
Последние издания книг Хеннинга Манкелля
- 56 произведений
- 160 изданий на 8 языках
The Rock Blaster Хеннинг Манкелль
ISBN: 9780857059475 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: MacLehose Press At 3 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon in 1911, Oskar Johansson is caught in a blast in an industrial accident. The local newspaper reports him dead, but they are mistaken.
Because Oskar Johansson is a born survivor.
Though crippled, Oskar finds the strength to go on living and working. The Rock Blaster charts his long professional life - his hopes and dreams, sorrows and joys. His relationship with the woman whose love saved him, with the labour movement that gave him a cause to believe in, and with his children, who do not share his ideals.
Henning Mankell's first published novel is steeped in the burning desire for social justice that informed his bestselling crime novels. Remarkably assured for a debut, it is written with scalpel-like precision, at once poetic and insightful in its depiction of a true working-class hero. -
П'ята жінка Геннінґ Манкелль
ISBN: 978-617-12-5751-1 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Книжковий клуб "Клуб сімейного дозвілля" Язык: Украинский - Сучасна екранізація від BBC
- Світовий бестселер № 1
- Від майстра скандинавського нуару
- Письменник, що визнаний найкращим автором кримінального роману ХХ століття
Швеція. Колишнього торговця автомобілями виявлено мертвим у власній садибі. Він упав у яму з бамбуковими кілками. Він перший. Флориста одного з магазинів було прив’язано до дерева й задушено зі звірячою жорстокістю. Він другий. Тіло вченого-алерголога, зав’язаного у мішку, знайдено в озері. Він третій. Але, інспекторе Валландер, ти рахуєш неправильно. Рік тому, Алжир. Четверо зарізаних жінок. Четверо убивць. І одна випадкова смерть, якої не мало бути. Смерть жінки. Убивство, що стало початком помсти. Але кому і за що? Гадаєш, це не має жодного стосунку до нових злочинів? Тоді приготуйся рахувати до п’яти… -
After the Fire Хеннинг Манкелль
ISBN: 9781784703394 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Vintage Books The final novel from the bestselling author of the Inspector Wallander mysteries
Fredrik Welin is a seventy-year-old retired doctor. Years ago he retreated to the Swedish archipelago, where he lives alone on an island. He swims in the sea every day, cutting a hole in the ice if necessary. He lives a quiet life. Until he wakes up one night to find his house on fire.
Fredrik escapes just in time, wearing two left-footed wellies, as neighbouring islanders arrive to help douse the flames. All that remains in the morning is a stinking ruin and evidence of arson. The house that has been in his family for generations and all his worldly belongings are gone. He cannot think who would do such a thing, or why. Without a suspect, the police begin to think he started the fire himself. -
After the Fire Хеннинг Манкелль
ISBN: 1910701777 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Harvill Secker Язык: Английский Fredrik Welin is a seventy-year-old retired doctor. Years ago he retreated to the Swedish archipelago, where he lives alone on an island. He swims in the sea every day, cutting a hole in the ice if necessary. He lives a quiet life. Until he wakes up one night to find his house on fire.
Fredrik escapes just in time, wearing two left-footed wellies, as neighbouring islanders arrive to help douse the flames. All that remains in the morning is a stinking ruin and evidence of arson. The house that has been in his family for generations and all his worldly belongings are gone. He cannot think who would do such a thing, or why. Without a suspect, the police begin to think he started the fire himself.
Tackling love, loss and loneliness, After the Fire is Henning Mankell’s compelling last novel. -
Die schwedischen Gummistiefel Henning Mankell
ISBN: 978-3552057951 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Paul Zsolnay Verlag Язык: Немецкий Seit Fredrik Welin als Chirurg ein Kunstfehler unterlief, lebt er allein auf einer einsamen Insel in Schweden. Ihm ist nach dem Brand seines Hauses so gut wie nichts geblieben. Nur wenige Menschen, die ihm nahestehen: Jansson, der pensionierte Postbote, die Journalistin Lisa Modin, in die er sich verliebt, und seine Tochter Louise, die schwanger ist und in Paris lebt. Als sie wegen eines Diebstahls in Untersuchungshaft gerät, ruft sie ihn zu Hilfe. Während er in Paris über ihre Freilassung verhandelt, erfährt er, dass auf den Schären schon wieder ein Haus in Flammen steht. Mankells letzter Roman, der Nachfolger des Bestsellers „Die italienischen Schuhe“, ist ein sehr persönliches Buch und beschwört die Möglichkeit menschlicher Nähe angesichts von Einsamkeit, Alter und Tod. -
An Event in Autumn Хеннинг Манкелль
ISBN: 9781784700843 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Vintage Books Some cases aren’t as cold as you’d think
Kurt Wallander’s life looks like it has taken a turn for the better when his offer on a new house is accepted, only for him to uncover something unexpected in the garden – the skeleton of a middle-aged woman.
