Рене Шартран

René Chartrand

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Новинки Рене Шартрана

  • Frontier Soldiers of New France. Volume 1: Regulation clothing, armament, and equipment of the colonial troops in New France (1683-1760) Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781804515464
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    Язык: Английский
    Frontier Soldiers of New France examines the official and regulation dress, weapons and equipment of the regular colonial troops maintained by the French government in North America from 1683 to 1760, including unpublished information with a focus on new illustrations, line drawings, and photos of rare portraits and surviving artefacts from public and private collections.

    This volume is the first of a series of three that will present all the regular forces that served in New France from 1683, when the first permanent garrisons of royal troops arrived, to September 1760. Many North American military campaigns of that era have been, and continue to be, covered in countless history books. The purpose of this work is, however, to be the first to present in detail the organisation and especially the material culture of all military participants, be they generals or private soldiers. There have been some sections of books, usually brief, and articles devoted to organisation, armament, dress, and equipment previously published. The aim of this work is to present a complete record of these aspects.

    To achieve this goal, three veteran researchers have consulted primary documents preserved in archives and collections on both sides of the Atlantic during the last half century and have united their efforts to produce a wide-ranging and as accurate as possible record. The result is often intriguing and attractive, both in the regulation uniforms worn by officers and soldiers that might be seen by onlookers at frontier forts as far as the known world (to Europeans) or at fortresses such as Québec and Louisbourg. The weapons and equipment were usually somewhat distinctive. They had weapons, clothing and equipment that became specially adapted to North America’s wilderness, thanks to their First Nations allies, be it in the primaeval forests crisscrossed by great rivers and lakes or at the great central plains, which will be covered in volume 2. Volume 3 will be devoted to the battalions detached from the French regular metropolitan army commanded, from 1756, by Montcalm who led an arguably heroic resistance against overwhelming British and American forces. They, too, had surprising aspects of material culture; for instance, the battalions that came in 1755 had different uniforms in Canada than their regulation dress in France.

    The work is illustrated with period paintings and prints, as well as museum-quality artwork by internationally acclaimed military artists lauded for accuracy combined with fine art. Indeed, some works have already graced academic publications and displays in museums and historic sites.
  • Armies and Wars of the French East India Companies 1664-1770 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781804513408
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    Язык: Английский
    From the early seventeenth century a multitude of French East or West India companies holding overseas trade monopolies and privileges were active in various parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia. From 1719, they were united into a single vast Compagnie des Indes (Company of the Indies) known to the anglophone world as the French East India Company. In reality it was far more than that, for its trade privileges also covered Africa, other places in Asia from Arabia to China, and North America. Besides a multitude of usually modestly fortified trade lodges and factories, these companies were the actual government representing the Kingdom of France over substantial parts of Africa, India and the Indian Ocean islands as well as Louisiana in America from 1716 to 1731. The profits were expected to cover government operations. The companies had the power to make war where they operated, and thus, private-sector military conflicts often occurred. They, therefore, maintained their own private armies and navies that were totally independent from those of the King of France.

    These private troops were usually very modest until the formation of the Compagnie des Indes in 1719. Thereafter, as the French company expanded and became involved in the politics of the crumbling Mughal Empire in India, especially during the rule of the imperial visionary Dupleix, the fairly modest number of European soldiers was greatly expanded by enlisting many thousands of Indian soldiers who were given European training, weapons and sometimes uniforms. It was at the 1746 Battle of Aydar that Compagnie des Indes’ French soldiers and sepoys utterly defeated a far larger Indian princely army so that dominance of a European nation in India was assured. After a hard fight, though, that nation would be Great Britain thanks to the good and effective support of its government compared to the French disinterest in overseas matters by the late 1750s. Pondicherry fell in 1761, as Senegal in Africa had three years earlier. The Compagnie des Indes, however, went on for another decade until it closed its books in 1770.

