Лоуренс Райт

Lawrence Wright

  • 12 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 33 читателя
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Лоуренс Райт – лучшие книги

  • Аль-Каида Лоуренс Райт
    ISBN: 978-5-412-00113-5
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Гелиос АРВ
    Язык: Русский

    Монументальное публицистическое исследование. Сенсационные подробности из жизни лидеров "Аль-Каиды" и история возникновения группировки. Невероятный рассказ о людях, противостоящих религиозным фанатикам, - специальном агенте ФБР Джоне О'Нейле и ведущих сотрудниках ЦРУ. Интересные и малоизвестные факты из биографии Усамы бен Ладена, хронология событий, планы террористов. Причины провала западных спецслужб, которым не удалось предотвратить сокрушительный удар по Америке.

  • Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief Lawrence Wright
    ISBN: 978-0307700667
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Knopf Publishing Group

    National Book Award Finalist

    A clear-sighted revelation, a deep penetration into the world of Scientology by the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower,
    the now-classic study of al-Qaeda’s 9/11 attack. Based on more than two hundred personal interviews with
    current and former Scientologists—both famous and less well known—and years of archival research, Lawrence Wright uses his extraordinary investigative ability to uncover for us the inner workings of the Church of Scientology.

    At the book’s center, two men whom Wright brings vividly to life, showing how they have made Scientology what it is today: The darkly brilliant science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard, whose restless, expansive mind invented a new religion. And his successor, David Miscavige—tough and driven, with the unenviable task of preserving the church after the death of Hubbard.

    We learn about Scientology’s complicated cosmology and special language. We see the ways in which the church pursues celebrities, such as Tom Cruise and John Travolta, and how such stars are used to advance the church’s goals. And we meet the young idealists who have joined the Sea Org, the church’s clergy, signing up with a billion-year contract.

    Going Clear,
    Wright examines what fundamentally makes a religion a religion, and whether Scientology is, in fact, deserving of this constitutional protection. Employing all his exceptional journalistic skills of observation, understanding, and shaping a story into a compelling narrative, Lawrence Wright has given us an evenhanded yet keenly incisive book that reveals the very essence of what makes Scientology the institution it is.
  • God Save Texas: A Journey Into the Soul of the Lone Star State Lawrence Wright
    ISBN: 0525520104
    Год издания: 2018
    Язык: Английский
    With humor and the biting insight of a native, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Looming Tower explores the history, culture, and politics of Texas, while holding the stereotypes up for rigorous scrutiny.

    God Save Texas is a journey through the most controversial state in America. It is a red state in the heart of Trumpland that hasn't elected a Democrat to a statewide office in more than twenty years; but it is also a state in which minorities already form a majority (including the largest number of Muslims). The cities are blue and among the most diverse in the nation. Oil is still king but Texas now leads California in technology exports. The Texas economic model of low taxes and minimal regulation has produced extraordinary growth but also striking income disparities. Texas looks a lot like the America that Donald Trump wants to create. And Wright's profound portrait of the state not only reflects our country back as it is, but as it was and as it might be.
  • The Plague Year. America in the Time of Covid Лоуренс Райт
    ISBN: 9780141998138
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Penguin
    Just as Lawrence Wright's The Looming Tower became the defining account of our century's first devastating event, 9/11, so The Plague Year will become the defining account of the second.
    The story starts with the initial moments of Covid's appearance in Wuhan and ends with Joseph Biden's inauguration in an America ravaged by well over 400,000 deaths - a mortality already some ten times worse than US combat deaths in the entire Vietnam War.
    This is an anguished, furious memorial to a year in which all of America's great strengths - its scientific knowledge, its great civic and intellectual institutions, its spirit of voluntarism and community - were brought low, not by a terrifying new illness alone, but by political incompetence and cynicism on a scale for which there has been no precedent.
    With insight, sympathy, clarity and rage, The Plague Year allows the reader to see the unfolding of this great tragedy, talking with individuals on the front line, bringing together many moving and surprising stories and painting a devastating picture of a country literally and fatally misled.
  • The End of October Lawrence Wright
    ISBN: 0525658653
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Knopf Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский
    In this riveting medical thriller--from the Pulitzer Prize winner and best-selling author--Dr. Henry Parsons, an unlikely but appealing hero, races to find the origins and cure of a mysterious new killer virus as it brings the world to its knees.