As police officers comb the property, Wallander attempts to get his new life back on course by finding the woman’s killer with the aid of his daughter, Linda. But when another discovery is made in the garden, Wallander is forced to delve further back into the area's past.
A treat for fans and new readers alike, this is a never before published Kurt Wallander novella -
Svenska gummistövlar Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9789173436007 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Leopard Förlag Язык: Шведский "Ny fullträff av Mankell" - Litteraturmagazinet
"En vacker och vemodig berättelse om åldrandets förbannelse och den svenska ensamhetens betydelse" - Sydsvenskan
Fristående fortsättning på Italienska skor, en av Henning Mankells största internationella framgångar.
En höstnatt vaknar den pensionerade läkaren Fredrik Welin av att det brinner våldsamt. Han hinner precis ta sig ut innan det är för sent. Allt han lyckas få med sig är två vänstergummistövlar. Morgonen därpå finns endast aska kvar av hans älskade skärgårdshus. För Fredrik blir den pyrande ruinen också en symbol över ett förspillt liv som går mot sitt slut. Då träder hans dotter Louise och journalisten Lisa Modin in i handlingen och skakar om hans tillvaro i grunden.
På nyårsnatten brinner ännu ett hus i den östgötska skärgården, och höstens alla händelser leder till en upplösning Fredrik Welin aldrig hade kunnat föreställa sig.
Svenska gummistövlar är en roman om kärlek, svek och att åldras. Det är en fristående fortsättning på Italienska skor, om vilken Östersundsposten skrev: "Med varsam hand och utan åthävor berättar Mankell om några människor vars livgått i stå. Om kärlekens kraft att hela men också förgöra. Det är vackert men också intensivt vemodigt. Min pärla i höstmörkret. -
One Step Behind Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9781400031511, 1400031516 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Vintage Crime/Black Lizard Язык: Английский Seventh in the Kurt Wallander series.
On Midsummer’s Eve, three role-playing teens dressed in eighteenth-century garb are shot in a secluded Swedish meadow. When one of Inspector Kurt Wallander’s most trusted colleagues–someone whose help he hoped to rely on to solve the crime–also turns up dead, Wallander knows the murders are related. But with his only clue a picture of a woman no one in Sweden seems to know, he can’t begin to imagine how. Reeling from his own father’s death and facing his own deteriorating health, Wallander tracks the lethal progress of the killer. Locked in a desperate effort to catch him before he strikes again, Wallander always seems to be just one step behind. -
The White Lioness Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9781400031559 Год издания: 2015 Язык: Английский The White Lioness -
The Man Who Smiled Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9781400095834 Год издания: 2015 Язык: Английский The Man Who Smiled -
Before the Frost Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9781400095810 Год издания: 2015 Язык: Английский Before the Frost -
Valge emalõvi Хеннинг Манкелль
ISBN: 9789985324110 Год издания: 2014 Язык: Эстонский Tuntud Rootsi krimikirjaniku Henning Mankelli (s 1948) romaan saab alguse 1992. aasta 24. aprilli pärastlõunal, kui väikelinnas Ystadis kaob jäljetult kinnisvaramaakler Louise Åkerblom. Samal ajal kavandab fanaatiliste buuride rühm teisel pool maakera Lõuna-Aafrikas juhtiva poliitiku atentaati, et sellega peatada riigi demokratiseerimisprotsess.
Kinnisvaramaakleri kadumist uurima hakanud kriminaalkomissar Kurt Wallander mõistab, et tegemist pole tavalise juurdlusega. Louise Åkerblom on pealtnäha õnnelikus abielus olev kahe lapse ema, lisaks veel ka metodisti kiriku liige. Asi muutub veelgi keerulisemaks, kui naine leitakse jõhkralt tapetuna ning kuriteopaigalt avastatakse juhuslikult must maharaiutud sõrm.
