Робин Шарма

Robin Sharma

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Робин Шарма — библиография

  • Монах, который продал свой «феррари»: Притчи об исполнении желаний и поиске своего предназначения и личной эффективности. Клуб «5 часов утра»: Два уникальных источника личной эффективности в одном томе Робин Шарма
    Дата написания: 1997
    В этом издании – две самые знаменитые работы Робина Шармы: «Монах, который продал свой „феррари"» и «Клуб „5 часов утра"». Миллионы людей по всему миру признали, что именно с этих книг Шармы началась другая, осмысленная жизнь. Следуя рекомендациям автора, и вы сможете повысить свою эффективность, научиться управлять временем, достигать любых целей.
    Издание станет прекрасным подарком для всех, кто хочет раскрыть свой потенциал и добиться большего в любой сфере.
    В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.
  • Sən ?ləndə kim ağlayacaq? Робин Шарма
    G?r?rsən ki, həyat sənə ?z dəyərini hiss etməyə, layiq olduğun xoşbəxtliyi tapıb, sevinci yaşamağa imkan vermədən yanından ş?t?y?b gedir. Əgər elədirsə, bu kitab, liderlik məsələləri ?zrə quru və “Ferrarisini satmış rahib” kitablar seriyasının m?əllifi Robin Şarma tərəfindən yazılmış x?susi kitabdır – minlərlə insanın həyatını dəyişmiş kitab – səni yeni g?zəl həyata aparacaq, yolg?stərənin olacaq. Robin Şarma stressdən qurtulmağın nadir metodlarından tutmuş, təkcə həyatdan z?vq almağa deyil, gələcək nəsillərə qiymətli irs qoyub getməyə də imkan verən təsirli vasitələrə qədər 101 m?rəkkəb problemin sadə həllini təklif edir.
  • Dahiliyə aparan yol (I kitab) Робин Шарма
    Həyatın oyununda xırda uduşlardan bezmisiniz? Hiss edirsiniz ki, nəsə daha artığına qadirsiniz? Diqqətəlayiq uğurlara nail olmağa, heyranedici nəticələrə ?atmağa və ?z daxili potensialınızı reallaşdırmağa hazırsınız? Onda bu g?zəl kitab məhz sizin ???n yazılıb. Həyat eşqi, həvəs və ilham verən, ?alışqanlığa s?vq edən, y?ksək ideyalar­la dolu olan bu kitab tezliklə ideal həyat haqqındakı arzuları­nı­zı reallaşdırmaqda sizə k?­mək edəcək. “Dahiliyə aparan yol” kitabı doğrudan da sizin daxili potensialınızı aşkar etmək və ən yaxşı şəxsi keyfiyyətlərinizi oyatmağa qadir olan nadir kitablardandır. Kitabdakı real həyata bağlı dolğun həqiqətlər, ruhlandırıcı məsləhətlər ?z?nəməxsus “qələbə ?almaq elmi“nə yiyələnmək bu həyatda daha ?ox uğur qazanmaq istəyən hər kəsin karına gələcək. “Dahiliyə aparan yol” həyatımızın b?t?n vacib sferalarında əhəmiyyətli nailiyyətlərin dəqiq istiqamətini g?stərir və oxucu onu bir daha unuda bilmir.
  • Суперҳаёт! Ҳақиқий ҳаётга 30 кунда! Робин Шарма
    Бугун – Сизнинг янгиланган, Сизга уни бирор-бир ҳақиқатда гўзал ва умрбоқий нарсага айлантириб олишингиз учун берилган янги ҳаётингизнинг биринчи кунидир. Ҳеч бир ўтмиш келажакни белгилай олмайди, шундай экан, ҳаётингиздаги ижобий ўзгаришлар, бурилишлар киприк қоққулик муддатда содир бўлиши ҳеч гап эмас (албатта, агар ҳаёт тарзингизни энг юқори даражасигача олиб чиқишга бўлган қатъий қарорга эга бўлсангиз). Қаршингизда – ғолиблар учун дастур. Бу дастур билан қизиқаётганингиз ва китобимизни варақлаётганингизнинг ўзи Сизнинг кўпчилик оммадан ажралиб туришингизни исбот қилади. Шу билан бирга Сизда, ҳаётий камолотга эришиш йўлида, ўз онг, тана ва феъл-атворингиз устидан ғолиб ва ҳоким бўлишга қаратилган қатъий қарорингиз борлигини кўрсатади. Ўз-ўзини қайта кашф қилишга чорловчи бу чақириқни “Лаббай!” дея қарши олинг ва шахсий имкониятларингиз, қобилиятларингиз, хуллас, потенциалингиз бойликларига чўминг. Буюк бўлишга ва ниҳоят, журъат қилинг!