    The monopoly companies had quite a variety of troops posted in many places. The port of Lorient in France was, from the later seventeenth century, the European troops’ depot and training centre. Some served as marines on the company ships, others in a multitude of forts and trading lodges on three continents. Their recruitment and command are described. In India, their tactical role multiplied and led to the creation of units of gunners, horse grenadiers, dragoons, hussars, and grenadiers, all with very distinct uniforms. There were sepoy, topas and caffre units as well as auxiliary allied princely armies in India, and trained auxiliary soldiers in Africa. The few royal army soldiers sent to India in the late 1750s are also considered. All Indian, African and metropolitan army troops are covered and described in this fully illustrated study.
  • The Armies & Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715. Volume 5: Buccaneers and Soldiers in the Americas Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781915070357
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    Louis XIV, France’s Sun King, had global Overseas Grand Visions for his nation. In America. His transformation of struggling small Caribbean settlements into an extensive and very prosperous French domain amidst many challenges and battles are mostly unknown. Thanks to research mostly in France’s overseas archives, we offer this study. In its first narrative nine chapter, covering the 16th to the early 18th century, the West Indies and much of coastal Latin America were in near-perpetual hostilities largely caused by the fantastic riches found in America. Spain claimed the continent with its gold and silver, often eliminating foreigners by the sword. French and British corsairs and later settlers and soldiers nevertheless occupied small islands; in 1655, a British expedition occupied much larger Jamaica. Meanwhile, mostly French adventurers were roaming in the wilderness of western Haiti (then called saint-Domingue). When caught by Spaniards, they were given no quarter. They became the buccaneers or Brethren's of the Coast, amongst of the most redoubtable warriors in History, bent upon revenge upon any Spaniards. Trough them, the Sun King saw the opportunity to secure his small islands and Guyana by sending troops, ships, weapons while, more discreetly providing much officious support to buccaneers in Saint-Domingue. Regular French troops, buccaneers and the navy often united their efforts in expeditions such as the capture of Cartagena de Indias and Rio de Janeiro. They also fought in the Pacific and, after 1700, even escorted Spanish treasure fleets. Louis XIVs efforts were successful and, by 1715, the French domain was sizeable and amongst the most lucrative anywhere.

    The remaining chapters and appendices outlay the organisation of regular troops, notably the hitherto largely unknown establishments of Compagnies franches de la Marine (independent companies of the navy) of the Islands as permanent garrisons in the West Indies and Guyana, their services, lifestyles, weapons, uniforms and colours. The buccaneers will also be similarly presented and readers may expect huge differences with cinema buccaneers, the real one being in dirty linen clothes armed with distinctive “buccaneers muskets” of renowned accuracy and their own standards and colours.

    Militiamen were also very important and often fighting. Their organisation, which included Afro-Caribbeans, as well as weapons, costumes and known uniforms are presented. Fortifications, especially their West Indian peculiarities, are further discussed. A chronology of most battles, appendices and annotated bibliography round out the work.
  • The Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715. Volume 4: The War of the Spanish Succession, Artillery, Engineers and Militias Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781913336448
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    This fourth and final part of our study concentrates on the early 18th century War of Spanish Succession. It was the largest and most difficult conflict in Europe since the Thirty Years War and unsurpassed until the Napoleonic Wars. It started because of Bourbon France and Habsburg Austria’s conflicting candidates to the Spanish that soon involved other nations such as Great Britain and the Netherlands. It was mostly fought on three fronts: Flanders, northern Italy and Spain. Due to various factors, it proved to be a very difficult period for the Sun King. During the first decade, there were repeated and massive defeats in Flanders and Germany where French princes and marshals proved to be unequal to the genial Duke of Marlborough and the competent Prince Eugene. The hard-pressed French forces in the northern Italian front eventually collapsed in 1706. The Spanish front, although it started badly for Felipe V, the French pretender, things improved and the allied troops supporting the Austrian Carlos III were decisively defeated in 1707, again in 1710 and finally at Barcelona in 1714. Meanwhile, following the hard fought battle at Malplaquet, the main French armies, that were amazingly resilient reflecting the nation’s tenacity from the Sun King to the humblest folks, now had some success under Marshal Villars culminating in the strategic 1712 victory at Denain. This led to many previous allied gains now being lost. This was happening when Great Britain basically withdrew its support for the war. The treaties signed from 1713 basically gave the Sun King and France what it most wanted: Felipe V as King of Spain and its empire. It was a hard fought conflict but, in the end, France won.

