Эбби Грин

Abby Green

  • 68 книг
  • 141 читатель
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Новинки Эбби Грин

  • Мир запретных ласк Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-10376-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Обедневшая аристократка Ева Флорес вынуждена зарабатывать на жизнь, обслуживая номера в отеле. Поэтому, когда ее старый знакомый Видаль Суарес предлагает ей продать ему обветшалый дворец, доставшийся ей по наследству, она видит в этом свой единственный шанс избавиться от долгов и груза прошлого. Но есть одна загвоздка: Еве придется стать фиктивной невестой человека, который хочет отомстить ей за прошлые обиды.
  • Осмелишься соблазнить? Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-09421-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Когда загадочный аргентинец Себастио Ривас замечает дизайнерский талант Эдди Монро, он делает ей предложение по работе – провести несколько недель в его роскошном доме и преобразить все к празднику. Себастио совершенно не жалеет денег на рождественское мероприятие. Но внезапно Себастио чувствует сумасшедшее влечение к Эдди, и этот факт заставляет его растеряться: ведь он не хочет серьезных отношений. Но увлеченные страстью и отрезанные снежной бурей от всего мира, оба они на время забывают обо всем на свете в объятиях друг друга…
  • Роман без обязательств Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-09411-7
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский

    Саша приходит в себя в больнице после автокатастрофы и видит рядом мужчину. Врач уверяет пострадавшую, что это ее муж. У Саши посттравматическая амнезия, и она помнит только то, что с Аполло они познакомились совсем недавно, зато его отлично помнит ее тело. Непонятно, когда она успела выйти замуж за красавца-грека? Вскоре становится очевидным, что их брак с Аполло далеко не идеален. Молодую женщину мучат вопросы: почему она помнит лишь одну ночь с мужем, отчего его так тяготит их семейная жизнь, а их прислуга относится к ней с недоверием и неприязнью?

  • Un beso atrevido - Las reglas del jeque Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 9788413486000
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Harlequin
    Язык: Испанский
    Un beso atrevidoKristi GoldEl jeque Ashraf ibn-Saalem era un hombre inolvidable, pero Karen Rawlins debía recordar las condiciones de su acuerdo: ambos querían tener un hijo, ella sin tener que someterse a un marido controlador y él sin entregar su corazón. Así que se casarían y una vez conseguido su objetivo estarían juntos, platónicamente, el tiempo necesario para dar un nombre al pequeño.Pero nada sería tan simple después de una noche con el guapísimo jeque…Las reglas del jequeAbby GreenEl imponente castillo y la tierra baldía de Merkazad no tenían nada que ver con la modesta granja y los campos de color esmeralda a los que Iseult llamaba «hogar», pero tendría que acostumbrarse a su nuevo entorno. El jeque Nadim había comprado los establos de su familia y ella trabajaría a las órdenes de su majestad, en un país exótico y lejano.Nadim era un hombre exasperante, pero también despertaba en ella un sentimiento desconocido llamado deseo. Inmersa en un mundo fantástico y sensual, Iseult iba a descubrir lo que era sentirse hermosa y segura de sí misma por primera vez en toda su vida.
  • Чары ветреного властелина Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-08555-9
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    После разрыва помолвки с наследным принцем Зафиром известная модель Кэт Винтере попадает в аварию, и это круто меняет её жизнь. А когда спустя полтора года Зафир снова встречается с ней, она прилагает все силы, чтобы он не узнал о её горькой тайне...
  • Невинные брачные шалости Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-08733-1
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Николо Санто-Доменико – обладатель огромного состояния и громкого имени. Правда, недавно ничего этого у него не было. Род их некогда был известным и состоятельным, но война перевернула все с ног на голову. Обедневшие предки потеряли все, и былая слава постепенно угасла. Отец и дед лелеяли надежду вернуть имени прежнее могущество, но лишь Николо сумел это сделать. Да и то не до конца, главное – получить обратно семейный замок Санто-Доменико. Приехав туда, он встречает странную девушку. В мозгу его вспыхивает необычный замысел. Подарит ли незнакомка ему то, о чем мечтали его предки?
  • Соблазн по-испански Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-09180-2
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Язык: Русский
    Скай О’Хара, официантка из Дублина, без приглашения является на роскошный прием в честь помолвки Лазаро Санчеса и его избранницы и сообщает, что ждет от него ребенка. Реакция испанского миллиардера оказывается куда более неожиданной, чем она себе представляла…
  • Modern Romance November 2019 Books 1-4 Кэтти Уильямс
    ISBN: 9780008900533
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The Latest Red Hot Romances from Mills & Boon

