Питтакус Лор

Pittacus Lore

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Питтакус Лор — библиография

  • Сила Единства Питтакус Лор
    Форма: роман

    Лориенцы не начинали эту войну, но они сделают все возможное, чтобы покончить с ней раз и навсегда. . . . Могадорцы вторглись на Землю, и гвардейцы - единственные, кто стоят у них стоит на пути, однако им нужна собственная армия, чтобы выиграть эту битву. Они объединились с американскими военными, но этого все равно недостаточно. Гвардейцам нужно подкрепление, и они нашли его в самом неожиданном месте. Подростки со всего мира, в том числе и лучший друг Джона Смита, - Сэм, развили свои наследия. Поэтому Джон и остальные должны добраться до них раньше Могов, ведь если они этого не сделают, их враги будут использовать одаренных для своего…

  • The Lost Files Bonus: Eight's Origin Питтакус Лор
    Форма: рассказ
    Оригинальное название: The Lost Files: Eight's Origin
    Дата написания: 2012
    Первая публикация: August 13, 2012

    The mini-story centers around Eight after the death of his Cêpan Reynolds. Eight lives alone in a cave in the mountains. He occupies himself with swimming and running and getting stronger. ebook, 11 pages

  • Пропущенные материалы: В поисках Сэма Питтакус Лор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Search for Sam
    Дата написания: 2012

    Когда могадорец-изгой знакомится в Санта-Монике с загадочным, страдающим амнезией человеком, он догадывается, что в этом мужчине скрыто намного больше, чем кажется на первый взгляд. Не исключено, что у этого мужчины может быть ключ ко всему. В "Я - Четвертый: Пропущенные материалы №4" рассказывается история человека, обладающего решающей информацией в судьбе объединившейся Гвардии, спасающей Лориен... и Землю.

  • Пропущенные материалы: Наследия павших Питтакус Лор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies
    Дата написания: 2012
    Перевод: фанатский перевод

    До Четвертого (Джона Смита) шли Первая, Вторая и Третий. Про них было известно только, что могадорцы схватили Первую в Малайзии. Вторую убили в Англии. А Третьего — в Кении. Но все не так просто… Узнайте правдивую историю этих несчастливых членов Гвардии. До того, как их убили могадорцы, и не настала очередь Четвертого, все они были просто детьми на чужой планете Земля, открывали свои силы, пытались оставаться незамеченными и спасали свои жизни.

  • Восстание девяти Питтакус Лор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Rise of Nine
    Дата написания: 2012
    Перевод: фанатский перевод

    Авторы книги «Восстание девяти» (The Rise of Nine) – Джеймс Фрей и Джоби Хьюз, пишущие под псевдонимом Питтакус Лор. Роман является третьей частью серии «Наследие Лориена», первые две из которой – «Я – четвертый» и «Сила шести» – уже нашли своего читателя. Все эти книги повествуют о судьбе фантастической планеты Лориен, которая погибла много лет назад. Сейчас для того чтобы возобновить жизнь на планете, туда отправляются десять ее жителей, которые когда-то, будучи еще детьми, были перевезены на Землю вместе с наставниками. В романе «Восстание девяти» главным действующим лицом является Девятый, о судьбе которого и пойдет речь.

  • Пропущенные материалы: Наследие Девятого Питтакус Лор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy
    Дата написания: 2012
    Перевод: фанатский перевод

    Когда Джон Смит, он же Четвёртый, освобождает Девятого из его камеры в «Силе шести», тот безжалостен, бесстрашен и готов к ответной войне. Но плен меняет любую личность, даже лориенца. До встречи с Джоном, до своего пленения, Девятый охотился на могадорцев в Чикаго, где жил со своим Чепаном Сандором. То, что случилось тогда с Девятым, изменит его навсегда…

  • The Fall of Five Питтакус Лор
    Дата написания: 2022

    I thought things would change when I found the others. We would stop running. We would fight the Mogadorians. And we would win. But I was wrong. Even though we have come together, we barely escaped from them with our lives. And now we're in hiding, figuring out our next move. The six of us are powerful - but not strong enough to take on their entire army. We haven't discovered the full extent of our Legacies. We haven't learned to work together. Time is running out, and there's only one thing we know for certain: We need to find Number Five before they do. They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in…

  • The Power of Six Питтакус Лор
    Дата написания: 2012

    They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio . . . and failed. I am Number Seven. And I'm ready to fight. I've seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened to John Smith. To the world he's a mystery, but to me . . . he's one of us. Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us, if we all still believe in our mission. There are six of us left. We're hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another, but our Legacies are developing, and soon we'll be ready to fight . . .

  • The Revenge of Seven Питтакус Лор
    Форма: роман
    Оригинальное название: The Revenge of Seven
    Дата написания: 2014

    The worst was supposed to be over. We were reunited after a decade apart. We were discovering the truth about our past. We were training and getting stronger every day. We were even happy. . . . We never imagined the Mogadorians could turn one of our own against us. We were fools for trusting Five. And now Eight is lost forever. I would do anything to bring him back, but that's impossible. Instead, I will do whatever it takes to destroy every last one of them. I've spent my entire life hiding from them, and they've stolen everything away from me. But that stops now. We're going to take the battle to them. We have a new ally who knows their…

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Hunt for the Garde Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Дата написания: 2016
    Первая публикация: May 31, 2016