    At an internment camp in Indonesia, forty-seven people are pronounced dead with acute hemorrhagic fever. When Henry Parsons--microbiologist, epidemiologist--travels there on behalf of the World Health Organization to investigate, what he finds will soon have staggering repercussions across the globe: an infected man is on his way to join the millions of worshippers in the annual Hajj to Mecca. Now, Henry joins forces with a Saudi prince and doctor in an attempt to quarantine the entire host of pilgrims in the holy city... A Russian émigré, a woman who has risen to deputy director of U.S. Homeland Security, scrambles to mount a response to what may be an act of biowarfare... already-fraying global relations begin to snap, one by one, in the face of a pandemic... Henry's wife Jill and their children face diminishing odds of survival in Atlanta... and the disease slashes across the United States, dismantling institutions--scientific, religious, governmental--and decimating the population. As packed with suspense as it is with the fascinating history of viral diseases, Lawrence Wright has given us a full-tilt, electrifying, one-of-a-kind thriller.
  • Thirteen Days in September Лоуренс Райт
    ISBN: 978-0-8041-7002-4, 0804170029
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Vintage
    Язык: Английский
    In September 1978, three world leaders representing Israel, Egypt, and the United States met at Camp David to negotiate a peace treaty between the two Middle East nations. Just six months prior, Palestinian militants had murdered dozens of Israelis north of Tel Aviv. Israel had responded by invading southern Lebanon, killing over a thousand Palestinians. During the thirteen-day conference, Begin and Sadat got into screaming matches, had to be physically separated, and each attempted to walk away multiple times. Yet a peace agreement emerged, and has stood for thirty-five years. In these pages, Wright delves deeply into the issues and enmities between Egypt and Israel, contextualizing the conflict and the major participants at the conference from the three heads of state to their mostly well-known seconds working furiously behind the scenes. What emerges is not what we've come to think of as an unprecedented yet "simple" peace. Rather, Wright reveals the full extent of Carter's persistence in pushing peace forward, the extraordinary way in which the participants at the conference many of them lifelong enemies attained it, and the profound difficulties inherent in the process and its outcome.
  • Clean and Decent: The Fascinating History of the Bathroom and WC Лоуренс Райт
    ISBN: 9780141390352
    Год издания: 1960
    Издательство: Penguin Classics
    Язык: Английский
    Who would have supposed that the Romans had lagged hot-water pipes? That Queen Elizabeth I had a valve water-closet? That Louis IV had cushions in his bath? This informative and hilarious book leads the reader to believe that more may be learned about the past from bathrooms than from battlefields, and that patterns of social history are mirrored in the bathwater.
  • The Terror Years: From al-Qaeda to the Islamic State Лоуренс Райт
    ISBN: 9780385352055
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Knopf
    Язык: Английский
    With the Pulitzer Prize–winning The Looming Tower, Lawrence Wright became generally acknowledged as one of our major journalists writing on terrorism in the Middle East. Here, in ten powerful pieces first published in The New Yorker, he recalls the path that terror in the Middle East has taken, from the rise of al-Qaeda in the 1990s to the recent beheadings of reporters and aid workers by ISIS.

    The Terror Years draws on several articles he wrote while researching The Looming Tower, as well as many that he’s written since, following where and how al-Qaeda and its core cultlike beliefs have morphed and spread. They include a portrait of the “man behind bin Laden,” Ayman al-Zawahiri, and the tumultuous Egypt he helped spawn; an indelible impression of Saudi Arabia, a kingdom of silence under the control of the religious police; the Syrian film industry, at the time compliant at the edges but already exuding a feeling of the barely masked fury that erupted into civil war; the 2006–11 Israeli-Palestinian conflict in Gaza, a study in the disparate value of human lives. Other chapters examine al-Qaeda as it forms a master plan for its future, experiences a rebellion from within the organization, and spins off a growing web of worldwide terror. The American response is covered in profiles of two FBI agents and the head of the intelligence community. The book ends with a devastating piece about the capture and slaying by ISIS of four American journalists and aid workers, and our government’s failed response.

    On the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, The Terror Years is at once a unifying recollection of the roots of contemporary Middle Eastern terrorism, a study of how it has grown and metastasized, and, in the scary and moving epilogue, a cautionary tale of where terrorism might take us yet.