    His Contract Christmas Bride
    Sharon Kendrick

    As guardian to his orphaned nephew, wealthy CEO Drakon must marry! And sweet, caring Lucy is the ideal candidate. But all Drakon can offer is a lavish Christmas wedding—and nights of tantalizing pleasure! But soon Lucy realises she can’t be just a wife-in-name-only. Can guarded Drakon give anything more to his contract bride…?

    Confessions of a Pregnant Cinderella
    Abby Green

    “I’m pregnant. With your child.” Kind-hearted waitress Skye has imagined this moment; her chance to finally tell Spanish billionaire, Lazaro that their unexpected and intensely passionate night together had consequences. What she had not imagined was Lazaro’s reaction…

    The Italian's Christmas Proposition
    Cathy Williams

    Tycoon Matteo Moretti has one goal this Christmas—to land the deal of the century. Rescuing enchanting stranger Rosie from a romantic scandal is honourable. Yet when it puts his deal in jeopardy, Matteo sees only one solution—making this English beauty his fake fiancée! But will the red-hot, yet unexpected connection they share, tempt Matteo to put a ring on Rosie’s finger—for real?

    Christmas Baby for the Greek
    Jennie Lucas

    One incredible encounter between Stavros Minos and Holly Marlowe has resulted in a nine-month consequence! To Stavros nothing could be more logical than legitimising his heir with a marriage. Holly disagrees. He’ll have to break down the emotional walls he’s spent years building, if he’s to claim his bride and son…
  • His Contract Christmas Bride / Confessions Of A Pregnant Cinderella Шэрон Кендрик
    ISBN: 9781474088435
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    His Contract Christmas Bride
    A festive deal before the altar

    As new guardian to his orphaned nephew, CEO Drakon must marry! And sweet Lucy is the ideal candidate. But Lucy soon realises she can’t be just a wife-in-name-only. Can guarded Drakon give anything more to his contract bride…?

    Confessions of a Pregnant Cinderella
    Her scandalous, life-changing announcement!

    “I’m pregnant. With your child.” Waitress Skye has imagined this moment; her chance to finally tell billionaire Lazaro that their night together had consequences. But what Lazaro says to her next is even more shocking…
  • Modern Romance December Books 1-4 Кэрол Маринелли
    ISBN: 9781474086721
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The latest red-hot romances from Mills & Boon Modern!

    The Italian’s Inherited Mistress by Lynne Graham

    Yearning for a fresh start, Isla Stewart escapes to her recently inherited Sicilian villa. The last person she expects to meet there is Alissandru Rossetti, the ruthless billionaire who once helicoptered into her life, and changed it irrevocably with his sizzling seduction! Alissandru wants what’s rightfully his—Isla’s inheritance. But with the attraction between them as scorching as ever, what Alissandru wants more is Isla…back in his bed!

    The Billionaire's Christmas Cinderella by Carol Marinelli

    Charismatic Manhattan tycoon Abe Devereux is famed for his cold heart. So meeting compassionate nanny Naomi, who’s determined to see the good in him, is a novelty—as is the potency of their undeniable connection! Abe’s notoriously merciless, and he wants this shy Cinderella between his sheets by Christmas. But will seducing gentle Naomi be Abe’s biggest risk, or his greatest chance of redemption?

    An Innocent, A Seduction, A Secret by Abby Green

    When brooding Argentinian Seb Rivas spies elfin Edie Munroe’s talent for lavish interior decoration, he makes an irresistible job offer – to spend the festive season decorating his opulent home, no expense spared! Their desire flares hotly and snowed in together, Edie becomes the sensual gift Seb wishes to unwrap. But in taking her innocence, neither realises their overwhelming passion could have such shocking results…

    Claiming His Christmas Wife by Dani Collins

    After their secret marriage ended in heartbreak, billionaire Travis Sanders never wanted to see Imogen again. Yet when Imogen faints in the cold New York snow, Travis is called to her very public rescue! To avoid a media scandal, they must agree to a temporary reconciliation—at least until Christmas. But with their intense heat still burning, Travis is tempted to reclaim his wife—for good!
  • Modern Romance September 2018 Books 1-4 Линн Грэхем
    ISBN: 9781474085489
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The latest red-hot romances from Mills & Boon Modern!

