Иэн Сэнсом

Ian Sansom

  • 13 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 82 читателя
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Лучшие произведения Иэна Сэнсома

  • Бумага. О самом хрупком и вечном материале Сэнсом Иэн
    Форма: опус
    Оригинальное название: Paper. An Elegy
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: 2015
    Перевод: Дмитрий Карельский

    Попробуйте представить мир без бумаги. Что нам останется? Да почти ничего. Бумага с нами везде. Книги, письма, дневники, а еще картонные подставки под пиво, свидетельства о рождении, настольные игры и визитные карточки, фотографии, билеты, чайные пакетики. Мы – люди бумаги. Но эпоха бумаги подходит к концу. Электронные книги и билеты заменяют бумажные, архивы оцифровывают. Мы вступаем в мир без бумаги, но Иэн Сэнсом рассказывает об этом самом парадоксальном из созданных человеком материале и доказывает, что в том или ином виде он всегда будет с нами.

  • Essex Poison Иэн Сэнсом

    ‘Beautifully crafted by Sansom, Professor Morley promises to become a little gem of English crime writing; sample him now’ Daily MailOctober 1937. Swanton Morley, the People’s Professor, sets off to Essex to continue his history of England, The County Guides. Morley’s daughter Miriam continues to cause chaos and his assistant Stephen Sefton continues to slide deeper into depression and despair.Morley is an honorary guest at the Colchester Oyster Festival. But when the mayor dies suddenly at the civic reception suspicion falls on his fellow councillors. Is it a case of food poisoning? Or could it be … murder?Join Morley, Miriam and Sefton on…

  • Death in Devon Иэн Сэнсом

    CREAM TEAS! SCHOOL DINNERS! SATANIC SURFERS!Join our heroes as they follow up a Norfolk Mystery with a bad case of … DEATH IN DEVON.Swanton Morley, the People’s Professor, sets off for Devon to continue his history of England, The County Guides. Morley’s daughter Miriam and his assistant Stephen Sefton pack up the Lagonda for a trip to the English Riviera.Morley has been invited to give the Founder’s Day speech at All Souls School in Rousdon. But when the trio arrive they discover that a boy has died in mysterious circumstances. Was it an accident or was it – murder?Join Morley, Sefton and Miram on another adventure into the dark heart of…

  • September 1, 1939 Иэн Сэнсом

    This is a book about a poet, about a poem, about a city, and about a world at a point of change. More than a work of literary criticism or literary biography, it is a record of why and how we create and respond to great poetry.This is a book about a poet – W. H. Auden, a wunderkind, a victim-beneficiary of a literary cult of personality who became a scapegoat and a poet-expatriate largely excluded from British literary history because he left.About a poem – ‘September 1, 1939’, his most famous and celebrated, yet one which he tried to rewrite and disown and which has enjoyed – or been condemned – to a tragic and unexpected afterlife.About a…