    In this villainous one-hundred-page companion novella to the #1 New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, get a unprecedented look at the invasion—from three different Mogadorians hoping to conquer Earth. This novella picks up immediately after the cliffhanger ending of The Fate of Ten and coincides with the events of United as One, the final book in this epic series. After the Mogadorian leader is struck with a potentially fatal blow, it becomes uncertain who will step in for him and how the Mogs should proceed with their invasion of the planet. This power vacuum has wide-reaching ramifications. One Mog, who has been on a…

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Last Defense Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Дата написания: 2016
    Первая публикация: February 23, 2016

    In this electrifying one-hundred-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, discover what happened to Malcolm Goode after the Mogadorian invasion began. When the Garde split up, heading off to New York City and Mexico, Malcolm decided to stay behind in Ashwood Estates, the Mog’s formerly hidden base located near Washington DC. He wanted to search the facility for anything that might help John Smith and the others stop the alien invasion. But once the spaceships descended, that plan went up in smoke. Before he gets a chance to come up with a plan B, armed soldiers storm the base. As one of the few…

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Legacies Reborn Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: November 24, 2015

    In this game-changing 100-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, the Mogadorian invasion of Earth has begun and one teenager's life will be forever changed. At first, Daniela Morales thought the spaceship attacking New York City on the television was just part of some science fiction movie. Then the horrible truth became clear: it was happening in real life. Aliens do exist, and they were invading the planet. Unable to reach her mother, Daniela makes it her mission to get to her mom's job downtown to find her. But with the city under fire, trying to make it from her apartment in Harlem to the…

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Guard Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: July 28, 2015

    In this spectacular one-hundred-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, learn how Loric hacker Lexa became the shadowy figure known as GUARD. A sequel to I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Navigator, this novella picks up with Lexa shortly after the Mogadorians raided her hideout and murdered her friend. Determined to get her revenge but knowing she can't take the Mogs head on, Lexa goes in search of a weapon that just might help her do some real damage: the spaceship the Garde flew to Earth. The only problem is it's under lock and key at a highly guarded base in Dulce, New Mexico. Lexa's…

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fugitive Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fugitive
    Дата написания: 2014
    Первая публикация: December 23, 2014

    In this exhilarating one-hundred-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, Mark James is on the run—and on the wrong side of the law—but he'll do whatever it takes to save Sarah Hart and help the Garde. A sequel to I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Return to Paradise, this novella picks up with Mark racing to Dulce, New Mexico, evading capture from both the Mogadorians and the FBI. On the road, his mysterious new ally—a fellow blogger from They Walk Among Us who Mark knows only by the screen name GUARD—sends him a care package to help in his quest to find Sarah. Inside is a stack of cash, high-tech…

  • Lorien Legacies: The Lost Files: The Navigator Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Lorien Legacies: The Lost Files: The Navigator
    Дата написания: 2015
    Первая публикация: April 21, 2015

    In this astonishing one-hundred-page companion novella to the New York Times bestselling I Am Number Four series, meet Lexa, a Loric hacker whose unrivaled skills helped her narrowly escape her doomed planet, and who's been hiding on Earth ever since. Lexa was never part of the Elders' plan. She had no idea the Garde children were being evacuated to our planet. But when the Mogadorian attack began, she used her expertise to get an old spaceship in a museum operational once more and became irrevocably entwined with the Garde's fate. In addition to her friend, a pack of Chimæra, and a Cêpan named Crayton, her relic of a ship also carried…

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six's Legacy Питтакус Лор
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six's Legacy
    Дата написания: 2011
    Первая публикация: July 26, 2011

    Number Six—when John meets her in I Am Number Four she’s strong, powerful, and ready to fight. But who is she? Where has she been living? How has she been training? When did she develop her legacies? And how does she know so much about the Mogadorians? In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Six’s Legacy, discover the story behind Six. Before Paradise, Ohio, before John Smith, Six was traveling through West Texas with her cêpan, Katarina. What happened there would change Six forever….

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Search for Sam Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Search for Sam
    Дата написания: 2012
    Первая публикация: December 26, 2012

    When a rogue Mogadorian meets up with a mysterious amnesiac in Santa Monica, he knows that there's more to this guy than meets the eye. In fact, he might just hold the key to everything. In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files #4, discover what has happened to one of the people with information crucial to the Garde coming together to fight to save Lorien—and Earth.

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies
    Дата написания: 2012
    Первая публикация: July 24, 2012

    Before Number Four, there were One, Two, and Three. Until now we've only known that the Mogadorians caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. But all of that is about to change. . . . In I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Fallen Legacies, you'll learn the true story behind these ill-fated members of the Garde. Before they were murdered by the Mogadorians, before Number Four was next, they were all just kids on an alien planet called Earth—discovering their powers, trying to stay hidden, and running for their lives.

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy
    Дата написания: 2012
    Первая публикация: February 28, 2012

    Number Nine—when John frees him from his cell in the power of six, he's ferocious, reckless, and ready to fight back. But being held captive changes a person—even a Lorien. See what Nine was like before his capture, and read about his dramatic escape from his point of view.

  • I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Last Days of Lorien Pittacus Lore
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: The Last Days of Lorien
    Дата написания: 2013
    Первая публикация: April 9, 2013

    Before Number Four and the others arrived on Earth, they lived on the planet Lorien. A planet filled with others who also had extraordinary abilities. A peaceful planet––until the day the Mogadorians attacked, and nearly annihilated, the Loric people. Only a handful of Loric survived the battle. This is Sandor’s story. Sandor was tired of being a teenager, tired of going to school and obeying his teachers and playing by his parents' rules. He enjoyed breaking the rules rather than following them. But when he makes one mistake too many, Sandor's life takes an unexpected turn, and he is forced join the Lorien Defense Academy. Sandor…

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