    The Greek's Blackmailed Mistress by Lynne Graham

    ‘I do have an option to offer you.’ Three months between the Greek’s sheets!

    Blackmailed into the billionaire’s bed? Elvi can’t believe her attempt to appeal to heartless Xan’s benevolent side has gone so wrong! But to save her stepmother’s job she nervously agrees to the Greek’s outrageous terms. Xan is gorgeous, with a damaged side only Elvi sees—but how will he react when he realises that his new mistress is an innocent virgin?

    Princess's Nine-Month Secret by Kate Hewitt

    ‘The princess is pregnant.’ With the Italian’s baby!

    For a stolen night of freedom, ever-dutiful Princess Halina throws caution to the wind and succumbs to the seduction of notorious Rico Falcone. Yet the consequences of their insatiable passion lands Lina in royal disgrace. When she’s hidden away to conceal her shocking secret, ruthless Rico storms the palace! He’ll do anything to legitimise his child—he’ll even make Lina his wife!

    Claiming His Wedding Night Consequence by Abby Green

    Nicolo’s discovered his runaway bride…And the secret she’s kept from him!

    Nicolo Santo Domenico’s marriage to heiress Chiara is purely for convenience…until their explosively passionate wedding night! But when Chiara realises that Nico’s reasons for seducing her are as cold as his heart, she flees their fledgling marriage. Months later, Nico tracks down his errant wife, only to find she’s expecting! To claim his baby, Nico must make Chiara his—for real!

    Sheikh's Pregnant Cinderella by Maya Blake

    From making the royal bed…To carrying the royal heir!

    It’s the day of the royal wedding, and everyone who’s anyone is in attendance—except the bride! Refusing to let being jilted disrupt his kingdom, duty-bound, cold-hearted Sheikh Zufar commands timid maid Niesha be his stand-in Queen. Their marriage is coolly convenient, but behind closed doors their chemistry burns fiercely… And Niesha’s shock pregnancy will test Zufar’s iron control more than he could ever have imagined!
  • Modern Romance Collection: May 2018 Books 1 - 4 (сборник) Люси Монро
    ISBN: 9781474084154
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The latest red-hot romances from Mills & Boon Modern!

    Kostas's Convenient Bride by Lucy Monroe

    Discovering her boss, billionaire tycoon Andreas Kostas, must marry is devastating for Kayla. Then Andreas proposes that Kayla wears his ring! Having experienced the incandescent pleasure of his touch, she’s hidden her yearning for him ever since. It’s the proposal Kayla’s always dreamt of, but dare she risk her body and heart to become a convenient wife?

    The Virgin’s Debt To Pay by Abby Green

    Nessa must appeal to notorious tycoon Luc’s better nature to exonerate her brother of theft. But Luc is the most merciless—and sinfully attractive—man Nessa’s ever met! Until the debt is settled, he’ll hold her as his captive. And when undeniable attraction overwhelms them both, it becomes clear that Nessa’s innocence is the real price to pay…!

    Claiming His Hidden Heir by Carol Marinelli

    Buttoned-up PA Cecelia Andrews’ resignation released her secret raw desire for her demanding playboy boss Luka Kargas. One year after his callous dismissal, Cecelia’s hiding an even greater secret—their daughter! She’ll never let cold-hearted Luka make her daughter feel unwanted. But when Luka uncovers her deceit, there’s no escaping the consequences of her passionate surrender…

    The Innocent’s One-Night Confession by Sara Craven

    Zandor awakened Alanna to an unknown sensuality! Overwhelmed by her response, she fled, never expecting to see him again. But when he shockingly reappears in her life Zandor’s charisma reminds her of the heat they shared. And this time she can’t run from the sizzling intensity of their connection…
  • The Scandalous Collection Сара Морган
    ISBN: 9781474084130
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Discover some of Mills & Boon’s most scandalous romances in this sizzling 18 story collection, featuring:

