Shayla Storm
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  • 1 читатель
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Shayla Storm — новинки

  • The Gingerbread Man: An Erotic Romance With a Christmas Cookie Shayla Storm
    ISBN: 978-1-5092-4013-5
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: Wild Rose Press
    Hannah Tate is raising her children alone after her husband's death. Keeping her homestead running isn't easy, but when chores get done that she didn't do, she wonders who her mysterious helper is. Her daughter insists it's the Gingerbread Man who comes late at night. But Hannah has no time for such nonsense. Or does she? John Sullivan lives alone outside Harper Falls, trapping for a living. When circumstance brings him to meet the woman he's been helping in secret, he doesn't expect to find love once again. But he'll risk his life more than once to finally hold her forever.