  • The 10 Rules of Successful Nations Робин Шарма
    Дата написания: 2020
    This short primer distils Ruchir Sharma's decades of global analytic experience into ten rules for identifying nations that are poised to take off or crash.
    A wake-up call to economists who failed to foresee every recent crisis, including the cataclysm of 2008, 10 Rules is full of insights on signs of political, economic, and social change. Sharma explains, for example, why autocrats are bad for the economy; robots are a blessing, not a curse; and consumer prices don't tell you all you need to know about inflation. He shows how currency crises begin with the flight of knowledgeable locals, not evil foreigners; how debt crises start in private companies, not government; and why the best news for any country is none at all.
    Rethinking economics as a practical art, 10 Rules is a must-read for business, political and academic leaders who want to understand the most important forces that shape a nation's future.
  • Titulsuz lider Робин Шарма
    Əksəriyyətimiz həyatımızın ən yaxşı g?nlərini ayaq?st? komada ke?iririk. Anlamırıq ki, həyatda həqiqətən m?h?m olan ?z?n?n liderinə ?evrilib potensialını tam ger?əkləşdirməkdir. Sonra isə başqalarına potensiallarını tam ger?əkləşdirməyə yardım?ı olmaq və d?nyanı daha rahat etməkdir. Robin Şarmanın “Ferrarisini satmış rahib”inin əməli davamı olan bu yeni kitab, beş m?əllimin diliylə bunları bizə ?yrədəcək. Oxucu, bu kitabı sənə həsr edirəm. Daxili liderini oyatmaq istəyin məni ruhlandırır. Mən sənin tam g?c?nlə işləmək qətiyyətindən vəcdə gəlirəm. Rastına ?ıxan hər bir adamı səninlə tanışlığına qədər olandan daha yaxşı etmək istəyin isə məni, insanların titulsuz liderlərə ?evrilməsinə yardım etmək ???n, daha artıq q?vvə sərf etməyə s?vq edir.
  • The 5 AM Club Робин Шарма
    Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.Through an enchanting—and often amusing—story about two struggling strangers who meet an eccentric tycoon who becomes their secret mentor, The 5am Club will walk you through:
    [ul]How great geniuses, business titans and the world’s wisest people start their mornings to produce astonishing achievements
    A little-known formula you can use instantly to wake up early feeling inspired, focused and flooded with a fiery drive to get the most out of each day
    A step-by-step method to protect the quietest hours of daybreak so you have time for exercise, self-renewal and personal growth
    A neuroscience-based practice proven to help make it easy to rise while most people are sleeping, giving you precious time for yourself to think, express your creativity and begin the day peacefully instead of being rushed
    ‘Insider-only’ tactics to defend your gifts, talents and dreams against digital distraction and trivial diversions so you enjoy fortune, influence and a magnificent impact on the world[/ul]
    Part manifesto for mastery, part playbook for genius-grade productivity and part companion for a life lived beautifully, The 5am Club is a work that will transform your life. Forever.
  • Лидер без титула. Современная притча о настоящем успехе в жизни и в бизнесе Робин Шарма
    Оригинальное название: The Leader Who Had No Title
    Перевод: Вера Полищук, Анастасия Бродоцкая
  • The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life Robin Sharma
    Оригинальное название: The 5 AM Club: Own Your Morning. Elevate Your Life
    Язык: Английский
    Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity. Now, in this life-changing book, handcrafted by the author over a rigorous four-year period, you will discover the early-rising habit that has helped so many accomplish epic results while upgrading their happiness, helpfulness and feelings of aliveness.