    The study then discusses the economic and the serious climactic effects notably brought about by the awful winter of 1708-1709 in France that was also severe in other countries. The economic pressure was enormous on the Sun King’s government, but it finally managed to go through it thanks to the amazing resilience of the French economy. French histories often state it was catastrophic, yet Britain’s economy had a national debt rising up to four times faster than France’s and this was obviously a factor in Britain’s withdrawal from the alliance.

    The French army’s technical and support services, many of which were the first to be organised as corps befitting a modern army, are next presented. The artillery that was totally militarised and its materiel modernised to standards copied by all other nations. Engineering under the guidance of Marshal Vauban became peerless and imitated in all nations. Up to the Sun King’s time, old and crippled veteran soldiers were left to a pauper’s miserable survival; he first introduced a pension system and, in the 1670s, had the splendid Invalides hospital built in Paris to care for these soldiers. We will also glance at what religious personnel was attached to army units and hospitals to care for soldiers broken bodies and souls.

    Since Medieval times in France, troops that were considered part of the army were specifically concerned with controlling bandits and applying the law under the command of a Marshal. Their original name of archers remained long after they adopted firearms and they could be found in all parts of France. They still are today, but under the name of gendarme in most countries. They were often veteran soldiers and this section will also feature what punishments a soldier could expect when condemned of some wrongdoing.

    Many towns and cities had their own regular local troops on duty as garrisons and security corps and we describe a number of these well appointed and effective soldiers, some of whom saw action.

    A fairly large section is devoted to the reserve forces. France had three types of militias. The best-known is the 1688 Royal Militia, which was the first integrated system leading to what became national conscription for military service in the regular armies. Next to unknown are the Coast Guard Militia organisation that might might muster 150,000 men and, most of all, the Bourgeois Militia in all the cities and towns of the realm that probably amounted to some half a million men, many of them well armed and uniformed. This section includes a number of notices describing the Bourgeois Militias and their Privileged companies showing an almost totally unknown sedentary “territorial” army that performed well in the few times when some were called upon.

    The last section will be a look at the social life of soldiers, their “families”, camp followers and and sutlers. There were many women and children in the wake of regiments, as prints show and some documents elude, but they were not officially recognised in the army yet should not be forgotten.
  • Викинги. Иллюстрированный путеводитель Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 978-5-389-14261-9, 9000077843976, 3337784397321
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Азбука:Махаон
    Язык: Русский
    «Викинги завоевывают все на своем пути, и ничто не выстоит против них».
    (монах Эрментариус из Нормонтье, ок. 860 г.)
    Веками викинги были «чумой» для Европы – свирепые пришельцы с Севера несли с собой лишь хаос и войну. Их след ясно виден в культуре всех земель, где они успели побывать. Однако подлинная история этого народа гораздо глубже и интереснее, чем популярные мифы об их грабежах и жажде наживы. Викинги были отважными исследователями и первооткрывателями – они обошли почти весь земной шар и первыми высадились в Северной Америке за 500 лет до открытия континента Колумбом. Они торговали с соседними народами и учились у них ведению сельского хозяйства.
    В энциклопедии детально рассматриваются жизнь и традиции викингов. Читатель увидит легендарные корабли, которые помогли викингам обуздать неспокойное море, познакомится с самыми значимыми правителями, военачальниками и воинами, узнает о быте викингов, их культуре и религии.
  • The Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715. Volume 3: The Cavalry of Louis XIV Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781913118853
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    The reign of Louis XIV of France had a great impact on the course of European and world history. The years 1643 to 1715 were a defining epoch for western military, diplomatic, economic and cultural matters. It was an era during which the French and eventually all armies saw extraordinary changes such as the rise of large professional armies, standardized command practices, professional training, improvements in discipline and control, technical advances in military sciences and weapons thus affecting tactics, introduction of uniforms, introduction of obligatory military service, financial and logistical practices that permitted the upkeep of large armies.