    • The Life She Left Behind by Maisey Yates

    • The Price of Royal Duty by Penny Jordan

    • The Sheikh’s Heir by Sharon Kendrick

    • The Scandalous Prince by Kate Hewitt

    • The Man Behind the Scars by Caitlin Crews

    • Defying the Prince by Sarah Morgan

    • Princess From the Shadows by Maisey Yates

    • The Girl Nobody Wanted by Lynn Raye Harris

    • Playing the Royal Game by Carol Marinelli

    • Uncovering the Correttis by Carol Marinelli

    • A Legacy of Secrets by Carol Marinelli

    • An Invitation to Sin by Sarah Morgan

    • A Shadow of Guilt by Abby Green

    • An Inheritance of Shame by Kate Hewitt

    • A Whisper of Disgrace by Sharon Kendrick

    • A Façade to Shatter by Lynn Raye Harris

    • A Scandal in the Headlines by Caitlin Crews

    • A Hunger for the Forbidden by Maisey Yates
  • Royals: For Their Royal Heir (сборник) Энн Мэри Уинстон
    ISBN: 9781474073226
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    An Heir Fit for A King

    Exiled King Alix Saint Croix enters a Parisian perfume house to buy a gift – and leaves with a powerful craving for stunning perfumer Leila Verughese. Alix awakens Leila’s every sense. If she’s going to give her innocence to anyone, who better than a king? But soon she realises there are consequences… She’s carrying a royal heir!

    The Pregnant Princess

    Prince Raphael Thorton had vowed never to marry royalty or to subject his child to the rigorous upbringing he'd endured. But that was before one unforgettable princess re-entered his life for one unforgettable night – and changed his views about vows…and babies!

    The Prince’s Secret Baby

    Only a matter of urgent family business could bring Mediterranean Prince Rule of Montedoro to America. With a law decreeing that he must wed or lose everything, Sydney O’Shea, the mother of his son, suddenly seems the perfect wife. But Rule wasn’t expecting to fall for his newfound convenient family…
  • Scandals Of The Ruthless: A Shadow of Guilt Sharon Kendrick
    ISBN: 9781474085137
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Reckless Passions

    Valentina Ferranti blamed Gio Corretti for the tragedy in her past. Now, broke and slandered, she needs his help. Gio seems inscrutable, although his green eyes flash with something – regret or passion? Does Valentina have the willpower to resist him?
    Angelo Corretti, heartless and darkly sexy, has one objective – to destroy the dynasty who’d rejected him. But long ago, Lucia, a wide-eyed girl with an innocent heart gave him everything. Now, Angelo looks into those eyes again…
    Rosa Corretti spent one unforgettable night with Kulal. Now this demanding sheikh wants her to jump from one gilded cage to another. Kulal has centuries of the desert in his blood, can their passion burn through the tethers around his heart?
  • Дерзкая советница властелина Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-5-227-08397-5
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Центрполиграф
    Советницу по дипломатическим вопросам Шарлотту Маккуиллан наняли для консультаций шейха Салима Ибн Хафиза аль­Нури, который должен в скором времени взойти на трон небольшого королевства Табат. Миллиардер и плейбой, он не слишком горит желанием стать королем. В порыве откровенности они рассказывают друг другу свои темные тайны прошлого. И вскоре оказываются не в силах противостоять вихрю страсти, закружившей и унесшей их в мир наслаждений.
  • Affairs To Remember (сборник) Abby Green
    ISBN: 9781474081245
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The untameable Greeks…

    Oil magnate Sakis Pantelides is drop-dead gorgeous, wealthy and the only thing he can’t have is his stunning assistant, Brianna – because she’s the only woman this cynical Greek trusts. Then a crisis throws them together and Brianna reveals a sensual hunger that rivals his own…

    CEO Arion Pantelides gave in to oblivion with a stunning stranger for just one night. Yet passion is matched by anger when he discovers the woman who came undone in his arms is a recent widow… Perla refuses to be intimidated by Arion – until she discovers she’s pregnant…