  • The Greatness Guide: One of the World's Top Success Coaches Shares His Secrets to Get to Your Best Робин Шарма
    Robin Sharma, one of the world's top success coaches and author of the international bestseller ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’, offers 10 high-impact lessons for success.‘The Greatness Guide’ is a strikingly powerful and enormously practical handbook that will inspire you to get to world class in both your personal and professional life. Written by Robin Sharma, one of the world's top success coaches and a man whose ideas have been embraced by celebrity CEO's, leading entrepreneurs, rock stars and royalty, as well as by many FORTUNE 500 companies, ‘The Greatness Guide’ contains a proven formula that will help you meet your highest potential and live an extraordinary life.Discover:• The personal practices of spectacularly successful people• Potent ideas to get your organisation to greatness• Specific strategies to turn setbacks into opportunities• Revolutionary tactics for peak performance• How to attract true wealth along with real happiness• Breakthrough ideas to generate excellent health and an «energy explosion»• Tools for work-life balance and ways to experience a lot more fun.
  • The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Робин Шарма
    The much-anticipated book in the number 1 bestselling Monk series, a compelling and timely fable about living your best life in these complex timesPublished in over 46 languages, with more than five million copies sold, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari has touched people around the world. Published to coincide with the fifteenth anniversary of the very first The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari book, Robin Sharma has written a powerful and moving fable that will resonate with readers now and for years to come.When the now-famous character of Julian Mantle falls ill, he sends his nephew on an international adventure to retrieve Julian’s mementoes and secret letters—writings that reflect what Julian has learned over many years about living a remarkable life, a collection that may become his legacy. A moving and fascinating journey from the Bosphorus River in Turkey to a remote fishing community in India to the catacombs of Paris, The Secret Letters of the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari offers transformational lessons for happiness and true success and shows readers how to live an authentic and meaningful life.
  • Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Робин Шарма
    101 inspirational lessons on how to achieve true happiness, find fulfilment and live peacefully and meaningfully every day, from Robin Sharma, leading life coach and author of the multi-million-copy bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.How can one achieve true happiness? Is it possible to with joy, passion and purpose every day? It is – and this potent book, with its powerful life lessons and profound wisdom, can show you how.Here Robin Sharma, one of the world’s leading life teachers and bestselling authors, takes you on a journey towards a new way of living, allowing you to re-purpose your time to make every day meaningful.Offering simple solutions to life’s most frustrating challenges, this is a guide to rebalancing the conflicting forces in your life. Its lessons include:• How to discover your calling• How to see your troubles as blessings• How to enjoy the path – not just the rewards• How to live fully, so you can die happyThis is a truly remarkable book that you will treasure for a lifetime.
  • Leadership Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: The 8 Rituals of the Best Leaders Робин Шарма
    In this eagerly awaited sequel to the international bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, world renowned leadership guru Robin Sharma will teach you how to restore trust, commitment and belief within your organisation, while simultaneously changing the way you live your life in the process.A practical guide to visionary leadership and an inspiring fable, Leadership Wisdom is the true sequal to the international bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.It follows the story of Peter Franklin, a frustrated owner of a struggling digital software company. Just as things start to seem hopeless for Peter, a young monk appears at his door, offering sure-fire advice on how to turn the fate of his business around. Peter is astonished to learn that the monk is in fact his long-lost friend Julian Mantle, returned from his extraordinary Indian odyssey and ready to share his timeless wisdom for visionary leadership.Expressed in an easy-to-use eight step system of practical lessons, this inspiring and illuminating parable will teach you, amongst other things, how to:• Create team focus and unity• Increase profitability and efficiency• Be creative and innovative under pressure• Inspire and develop your team• Touch people's lives in a positive way
  • Be Extraordinary: The Greatness Guide Book Two: 101 More Insights to Get You to World Class Робин Шарма
    Do you want to find the inspiration, passion and enthusiasm to become extraordinary? Robin Sharma, author of no.1 international bestseller The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, will excite, energize and elevate you to world class greatness with his remarkable insights and powerful tools.Are you ready to take your work and personal life to a whole new level of greatness?Part manifesto for excellence, part business mastery manual and part inspirational companion, The Greatness Guide: Book 2 distils Robin Sharma's latest thinking into 101 simple yet powerful lessons to help you work brilliantly and live beautifully. You’ll discover:• the personal practices of spectacularly successful people• potent ideas to propel you to greatness• revolutionary tactics for peak performance• practical strategies to turn setbacks into opportunities• time management techniques that really work• breakthrough ideas to generate energy and health• tool kits for practical work–life balance
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