    This four-volume series is the first to present all the aspects of the Sun King’s extraordinary armed forces – the best and largest in western Europe – and their enormous influence on all other armies. His armies will be looked at in detail insofar as what they were, how they performed, who led them and what sort of world officers and men lived in through their material culture – arms, uniforms, colours, food, healthcare and money to name a few topics. Auxiliary forces such as the unknown yet very numerous militia forces of several types are also presented.

    Each volume has a wealth of some 200 illustrations, many in colour, plus 5 specially commissioned colour plates illustrating largely unknown colours and uniforms carefully reconstructed from descriptions in original documents of the period.

    Volume 3 examines an age of intolerance: the Protestant tragedy in France and the Irish tragedy. Tens of thousands of Protestants fled France. Various military and political events of the later 1680s, notably the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688 which chased out King James II and installed William of Orange as King William III of Great Britain, led to hostilities in 1689-1691 with Ireland being secured by William. The French cavalry, by far Europe’s largest cavalry force, is examined in detail. It included the Gendarmerie de France, which was a privileged division between the guards and the line cavalry. The line cavalry evolved from a fairly standard heavy cavalry force in the 1640s to a more complex arm of the service that first added numerous dragoon regiments in the 1670s, a division of rifled-armed elite Carabiniers in the 1690s and also the advent of Hussars as light cavalry at that time. The peculiar organisation of the cavalry with its Mestre de Camp Général and Colonel Général is also described, and some of its personalities had rather colourful careers. Arms, accoutrements and dress of the cavalry are discussed, and also the horses and the never-attained challenge of furnishing enough for some 60,000 troopers in the 1690s.
  • The Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715. Volume 2: The Infantry of Louis XIV Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781912866540
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    The reign of Louis XIV of France had a great impact on the course of European and world military history. The years 1643 to 1715 were a defining epoch for western military, diplomatic, and economic matters. Most of those years were marked by conflict between major European powers and the Sun King’s forces. This four-volume series is the first that present an extensive account of the many facets of the French army and the wars it fought. It was an era during which the Sun King’s and eventually all armies saw extraordinarily significant changes such as: the advent of very large professional armies, increasingly centralized command systems, professional training for officers and men, introduction of obligatory military service, improvements in discipline and control, technical advances regarding armament thus affecting battlefield tactics, marked progress regarding fortifications, introduction of uniforms, logistics capable of supplying large armies, financial practices that permitted the upkeep and pay large military forces. The above and even more factors produced many influences that weighted heavily in European geo-political and geo-strategic matters. In these, the Sun King largely dominated Europe’s agenda from the time he took effective autocratic power in 1661 to his last moments in 1715. Since his army was, initially, the largest, most modern and effective in Europe, he had success to the point that neighbouring countries formed coalitions to stop him. However, the Sun King was a master at geo-strategy, notably regarding the balance that he managed to maintain with the Ottoman Empire whose forces always threatened the eastern frontiers of France’s opponents. Thus, France’s forces were always sufficient to keep enemies mostly on the defensive; it was unthinkable that they would ever reach Paris. These and many more topics are presented in this four volume work. Each volume is basically in two parts. The first part is the era of the wars and their context, the second part consist of a detailed look at a part of the French army. The appendices present certain aspects such as uniform lists of the period and evaluations of opponent and allied armies of the Sun King’s forces.
  • Викинги. Иллюстрированный путеводитель Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 978-5-389-14261-9
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, Махаон
    Язык: Русский
    «Викинги завоевывают все на своем пути, и ничто не выстоитпротив них». (монах Эрментариус из Нормонтье, ок. 860 г.)

    Веками викинги были «чумой» для Европы – свирепые пришельцы с Севера несли с собой лишь хаос и войну. Их след ясно виден в культуре всех земель, где они успели побывать. Однако подлинная история этого народа гораздо глубже и интереснее, чем популярные мифы об их грабежах и жажде наживы. Викинги были отважными исследователями и первооткрывателями – они обошли почти весь земной шар и первыми высадились в Северной Америке за 500 лет до открытия континента Колумбом. Они торговали с соседними народами и учились у них ведению сельского хозяйства.