    Theo Pantelides wants revenge… He came to Brazil with one desire – to destroy the man who ruined his life. Whereas Inez da Costa wants freedom…to follow her own dreams – not be blackmailed into becoming someone’s mistress! But Theo unlocks a desire in innocent Inez…
  • Netikėtos permainos Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 978-609-03-0329-0
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Сваёню книгос
    Язык: Литовский
    Desperatiškai mėgindama išgelbėti tėvą, namų šeimininkė Rauzė Omali nusprendžia paspęsti pinkles Zakui Valenčiui. Tačiau, vos išvydusi pribloškiamai atrodantį Zaką, ji tą pačią akimirką supranta, kad sveiko kailio išnešti nepavyks!
    Apie merginos gudrybes nieko neįtariantis Manhatano viengungis pakeri Rauzę ir įsivilioja į lovą. Po vienos nakties mergina sprunka lyg prasikaltusi Pelenė ir prisiekia daugiau niekada nesusitikti su seksualiuoju Zaku. Kol vieną dieną sužino kai ką netikėta…
  • Modern Romance March 2017 Books 1 - 4 Мелани Милберн
    ISBN: 9781474067706
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    The latest sizzlingly sexy Modern romances from Mills & Boon

    Secrets of a Billionaire’s Mistress by Sharon Kendrick


    Neither tall, willowy or sophisticated, waitress Darcy Denton knew she wasn’t Renzo Sabatini’s usual type. But enthralled by the powerful magnate, unworldly Darcy became addicted to their passionate nights together.


    Ensconced in Renzo’s secluded Tuscan villa, Darcy glimpses Renzo’s troubled past and desolate soul. She should end it before she gets in too deep, but then she discovers she’s pregnant!


    Harbouring her own childhood secrets, Darcy dare not tell Renzo, but as the mother of his child it’s only a matter of time – nine months to be exact – before he claims what’s his…

    Claimed for the De Carrillo Twins by Abby Green

    She’d just whispered one word, ‘Please.’

    Cruz De Carrillo cannot forget the searing kiss he shared with his shy maid, Trinity Adams. For the moment the Spanish billionaire walked away, horrified at losing his legendary control, Trinity quickly moved on – to become nanny, guardian and step-mother to his brother’s sons!

    Now Cruz must protect his orphaned nephews. When Trinity refuses to leave them, he knows there is one solution – a ring on her finger! It’s the only way Cruz can keep her in his castillo, under his watchful eye, and finish what he started – this time in his bed!

    The Innocent’s Secret Baby by Carol Marinelli

    A ruthless billionaire…

    When Sicilian tycoon Raul Di Savo meets Lydia Hayward it’s not only her cool elegance he desires—seducing Lydia will also deny his lifelong rival’s bid for her body…

    An innocent in peril…

    Desperate to escape being sold to a stranger, Lydia turns to Raul—he only promises her one night, but his expert touch awakens her to pleasure she cannot resist!

    A nine-month consequence!

    Discovering she’s a pawn in Raul’s game of revenge, Lydia leaves…and then she realises an unexpected consequence will bind her to Raul for ever!

    The Temporary Mrs. Marchetti by Melanie Milburne

    The rules of engagement…

    When Cristiano Marchetti proposes to former mistress Alice Piper, the deal has an expiry date. He has six months to fulfil the conditions of his grandmother’s will. But the hotelier has another agenda…exacting revenge on Alice for daring to walk away seven years before!

    Alice needs the financial security her enemy is providing but soon their every clash is a shockingly tempting encounter. Yet as she uncovers the man beneath the hard-hearted exterior, the future Mrs Marchetti wonders if she could break the rules of their engagement…and walk down the aisle as more than Cristiano’s temporary bride!
  • A Very French Affair: Bought for the Frenchman's Pleasure / Breaking the Boss's Rules / Her Secret Husband (сборник) Эбби Грин
    ISBN: 9781474062619
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Mills & Boon
    Язык: Английский
    Take a trip to the city of love…

    Brought for the Frenchman’s Pleasure by Abby Green

    Romain de Valois knows Sorcha is damaged goods – her reputation speaks for itself. But he wants her for one final assignment, and he's prepared to pay. Romain believes Sorcha hasn't changed her ways, and decides to change the deal: her paycheck will be recouped in the bedroom!

    Breaking the Boss’s Rules by Nina Milne

    Imogen Lorrimer’s temporary new boss, Joe McIntyre, is known for his dating rules.As they jet off on a business trip to Paris and a wedding on the sun-drenched shores of the Algarve, maybe it’s time to see if Imogen can tempt the sexy tycoon to break those infamous rules?

    Her Secret Husband Andrea Laurence

    Years ago, Heath Langston eloped with Julianne Eden. Their parents wouldn't have approved and when the marriage remained unconsummated, they went their separate ways. Now Heath has had enough of living a lie. It's time for Julianne to fulfil the promise in her smouldering glances and finally become his real wife!
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