Мария Хэдли

Maria Dahvana Headley

  • 10 книг
  • 6 подписчиков
  • 448 читателей
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5 96
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2 41
1 19

Лучшие книги Марии Дэваны Хэдли

  • Магония Мария Хэдли
    ISBN: 978-5-17-105311-6
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Шестнадцатилетняя Аза с рождения страдает загадочной болезнью легких. Она не может нормально дышать, говорить, жить. Недуг медленно убивает Азу, и доктора не знают, как исцелить ее... Однажды она замечает плывущий в небе старинный корабль. Все уверены, что Азе это привиделось: просто галлюцинация, вызванная лекарствами. Но вскоре девушка исчезает из этого мира. И оказывается в другом... Там, наверху, в Магонии.

  • Хищная птица Мария Дэвана Хэдли
    ISBN: 978-5-17-105827-2
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Где твой дом, если ты рождена среди звезд? Аза Рэй возвращается на землю. Её друг Джейсон и семья вне себя от радости. Теперь Аза может вести нормальную жизнь - насколько её жизнь вообще может быть нормальной после того, как она целый год считалась погибшей, а сама в это время плавала на небесных кораблях и спасала мир. Азе нравится жить на земле, она любит родных, и Джейсона, но забыть о том, что с ней произошло в небесах, у неё не получается...

  • Подвижное чудовище Мария Хэдли
    Язык: Русский
    Главная героиня этого рассказа живёт в ужасном городе Бастардвилле. А в лесу, который окружён домами со всех сторон, живёт Чудовище. Чудовище требует постоянного ухода. Ему нужны подрезания и удобрения. Ему нужны ритуалы. Всё это часть древней традиции, о которой не подозревают охотники на чудовищ и коллекционеры.
  • Царица царей Мария Хэдли
    ISBN: 978-5-699-64909-9
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Клеопатра — самая загадочная царица Древнего мира. Она была женой самого Цезаря, великого императора Римской империи. Однако сердце ее завоевал вовсе не грозный владыка мира, а его самый преданный воин — Марк Антоний. Именно ему она предложила помощь, когда тот вел войну с Октавианом. Именно из-за сообщения о его смерти, она стала такой... странной. Принеся жертву кровавой богине Сохмет, Клеопатра обрела невиданные ранее силу и власть, и теперь она отомстит Риму за всё.

  • The Year of Yes Maria Dahvana Headley
    ISBN: 1401308724
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Hyperion
    Язык: Английский
    The "poignant and hilarious" (Newsday) story of one woman's twelve months of dating anyone - absolutely anyone - who asked her out.
    At some point every woman who's single (and not by choice) wonders whether she's not somehow responsible for her predicament. Is she too choosy? Should she have given that guy with the combover and the mother issues a shot? Maybe three full feet isn't too much of a height difference… Maria Dahvana Headley had been there, cherry-picking the men she'd dated based on a variety of criteria, and clearly it wasn't getting her anywhere.
    "The Year of Yes" is the hilarious and hopeful account of Headley's quest to find a man she could stand (for longer than a couple of hours). Frustrated by her own ineffective taste, she resolved to leave her love life up to fate, dating anyone who asked her: homeless men, a millionaire, several non-English speakers, a mime, and even two women. And finally, one man whose baggage would have disqualified him in any other year… but this was the Year of Yes, when Headley would finally discover what was really important.
  • The Mere Wife Maria Dahvana Headley
    ISBN: 9780374208431
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: MCD
    Язык: Английский
    From the perspective of those who live in Herot Hall, the suburb is a paradise. Picket fences divide buildings—high and gabled—and the community is entirely self-sustaining. Each house has its own fireplace, each fireplace is fitted with a container of lighter fluid, and outside—in lawns and on playgrounds—wildflowers seed themselves in neat rows. But for those who live surreptitiously along Herot Hall’s periphery, the subdivision is a fortress guarded by an intense network of gates, surveillance cameras, and motion-activated lights.

    For Willa, the wife of Roger Herot (heir of Herot Hall), life moves at a charmingly slow pace. She flits between mommy groups, playdates, cocktail hour, and dinner parties, always with her son, Dylan, in tow. Meanwhile, in a cave in the mountains just beyond the limits of Herot Hall lives Gren, short for Grendel, as well as his mother, Dana, a former soldier who gave birth as if by chance. Dana didn’t want Gren, didn’t plan Gren, and doesn’t know how she got Gren, but when she returned from war, there he was. When Gren, unaware of the borders erected to keep him at bay, ventures into Herot Hall and runs off with Dylan, Dana’s and Willa’s worlds collide.
  • Queen of Kings Maria Dahvana Headley
    ISBN: 9780593067048
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Bantam Press
    Язык: Английский
    There’s more than one path to immortality…

    Maria Dahvana Headley

    A thrilling, chilling reimagining of the story of the most famous woman in history.

    Once there was a queen of Egypt…a queen who became through magic something else…

    The year is 30 BC. Octavian Caesar and his massed legions are poised to enter Alexandria. A messenger informs Egypt’s queen, Cleopatra, that her beloved Mark Antony has died by his own hand. Desperate to save her kingdom, resurrect her husband and protect all she holds dear, Cleopatra turns to the gods for help. Ignoring the warnings of those around her, she summons Sekhmet, goddess of death and destruction, and strikes a mortal bargain. And not even the wisest of Egypt’s scholar could have predicted what would follow…

    For, in return for Antony’s soul, Sekhmet demands something in return: Cleopatra herself. And so Egypt’s queen is possessed. She becomes an immortal, shape-shifting, not-quite-human manifestation of a deity who seeks to destroy the world. Fighting to preserve something of her humanity, Cleopatra pursues Octavian back to Rome: she desires revenge, she yearns for her children…and she craves human blood.

    It is a journey that will take her from the tombs of the Pharaohs to the great amphitheatres of imperial Rome and on, to Hell itself where, it seems, the fate of the world will finally be decided.

    Blending authentic historical fiction and the darkest of fantasy, Queen of Kings is a spectacular and spellbinding feat of the imagination that fans of Neil Gaiman, Diana Gabaldon, George R.R. Martin, Patricia Briggs, Philippa Gregory, and Ridley Scott's Gladiator won’t want to miss.
  • Услышишь вопль ее, дай ей медку Мария Дэвана Хэдли
    Язык: Русский
    Они влюбились друг в друга с первого взгляда. Но вот ведь проблема у него жена — ведьма, а у нее муж — волшебник...
  • Beowulf Maria Dahvana Headley
    ISBN: 978-0374110031
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: FSG
    Язык: Английский
    Nearly twenty years after Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf―and fifty years after the translation that continues to torment high-school students around the world―there is a radical new verse translation of the epic poem by Maria Dahvana Headley, which brings to light elements that have never before been translated into English, recontextualizing the binary narrative of monsters and heroes into a tale in which the two categories often entwine, justice is rarely served, and dragons live among us.

    A man seeks to prove himself as a hero. A monster seeks silence in his territory. A warrior seeks to avenge her murdered son. A dragon ends it all. The familiar elements of the epic poem are seen with a novelist’s eye toward gender, genre, and history―Beowulf has always been a tale of entitlement and encroachment, powerful men seeking to become more powerful, and one woman seeking justice for her child, but this version brings new context to an old story. While crafting her contemporary adaptation of Beowulf, Headley unearthed significant shifts lost over centuries of translation.