    В энциклопедии детально рассматриваются жизнь и традиции викингов. Читатель увидит легендарные корабли, которые помогли викингам обуздать неспокойное море, познакомится с самыми значимыми правителями, военачальниками и воинами, узнает о быте викингов, их культуре и религии.
  • The Armies and Wars of the Sun King 1643-1715. Volume 1: The Guard of Louis XIV Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781911628606
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Helion & Company Limited
    The reign of Louis XIV of France had a great impact on the course of European and world military history. The years 1643 to 1715 were a defining epoch for western military, diplomatic and economic matters. Most of those years were marked by conflict between major European powers and the Sun King’s forces. This four volume series is the first that present an extensive account of the many facets of the French army and the wars it fought. It was an era during which the Sun King’s and eventually all armies saw extraordinarily significant changes such as: the advent of very large professional armies; increasingly centralized command systems; professional training for officers and men; introduction of obligatory military service, improvements in discipline and control; technical advances regarding armament thus affecting battlefield tactics; marked progress regarding fortifications; introduction of uniforms; logistics capable of supplying large armies; financial practices that permitted the upkeep and pay large military forces. The above and even more factors produced many influences that weighted heavily in European geo-political and geo-strategic maters. In these, the Sun King largely dominated Europe’s agenda from the time he took effective autocratic power in 1661 to his last moments in 1715. Since his army was, initially, the largest, most modern and effective in Europe, he had success to the point that neighbouring countries formed coalitions to stop him. However, the Sun King was a master at geo-strategy, notably regarding the balance that he managed to maintain with the Ottoman Empire whose forces always threatened the eastern frontiers of France’s opponents. Thus, France’s forces were always sufficient to keep enemies mostly on the defensive; it was unthinkable that they would ever reach Paris. These and many more topics are presented in this four volume work. Each volume is basically in two parts. The first part is the era of the wars and their context, the second part consist of a detailed look at a part of the French army. The appendices present certain aspects such as uniform lists of the period and evaluations of opponent and allied armies of the Sun King’s forces. Volume 1 deals with the Sun King’s early years, from his birth in 1638, the resounding victory of Rocroi when he was five and a child king, the unstable years of the Fronde civil wars, his seizure of absolute power in 1661, the initial foreign military adventures culminating with the French army’s blitzkriegs of 1667-1668. This is followed by a look at the command systems, short biographies of the senior officers, their own guards, their lifestyles and orders of chivalry. Closing with several chapters on the Royal Guard including their more mundane or obscure duties with their battle record, uniforms and material culture. Of the appendices, the largest is devoted to the opponent Spanish army of the 17th century. This volume, like the three others, has about 200 illustrations, most in colour, taken from contemporary sources joined by many works by now nearly forgotten 19th century eminent military illustrators such as Marbot, Titeu, Philippoteaux and JOB. As a bonus, each volume has five especially commissioned colour plates of three figures each showing usually never before seen uniforms reconstructed from descriptions and three especially commissioned colour plates showing colours and standards.
  • Raiders from New France: North American Forest Warfare Tactics, 17th–18th Centuries Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781472833501
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Though the French and British colonies in North America began on a 'level playing field', French political conservatism and limited investment allowed the British colonies to forge ahead, pushing into territories that the French had explored deeply but failed to exploit. The subsequent survival of 'New France' can largely be attributed to an intelligent doctrine of raiding warfare developed by imaginative French officers through close contact with Indian tribes and Canadian settlers. The ground-breaking new research explored in this study indicates that, far from the ad hoc opportunism these raids seemed to represent, they were in fact the result of a deliberate plan to overcome numerical weakness by exploiting the potential of mixed parties of French soldiers, Canadian backwoodsmen and allied Indian warriors.
    Supported by contemporary accounts from period documents and newly explored historical records, this study explores the 'hit-and-run' raids which kept New Englanders tied to a defensive position and ensured the continued existence of the French colonies until their eventual cession in 1763.
  • French Naval & Colonial Troops 1872–1914 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781472826190
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    France's colonial wars in sub-Saharan Africa and South-East Asia were very largely fought by an organization completely separate from both the home-defence Metropolitan Army and the Armée d'Afrique in Algeria. The Naval Troops (Troupes de la Marine) were volunteers, and earned a reputation for greater toughness and hardiness than the conscripted Metropolitan Army.

