Элизабет Лейрд

Elizabeth Laird

  • 37 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 66 читателей
Рейтинг автора складывается из оценок его книг. На графике показано соотношение положительных, нейтральных и негативных оценок.
5 22
4 17
3 15
2 3
1 1

Элизабет Лейрд – лучшие произведения

  • Скала бабуинов Элизабет Лейрд
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Baboon Rock
  • Тропой леопарда Элизабет Лейрд
    Форма: повесть
    Оригинальное название: Leopard Trail
    Перевод: Л. Садовская

  • Oranges in No Man's Land Элизабет Лейрд
    Дата написания: 2016

    Oranges in No Man's Land brings Elizabeth Laird's emotional and gripping adventure to her next generation of fans. Since her father left Lebanon to find work and her mother tragically died in a shell attack, ten-year-old Ayesha has been living in the bomb-ravaged city of Beirut with her granny and her two younger brothers. The city has been torn in half by civil war and a desolate, dangerous no man's land divides the two sides. Only militiamen and tanks dare enter this deadly zone, but when Granny falls desperately ill, Ayesha sets off on a terrifying journey to reach a doctor living in enemy territory.

  • The Earthquake Элизабет Лейрд
    Дата написания: 2009

    Gabriel loves Silvia and is very disappointed when she chooses to go out with rich, handsome Marco instead of him. But that evening a terrible earthquake strikes the town and their lives are changed forever… A moving and dramatic tale of love against the odds.

  • Song of the Dolphin Boy Элизабет Лейрд
    Дата написания: 2018

    Finn has always been different, and in the tiny fishing village of Stromhead he sticks out like a sore thumb. Always told to keep away from the water, he's felt that something was missing until one day he dives in and finds that, swimming with the dolphins, he feels completely at home. But his new friends are in danger of being injured by the rubbish that floats out into the water - and now a supermarket is going to release thousands of balloons that could drift out to sea and cause even more damage. Desperate to help the dolphins, Finn goes to the Lighthouse Crew, a group of kids who have always left Finn out. Will they be able to set…
