s always been that way. It’s the natural order of the world. And they only eat people sometimes.

    But when the headman’s son, Torquell, dares lift his hand against the landlord’s son, he sets himself on a path to learn the terrible truth about the Ogres, and about the dark sciences that ensured their rule.
  • The Expert System’s Champion Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 9781250766397
    Год издания: 2021
    It’s been ten years since Handry was wrenched away from his family and friends, forced to wander a world he no longer understood. But with the help of the Ancients, he has cobbled together a life, of sorts, for himself and his fellow outcasts.

    Wandering from village to village, welcoming the folk that the townships abandon, fighting the monsters the villagers cannot—or dare not—his ever-growing band of misfits has become the stuff of legend, a story told by parents to keep unruly children in line.

    But there is something new and dangerous in the world, and the beasts of the land are acting against their nature, destroying the towns they once left in peace.

    And for the first time in memory, the Ancients have no wisdom to offer…
  • One Day All This Will Be Yours Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 1781088748
    Год издания: 2021
    Welcome to the end of time. It’s a perfect day.

    Nobody remembers how the Causality War started. Really, there’s no-one to remember, and nothing for them to remember if there were; that’s sort of the point. We were time warriors, and we broke time.

    I was the one who ended it. Ended the fighting, tidied up the damage as much as I could.

    Then I came here, to the end of it all, and gave myself a mission: to never let it happen again.
  • Elder Race Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 1250768721
    Год издания: 2021
    Lynesse is the lowly Fourth Daughter of the queen, and always getting in the way.

    But a demon is terrorizing the land, and now she’s an adult (albeit barely) and although she still gets in the way, she understands that the only way to save her people is to invoke the pact between her family and the Elder sorcerer who has inhabited the local tower for as long as her people have lived here (though none in living memory has approached it).

    But Elder Nyr isn’t a sorcerer, and he is forbidden to help, for his knowledge of science tells him the threat cannot possibly be a demon…
  • Shards of Earth Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 0316705853
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Orbit
    Язык: Английский
    The Arthur C. Clarke award-winning author of Children of Time brings us an extraordinary new space opera about humanity on the brink of extinction, and how one man's discovery will save or destroy us all.

    The war is over. Its heroes forgotten. Until one chance discovery . . .

    Idris has neither aged nor slept since they remade him in the war. And one of humanity's heroes now scrapes by on a freelance salvage vessel, to avoid the attention of greater powers.

    After earth was destroyed, mankind created a fighting elite to save their species, enhanced humans such as Idris. In the silence of space they could communicate, mind-to-mind, with the enemy. Then their alien aggressors, the Architects, simply disappeared - and Idris and his kind became obsolete.

    Now, fifty years later, Idris and his crew have discovered something strange abandoned in space. It's clearly the work of the Architects - but are they returning? And if so, why? Hunted by gangsters, cults and governments, Idris and his crew race across the galaxy hunting for answers. For they now possess something of incalculable value, that many would kill to obtain
  • Фантастика будущего. Комплект из 3-х книг Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-5-04-106521-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский
    Адриан Чайковски. Псы войны
    Рекс - пес ростом под два метра. Покрыт легкой броней и оснащен крупнокалиберным оружием. Его голос настроен так, чтобы резонанс вызывал панический страх у противника. С Драконом, Патокой и Роем он составляет Штурмовую стаю мультиформов, которых используют для военных и полицейских операций в Кампече, юго-восточном штате Мексики - царстве беззакония и анархии.
    Рекс - продукт генетической инженерии. Все, что он хочет, - быть Хорошим Псом.
    Мер Лафферти. Шесть пробуждений
    Звездолет с пассажирами в анабиозе летит с перенаселенной Земли колонизировать новую планету Артемиду. Путешествие займет 400 лет. В экипаже всего шестеро. Все они клоны; в них загружается сознание владельца в случае гибели старого тела. После очередной репликации обнаруживается, что предыдущие копии были зверски убиты, а корабельный ИскИн - поврежден. Кто-то из шестерых - убийца, но распутать клубок космических интриг будет непросто. Ведь каждому из экипажа есть что скрывать. Каждый в чем-то виновен - и, следовательно, под подозрением.
    Леви Тидхар. Центральная станция
    250 000 мигрантов остались жить у подножия гигантского космического вокзала. Культуры сплавились вместе, как реальность и виртуальность. Город вокруг продолжает расти, словно сорняк. Жизнь дешева. Информация ничего не стоит.
    Марсианский симбионт и поврежденный киборг, представители постчеловечества, люди и машины... Над всеми возвышается Центральная станция - межпланетный узел, куда однажды ушло человечество.
  • The Doors of Eden Adrian Tchaikovsky
    ISBN: 9781509865925
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: TOR
    Язык: Английский
    Lee’s best friend went missing on Bodmin Moor, four years ago. She and Mal were chasing rumours of monsters when they found something all too real. Now Mal is back, but where has she been, and who is she working for?

