Тим Брейди
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Тим Брейди — новинки

  • Невинные убийцы. Как три обычные девушки стали кошмаром для нацистов и героями Второй мировой Тим Брейди
    ISBN: 978-5-04-207013-6
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Удивительная история трех голландских девочек-подростков, ставших героями Сопротивления – шпионами, диверсантами и ассасинами, – для освобождения своей страны от нацистской оккупации.

    Ханни Шафт – 17 лет, знает три языка и стесняется ярко-рыжих волос.

    Трюс Оверстейген – 17 лет, старшая из двух сестер, с характером дерзкого мальчишки.

    Фредди Оверстейген – 15 лет, мамина любимица и настоящая красавица.

    Когда войска Третьего рейха оккупируют Нидерладны, в городе Харлем три девочки-подростка вступают в подпольную организацию. Они начинают с расклеивания листовок и перевозки оружия, а заканчивают диверсиями на железных дорогах и убийством фашистов.

    Они действуют с мужеством партизан, с хитростью опытных шпионов – рискуя жизнью, которую война обесценила. Но цена героизма окажется значительно выше, чем они думали – как для них самих, так и для их близких…

    «Историк Тим Брейди представляет драматический портрет трех девочек-подростков, сражавшихся в составе голландского Сопротивления во время Второй мировой войны. Он точно передает бесчеловечность того периода… Эта трогательная история демонстрирует необычайный героизм обычных людей во время войны и холокоста».

    – Publishers Weekly
  • Three Ordinary Girls: The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins–and WWII Heroes Tim Brady
    ISBN: 0806540397, 9780806540399
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Citadel Press
    Язык: Английский
    The astonishing true story of three fearless teenagers who wielded their youth and innocence as weapons of resistance in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands of WWII. Award-winning historian Tim Brady brings to light the remarkable daring of Dutch sisters Truus and Freddie Oversteegen and their red-haired friend Hannie Schaft in this “moving story spotlighting the extraordinary heroism of everyday people during the war and the Holocaust” (Publishers Weekly).

    Truus Oversteegen, her younger sister Freddie, and their friend Hannie Schaft were just teenagers when the commander of The Dutch Royal Army surrendered to the Nazis. Overnight, nine million Netherlanders were suddenly under the heel of the Nazi boot. As Third Reich troops swarmed their hometown, the girls sought out a small resistance cell in the Dutch city of Haarlem.

    Beginning with covert acts of resistance – lifting German ID cards to counterfeit, spreading news about strikes, distributing anti-Nazi literature – the girls soon were called on for bigger jobs with higher stakes, from gathering intelligence to detonating bombs. “With nothing to lose but their own lives,” Hannie, Truus, and Freddie took terrifying direct action against Nazi targets. They sheltered Jews, political dissidents, and Dutch resisters. They sabotaged bridges and railways. Disguised, they rescued children from being sent to concentration camps. They covertly transported weapons and set military facilities ablaze. And they carried out the assassinations of German soldiers and traitors—on public streets and in private traps—with the courage and daring of veteran guerilla fighters and seasoned spies.

    Harrowing, emotional, and unforgettable, Three Ordinary Girls finally moves these three icons of resistance into the deserved forefront of world history.
  • Невинные убийцы. Как три обычные девушки стали кошмаром для нацистов и героями Второй мировой Тим Брейди
    ISBN: 978-5-04-177992-4
    Год издания: 2024
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    10 мая 1940 года. Нидерланды кишат войсками Третьего рейха. Через неделю страна будет полностью оккупирована нацистской Германией. К небольшой ячейке антифашистского Сопротивления в голландском городе Харлем присоединяются три девочки-подростка: Ханни Шафт, а также сестры Трюс и Фредди Оверстейген, вскоре объединившиеся в уникальный женский подпольный отряд. Отважные и изобретательные, девочки выполняют опаснейшие задания: укрывают евреев, диссидентов и голландских участников сопротивления, устраивают диверсии на мостах и железных дорогах, помогают вывезти детей из концлагерей. Они тайно перевозят оружие, поджигают военные объекты и…

  • Three Ordinary Girls: The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins–and WWII Heroes Tim Brady
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: HighBridge
    Язык: Английский
    May 10, 1940. The Netherlands was swarming with Third Reich troops. In seven days it's entirely occupied by Nazi Germany. Joining a small resistance cell in the Dutch city of Haarlem were three teenage girls: Hannie Schaft, and sisters Truus and Freddie Oversteegen, who would soon band together to form a singular female underground squad.

    Smart, fiercely political, devoted solely to the cause, and "with nothing to lose but their own lives", Hannie, Truus, and Freddie took terrifying direct action against Nazi targets. That included sheltering fleeing Jews, political dissidents, and Dutch resisters. They sabotaged bridges and railways, and donned disguises to lead children from probable internment in concentration camps to safehouses. They covertly transported weapons and set military facilities ablaze. And they carried out the assassinations of German soldiers and traitors - on public streets and in private traps - with the courage of veteran guerilla fighters and the cunning of seasoned spies.

    Tim Brady offers a never-before-seen perspective of the Dutch resistance during the war. Of lives under threat; of how these courageous young women became involved in the underground; and of how their dedication evolved into dangerous, life-threatening missions on behalf of Dutch patriots - regardless of the consequences.
  • Three Ordinary Girls: The Remarkable Story of Three Dutch Teenagers Who Became Spies, Saboteurs, Nazi Assassins–and WWII Heroes Tim Brady
    ISBN: 0806540389, 9780806540382
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Citadel Press
    Язык: Английский
    May 10, 1940. The Netherlands was swarming with Third Reich troops. In seven days it's entirely occupied by Nazi Germany. Joining a small resistance cell in the Dutch city of Haarlem were three teenage girls: Hannie Schaft, and sisters Truus and Freddie Oversteegen who would soon band together to form a singular female underground squad.

    Smart, fiercely political, devoted solely to the cause, and "with nothing to lose but their own lives," Hannie, Truus, and Freddie took terrifying direct action against Nazi targets. That included sheltering fleeing Jews, political dissidents, and Dutch resisters. They sabotaged bridges and railways, and donned disguises to lead children from probable internment in concentration camps to safehouses. They covertly transported weapons and set military facilities ablaze. And they carried out the assassinations of German soldiers and traitors—on public streets and in private traps—with the courage of veteran guerilla fighters and the cunning of seasoned spies.

    In telling this true story through the lens of a fearlessly unique trio of freedom fighters, Tim Brady offers a little-known perspective of the Dutch resistance during the war. Of lives under threat; of how these courageous young women became involved in the underground; and of how their dedication evolved into dangerous, life-threatening missions on behalf of Dutch patriots—regardless of the consequences.

    Harrowing, emotional, and unforgettable, Three Ordinary Girls finally moves these three icons of resistance into the deserved forefront of world history.