    Spread throughout the French Empire, Naval Troops in this period were characterized by very large infantry and artillery regiments based in France, mixed race regiments (Régiments Mixtes), and entire native regiments raised in West Africa, Madagascar and Indochina. The latter, the so-called 'Tirailleurs' were organized and led by officers and cadres from the Naval Troops, and wore very varied and colourful uniforms based on formalized versions of traditional local costumes.

    French Naval & Colonial Troops 1872-1914 uses rich and detailed full colour plates as well as thorough analysis to detail the story of these tough colonial units which bore the brunt of French colonial campaigns in Africa and Vietnam.
  • Forts of the American Revolution 1775-83 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781472814456
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Though primarily fought in the field, the American Revolution saw fortifications play an important part in some of the key campaigns of the war. Field fortifications were developed around major towns including Boston, New York and Savannah, while the frontier forts at Stanwix, Niagara and Cumberland were to all be touched by the war. This book details all the types of fortification used throughout the conflict, the engineers on all sides who constructed and maintained them, and the actions fought around and over them.
  • Montcalm’s Crushing Blow: French and Indian Raids along New York’s Oswego River 1756 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781472803306
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    The year 1755 saw the rivalry between Britain and France in North America escalate into open warfare as both sides sought to overcome the other's forts and trading posts. Lord Loudoun and the Marquis de Montcalm were sent out to lead their forces and Montcalm was soon tasked with capturing the formidable Anglo-American post at Oswego. Montcalm's 3,000-strong force surrounded the forts at Oswego and soon forced the defenders to surrender - an outstanding French success. Featuring specially commissioned full colour artwork, expert analysis, and lively narrative, this engaging study casts light on a daring feat of arms at the height of the French and Indian War.
  • French Musketeer 1622–1775 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781780968612
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    The works of French novelist Alexandre Dumas have been reproduced time and again on stage and screen. Based on a genuine memoir by an officer named D'Artagnan, Dumas published The Three Musketeers. The King's Musketeers were formed in 1622 and were populated by young men of noble birth, but often of poorer means. The Musketeers served as a form of military academy, which enabled these men to qualify for commission into the regular army, but the academy was not just a schoolroom - the Musketeers served in all major battles and campaigns of the period; their reputation for bravery was well deserved. This title explores the history behind the legends created by Dumas. Drawing on historical and fascinating accounts the truth of this most colourful and flamboyant of units is revealed.
  • Talavera 1809: Wellington's lightning strike into Spain Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781780961804
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    The battle of Talavera in 1809 was one of the major battles of the Peninsular War and Arthur Wellesley's first victory in Spain itself, following which he was created Viscount Wellington of Talavera and Wellington. Although Wellesely's forces were outnumbered, and a sizeable contingent of the Spanish ran away, he had chosen a superb defensive position and was able to beat off successive French attacks, though at a heavy cost in terms of casualties. Although the French had withdrawn leaving Wellesley the master of the field, his high casualties and approaching French reinforcements led to Wellesley withdrawing to Portugal. His foray into Spain had an enormous effect on Spanish morale as they realized they were not alone in the struggle. British redcoats had had got to within 70km of Madraid, and they would return in future years.
  • Северные завоеватели. Норманны и викинги (сборник) Дэвид Николль
    ISBN: 978-5-699-63656-3
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Два бестселлера, объединенные под одной обложкой, посвящены страшным для Европы раннего Средневековья пришельцам с неведомого для людей той эпохи Севера - норманнам и викингам. Наводящие ужас своей жестокостью и бесстрашием в бою, эти завоеватели ассоциировались с давно прошедшими временами варварских нашествий, которыми сопровождалось падение Римской империи. По были ли эти ужасные северные варвары только л ишь безжалостными грабителями и убийцами?
