Ajit Maan

Ajit K. Maan

  • 4 книги
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Ajit Maan — новинки

  • Introduction to Narrative Warfare: A Primer and Study Guide Ajit Maan
    ISBN: 978-1721221417
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Язык: Английский
    This book is literally, a first of a kind and ground-breaking in its intent. The intent of this book is to give national security professionals and other interested parties a baseline understanding of narrative and its principles regarding the potential for predictably triggering behavior. If we are to succeed on the battlefield of influence, understanding narrative is an imperative. This introductory study guide describes methods, from strategic to tactical, to win Narrative Warfare. We begin by defining narrative and its four components. We move to a description of offensive and defensive narratives and then provide details about the specific type of Narrative Identity Analysis of the target audience that will be necessary in order to put together a comprehensive Narrative Strategy. We demonstrate how to trigger identities and frame events in order to completely dominate in Narrative Warfare. For a more complete understanding of influence in general and a more well-rounded understanding of narratives’ role in influence, it is highly recommended to add Narrative Warfare, Dr. Ajit Maan, 2018 and Information Warfare, the Lost Tradecraft, Dr. Howard Gambrill Clark, 2018 to your library. Both are Narrative Strategies publications.
  • Narrative Warfare Ajit Maan
    ISBN: 978-1986694957
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
    Contemporary wars are largely wars of influence and they will not necessarily be won by those with the most information or the most accurate data. They will be won by those effectively tell the meaning of the information and what difference it makes for the audience.
  • Soft Power on Hard Problems: Strategic Influence in Irregular Warfare Ajit Maan
    ISBN: 978-0761868408
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Hamilton Books
    The authors of this book are uniquely qualified to analyze the contemporary security landscape and promote necessary and pressing change. Each is a thought leader in his or her field. Four out of six authors are seasoned military professionals who share the view that the over-reliance on kinetic approaches over influence operations account for some of the failures of nations against extremists. Combined with civilian academic leadership this book is a practice in military civics. This collection of international perspectives, taken together, challenge commonly held assumptions and outmoded paradigms of engagement.

    In tribute to Co-Editor Amar Cheema, Brigadier General (R)
    We wish to dedicate this collaborative effort arguing for a more profitable approach to ending and pre-empting conflict as a fitting, living tribute to our Dear Friend, Colleague and Co-Editor, Brig. Amar Cheema, the consummate Soldier, Scholar and Gentleman. Brig. Cheema embodied the concept of "no one appreciates peace and stability as much as a Soldier". Editing and Co-authoring our book focused on using all elements of National Power to achieve and sustain stability is an apt legacy for our Dear Friend.
  • Internarrative Identity: Placing the Self Ajit Maan
    ISBN: 978-0761849674
    Год издания: 2009
    Издательство: University Press of America
    A tour de force of scholarship and major contribution to the history of thought concerning the nature of personal identity, Internarrative Identity: Placing the Self asks how identity is created and examines the history of conceptions of the self, from Aristotle to Postmodernism, to find the answers. Ultimately, Maan discovers that the human capacity for self-creation exists in what have previously been problematic areas of experience—conflict, marginalization, disruption, exclusion, subversion, deviation and contradiction.