Франко Моретти - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку
- 5 произведений
- 5 изданий на 3 языках
Дальнее чтение Франко Моретти
ISBN: 978-5-93255-446-3 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Издательство Института Гайдара Язык: Русский В последней книге Франко Моретти собраны работы автора за последние 20 лет (1994-2011). Объединяя под одной обложкой исследования разных текстов (пьесы Шекспира, европейский роман XVIII-XIX вв., викторианская детективная новелла и голливудские фильмы), книга является по сути сводным манифестом ученого. Моретти предлагает новый принцип изучения литературы — "дальнее чтение", противопоставленный привычному "медленному чтению" ("close reading"), и использует его для работы с большими корпусами текстов, обычно остающихся за пределами внимания (и возможностей) исследований, применяющих более традиционную оптику. Моретти предлагает "читать"…
The Bourgeois Франко МореттиWho – and what – are the Bourgeois? “The bourgeois … Not so long ago, this notion seemed indispensable to social analysis; these days, one might go years without hearing it mentioned. Capitalism is more powerful than ever, but its human embodiment seems to have vanished. ‘I am a member of the bourgeois class, feel myself to be such, and have been brought up on its opinions and ideals,’ wrote Max Weber, in 1895. Who could repeat these words today? Bourgeois ‘opinions and ideals’—what are they?” Thus begins Franco Moretti’s study of the bourgeois in modern European literature—a major new analysis of the once-dominant culture and its literary decline and fall. Moretti’s gallery of individual portraits is entwined with the analysis of specific keywords—“useful” and “earnest,” “efficiency,” “influence,” “comfort,” “roba”—and of the formal mutations of the medium of prose. From the “working master” of the opening chapter, through the seriousness of nineteenth-century novels, the conservative hegemony of Victorian Britain, the “national malformations” of the Southern and Eastern periphery, and the radical self-critique of Ibsen’s twelve-play cycle, the book charts the vicissitudes of bourgeois culture, exploring the causes for its historical weakness, and for its current irrelevance.
Distant Reading Франко МореттиThe formation of an unorthodox literary critic. How does a literary historian end up thinking in terms of z-scores, principal component analysis, and clustering coefficient? In the ten essays collected in this volume, Franco Moretti reconstructs the intellectual trajectory of his philosophy of ‘distant reading’. From the evolutionary model of ‘Modern European Literature’, through the geo-cultural dominant of ‘Conjectures on World Literature’ and ‘Planet Hollywood’ to the quantitative findings of ‘Style, inc.’ and the abstract patterns of ‘Network Theory, Plot Analysis’, the book follows two decades of critical explorations that have come to define – well beyond the wildest expectations of its author – a growing field of unorthodox literary studies.
Far Country Франко МореттиA dazzling account of the development of American cultural hegemony from one of the world's leading literary theorists. Franco Moretti, acclaimed author of Graphs, Maps, Trees and Distant Reading, distils a lifetime of teaching and research to present `the university, in the form of an essay'. Ranging from poetry and the novel to theatre and the visual arts, Far Country juxtaposes canonical figures in American art and letters with European counterparts-Whitman and Baudelaire, Hemingway and Joyce, Miller and Brecht, Hopper and Vermeer-charting ruptures in the medium of form that have transformed the cultural landscape on either side of the Atlantic over the past century or more, as the `how', `why' and `what for' of literature react to the discord of social life.
Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History Franco Moretti
ISBN: 1844670260, 9781844670260 Год издания: 2005 Издательство: Verso Язык: Английский Professor Franco Moretti argues heretically that literature scholars should stop reading books and start counting, graphing, and mapping them instead. He insists that such a move could bring new luster to a tired field, one that in some respects is among "the most backwards disciplines in the academy." Literary study, he argues, has been random and unsystematic. For any given period scholars focus on a select group of a mere few hundred texts: the canon. As a result, they have allowed a narrow distorting slice of history to pass for the total picture.Moretti offers bar charts, maps, and time lines instead, developing the idea of "distant reading," set forth in his path-breaking essay "Conjectures on World Literature," into a full-blown experiment in literary historiography, where the canon disappears into the larger literary system. Charting entire genres'the epistolary, the gothic, and the historical novel'as well as the literary output of countries such as Japan, Italy, Spain, and Nigeria, he shows how literary history looks significantly different from what is commonly supposed and how the concept of aesthetic form can be radically redefined. -
Atlas of the European Novel, 1800-1900 Franco Moretti
ISBN: 978-1859842249 Год издания: 1999 Издательство: Verso Язык: Английский In a series of one hundred maps, Franco Moretti explores the fictionalization of geography in the nineteenth-century novel. Balzac's Paris, Dickens's London and Scott's Scottish Lowlands are mapped, alongside the territories of Spanish picaresque novels, African colonial romances and Russian novels of ideas, in a path-breaking study which suggests that space may well be the secret protagonist of cultural history. -
Буржуа: между историей и литературой Франко Моретти
ISBN: 978-5-93255-394-7 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Издательство Института Гайдара Язык: Русский В этой книге выдающийся итальянский литературовед Франко Моретти подробно исследует фигуру буржуа в европейской литературе Нового времени. Предлагаемая Моретти галерея отдельных портретов переплетена с анализом ключевых слов — «полезный» и «серьезный», «эффективность», «влияние», «комфорт», «roba [добро, имущество]» и формальных мутаций прозы. Начиная с «трудящегося господина» в первой главе через серьезность романов XIX столетия, консервативную гегемонию викторианской Британии, «национальные деформации» южной и восточной периферии и радикальную самокритику ибсеновских пьес эта книга описывает превратности буржуазной культуры, рассматривая причины ее исторической слабости и постепенного ухода в прошлое.Книга представляет интерес для филологов, историков, социологов, философов.