    Норманны, осевшие во Франции, перешит язык, религию и культуру этой страны и внесли свой вклад в становление рыцарства как сословия. Норманны приняли активное участие уже как французское дворянство в Крестовых походах и сыграли решающую роль в истории соседней Англии, которая до вторжения Вильгельма Завоевателя была не более чем неведомым для остальной Европы островом на задворках тогдашней цивилизации.
    Викинги также вошли в историю не только как не знающие страха пираты, знаменитые своими "берсерками", но и как отважные мореплаватели и исследователи океанских просторов, задолго до Колумба открывшие Американский континент.
    Эта книга поможет читателю погрузиться в давно ушедшую эпоху и узнать больше о тех временах, когда смелость в бою и беспощадность к врагам значили больше, чем ученость и христианская мораль, когда мечом добывались короны и когда плавание на утлом суденышке несло либо бесславную гибель в пучине океана, либо славу первооткрывателя для морехода, не знавшего компаса и ведущего свой "драккар" по звездам.
  • Forts of the War of 1812 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781849085762
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    When war broke out between the United States and Great Britain in 1812, neither side was prepared for the conflict, as evidenced by their respective fortifications. The most sophisticated and modern fortifications were those built by the US Corps of Engineers to protect some of the main port cities. These included Fort Mifflin in Philadelphia, Fort McHenry in Baltimore and Castle William in New York. The British also heavily fortified their main harbor at Halifax and their main center of power at Quebec. However, elsewhere, especially in the interior, fortifications were old, neglected or only hastily erected. The forts at Detroit and Mackinac were much as the British had left them in 1796. This book covers all of the main fortifications of the conflict, those that faced the crashing of guns and those whose intimidation played a part in the grand strategy of the war.
  • Oldest Allies: Alcantara 1809 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781849085885
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    Although somewhat overshadowed by Wellington's main campaign in the north, the Alcantara raid was an outstanding success. The primary objective of alarming and distracting the French forces in Spain was achieved. Furthermore, the raiders also succeeded in preventing a French incursion into Portugal and tied down one of Napoleon's best marshals. There were further raids to come, but the 1809 Alcantara raid delivered a strong, permanent message: that the Anglo-Portuguese were willing and able to strike back against the French, and that they would support their Spanish allies as much as they were able.
  • Tomahawk and Musket: French and Indian Raids in the Ohio Valley 1758 Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781849085649
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    In 1758, at the height of the French and Indian War, British Brigadier General John Forbes led his army on a methodical advance against Fort Duquesene, French headquarters in the Ohio valley. As his army closed in upon the fort, he sent Major Grant of the 77th Highlanders and 850 men on a reconnaissance in force against the fort. The French, alerted to this move, launched their own counter-raid. 500 French and Canadians, backed by 500 Indian allies, ambushed the highlanders and sent them fleeing back to the main army. With the success of that operation, the French planed their own raid against the English encampment at Fort Ligonier under less than fifty miles away. With only 600 men, against an enemy strength of 4,000, he ordered a daring night attack on the heart of the enemy encampment. This book tells the complete story of these ambitious raids and counter-raids, giving in-depth detail on the forces, terrain, and tactics.
  • The Forts of Colonial North America: British, Dutch and Swedish colonies Рене Шартран
    ISBN: 9781849081979
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Osprey Publishing
    This book takes a detailed look at the fortifications of various types that were built from the times of the earliest British settlements in North America in the late 16th century until the end of the Seven Years' War, when France ceded New France to Britain. It begins with a study of the forts built by colonists on Roanoke Island between 1585 and 1590, and the famous settlements in Jamestown (Virginia) from 1607. It moves on to cover the British settlements that followed in New England, Nova Scotia and other points on the North American coast, as well as the Dutch fortified settlements in what are now the states of New York, Connecticut and New Jersey, and the Swedish forts in Delaware between 1638 and 1655.
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