    When government physicist Kay Amal Khan is attacked, the security services investigate. This leads MI5’s Julian Sabreur deep into terrifying new territory, where he clashes with mysterious agents of an unknown power ­who may or may not be human. And Julian’s only clue is some grainy footage ­– showing a woman who supposedly died on Bodmin Moor.

    Khan’s extradimensional research was purely theoretical, until she found cracks between our world and countless others. Parallel Earths where monsters live. These cracks are getting wider every day, so who knows what might creep through? Or what will happen when those walls finally come crashing down...
  • Firewalkers Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-1781088487
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Solaris
    Firewalkers are brave. Firewalkers are resourceful. Firewalkers are expendable.

    The Earth is burning. Nothing can survive at the Anchor; not without water and power. But the ultra-rich, waiting for their ride off the dying Earth? They can buy water. And as for power?

    Well, someone has to repair the solar panels, down in the deserts below.

    Kids like Mao, and Lupé, and Hotep; kids with brains and guts but no hope.

    The Firewalkers.
  • Дети времени Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 978-5-04-109304-4
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Fanzon
    Язык: Русский

    В далёком будущем человеческая цивилизация достигла значительных технологических высот, но не обнаружила во вселенной братьев по разуму. Тогда учёные затеяли проект "Возвышение", в рамках которого планировалось терраформировать несколько планет, населить их обезьянами, заражёнными стимулирующим развитие интеллекта нановирусом, и таким образом создать ещё несколько островков разумной жизни. Однако в результате действий фанатиков из движения Non Ultra Natura эксперимент был сорван. Орбитальную станцию возле одной из будущих колыбелей жизни взорвал террорист, и единственной выжившей оказалась руководительница проекта — доктор Аврана Керн.…

  • Made Things Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 1250232996
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Tor.com
    She was good at making friends.

    Coppelia is a street thief, a trickster, a low-level con artist. But she has something other thieves don’t… tiny puppet-like friends: some made of wood, some of metal. They don’t entirely trust her, and she doesn’t entirely understand them, but their partnership mostly works.

    After a surprising discovery shakes their world to the core, Coppelia and her friends must reexamine everything they thought they knew about their world, while attempting to save their city from a seemingly impossible new threat.
  • Walking to Aldebaran Адриан Чайковски
    ISBN: 9781781087060
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Solaris

    My name is Gary Rendell. I’m an astronaut. When they asked me as a kid what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said, “astronaut, please!” I dreamed astronaut, I worked astronaut, I studied astronaut. I got lucky; when a probe exploring the Oort Cloud found a strange alien rock and an international team of scientists was put together to go and look at it, I made the draw.

    I got even luckier. When disaster hit and our team was split up, scattered through the endless cold tunnels, I somehow survived.

    Now I’m lost, and alone, and scared, and there’s something horrible in here.

    Lucky me.

    Lucky, lucky, lucky.

    A new standalone novella by the Arthur C Clarke Award-winning author of Children of Time.
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