Kurt Wallander seisab silmitsi oma senise karjääri kõige keerukama ülesandega. Pärast seoste avastamist Lõuna-Aafrikas ette valmistatava vandenõuga kasvab tema abitustunne veelgi. Mõrvaloo kiirest lahendamisest ei sõltu seekord vaid mõne üksiku inimese heaolu –
nüüd on Ystadi politseiniku kätes sadade tuhandete inimeste saatus... -
Handen Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9789170534959 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: LL-förlaget Язык: Шведский Kurt Wallander drömde om att flytta ut på landet och det här huset var perfekt. På baksidan fanns äppelträd och vinbärsbuskar. Vinden susade i träden. När Wallander gick omkring bland höstlöven snavade han plötsligt. Var det en trasig kratta eller en trädrot? Han stirrade på föremålet som stack upp ur marken. Det var skelettet av en hand.
Henning Mankell är en av Sveriges mest populära författare och Kurt Wallander är hans mest kända figur. Handen är Mankells senaste och kanske sista bok om Kurt Wallander. Här är boken återberättad till lättläst av Johan Werkmäster.
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A Treacherous Paradise Henning Mankell
ISBN: 9781846556241 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Harvill Secker Язык: Английский In 1904 Hanna Lundmark escapes the brutal poverty of rural Sweden for a job as a cook onboard a steamship headed for Australia. On the voyage she finds love in the form of the ship's mate, whom she marries. But disaster strikes when her husband is struck down by a fatal illness while the ship is docked on the East African coast. Jumping ship at the port of Lourenco Marques, Hanna decides to begin her life anew.
Stumbling across a down-at-heel hotel, Hanna becomes embroiled in a sequence of events that lead to her inheriting the most successful brothel in town, complete with a chimpanzee who serves drinks. Hanna tries to befriend the prostitutes working for her, and change life in the town for the better, but the distrust between blacks and whites, and the shadow of colonialism, lead to tragedy and murder.
Based on a true story, A Treacherous Paradise sees Henning Mankell turn his talents for suspense and insight to a world where power and powerlessness meet and passion is a dangerous commodity. -
The Troubled Man Mankell, Henning
ISBN: 9781846553721 Год издания: 2014 Язык: Английский Every morning Hakan von Enke takes a walk in the forest near his apartment in Stockholm. However, one winter's day he fails to come home. It seems that the retired naval officer has vanished without trace.
Detective Kurt Wallander is not officially involved in the investigation but he has personal reasons for his interest in the case as Hakan's son is engaged to his daughter Linda. A few months earlier, at Hakan's 75th birthday party, Kurt noticed that the old man appeared uneasy and seemed eager to talk about a controversial incident from his past career that remained shrouded in mystery. Could this be connected to his disappearance? When Hakan's wife Louise also goes missing, Wallander is determined to uncover the truth.
His search leads him down dark and unexpected avenues involving espionage, betrayal and new information about events during the Cold War that threatens to cause a political scandal on a scale unprecedented in Swedish history. The investigation also forces Kurt to look back over his own past and consider his hopes and regrets, as he comes to the unsettling realisation that even those we love the most can remain strangers to us.
And then an even darker cloud appears on the horizon...
The return of Kurt Wallander, for his final case, has already caused a sensation around the globe. The Troubled Man confirms Henning Mankell's position as the king of crime writing. -
The Man From Beijing Mankell, Henning
ISBN: 9781846552571 Год издания: 2014 Язык: Английский One cold January day the police are called to a sleepy little hamlet in the north of Sweden where they discover a savagely murdered man lying in the snow. As they begin their investigation they notice that the village seems eerily quiet and deserted. Going from house to house, looking for witnesses, they uncover a crime unprecedented in Swedish history.
When Judge Birgitta Roslin reads about the massacre, she realises that she has a family connection to one of the couples involved and decides to investigate. A nineteenth-century diary and a red silk ribbon found in the forest nearby are the only clues.
What Birgitta eventually uncovers leads her into an international web of corruption and a story of vengeance that stretches back over a hundred years, linking China and the USA of the 1860s with modern-day Beijing, Zimbabwe and Mozambique, and coming to a shocking climax in London's Chinatown.
The Man from Beijing is both a gripping and perceptive political thriller and a compelling detective story. It shows Henning Mankell at the height of his powers, handling a broad historical canvas and pressing international issues with his exceptional gifts for insight and chilling suspense.