Джон Ронсон

Jon Ronson

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Новинки Джона Ронсона

  • Самовлюбленные, бессовестные и неутомимые. Захватывающие путешествия в мир психопатов Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-115720-3
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Уэльский журналист Джон Ронсон берется за расследование мистификации, связавшей ведущих ученых по всему миру, и это решение становится отправной точкой для путешествия в мир безумия. Пытаясь понять, на чьей стороне истина, журналист реконструирует историю изучения психопатов. Он встречается сайентолагами, убежденными в безнравственности психиатров и занимающимися их дискредитацией. Переписывается с участниками и организаторами экспериментальны лечебных программ. Изучает историю взлёта и падения основателя судебной психологии. Проходит курс у Боба Хаэра, создавшего опросник для выявления психопатов. И, конечно же, общается с психопатами…

  • Итак, вас публично опозорили. Как незнакомцы из социальных сетей превращаются в палачей Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-113713-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо, Бомбора
    Язык: Русский

    Несколько лет Джон Ронсон изучал феномен "публичного шейминга", встречаясь с его жертвами, оскандалившимися по-крупному. Всего одно прегрешение — и волна народной ярости накатывала подобно мощному цунами, снося все на своем пути. Что это: новый вид правосудия или превышение полномочий? "Итак, вас публично опозорили" — это исследование Ронсона, одновременно обескураживающее и невероятно смешное, о том, как люди под прикрытием восстановления справедливости порой буквально разрушают жизни других людей.

  • Lost At Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 978-1-4472-6471-2
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    Jon Ronson has been on patrol with America's real-life superheroes and to a UFO convention in the Nevada desert with Robbie Williams. He's met a man who tried to split the atom in his kitchen and asked a conscious robot if she's got a soul.
    Fascinated by madness, strange behaviour and the human mind, Jon has spent his life exploring mysterious events and meeting extraordinary people. Lost at Sea features the very best of his adventures. Frequently hilarious, sometimes disturbing, always entertaining, these fascinating stories of the chaos that lies on the fringe of our daily lives will have you wondering
    This updated edition includes three new stories - about a legendary singer who didn't exist, an epic art fraud, and the typecasting of Muslim-American actors as terrorists -as well as Jon's memoir, Frank, which tells the story of his time in the Frank Sidebottom Oh Blimey Big Band.
  • So You've Been Publicly Shamed Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 9780330492287
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    From the Sunday Times top ten bestselling author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: shame.

    'It's about the terror, isn't it?'
    'The terror of what?' I said.
    'The terror of being found out.'

    For the past three years, Jon Ronson has travelled the world meeting recipients of high-profile public shamings. The shamed are people like us - people who, say, made a joke on social media that came out badly, or made a mistake at work. Once their transgression is revealed, collective outrage circles with the force of a hurricane and the next thing they know they're being torn apart by an angry mob, jeered at, demonized, sometimes even fired from their job.

    A great renaissance of public shaming is sweeping our land. Justice has been democratized. The silent majority are getting a voice. But what are we doing with our voice? We are mercilessly finding people's faults. We are defining the boundaries of normality by ruining the lives of those outside it. We are using shame as a form of social control.

    Simultaneously powerful and hilarious in the way only Jon Ronson can be, So You've Been Publicly Shamed is a deeply honest book about modern life, full of eye-opening truths about the escalating war on human flaws - and the very scary part we all play in it.
  • So You've Been Publicly Shamed Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 9781447229797
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    From the Sunday Times top ten bestselling author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: shame.

    'It's about the terror, isn't it?'
    'The terror of what?' I said.
    'The terror of being found out.'

    For the past three years, Jon Ronson has travelled the world meeting recipients of high-profile public shamings. The shamed are people like us - people who, say, made a joke on social media that came out badly, or made a mistake at work. Once their transgression is revealed, collective outrage circles with the force of a hurricane and the next thing they know they're being torn apart by an angry mob, jeered at, demonized, sometimes even fired from their job.

    A great renaissance of public shaming is sweeping our land. Justice has been democratized. The silent majority are getting a voice. But what are we doing with our voice? We are mercilessly finding people's faults. We are defining the boundaries of normality by ruining the lives of those outside it. We are using shame as a form of social control.

    Simultaneously powerful and hilarious in the way only Jon Ronson can be, So You've Been Publicly Shamed is a deeply honest book about modern life, full of eye-opening truths about the escalating war on human flaws - and the very scary part we all play in it.
  • So You've Been Publicly Shamed Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 1594487138
    Год издания: 2015
    Издательство: Riverhead Books
    Язык: Английский

    From the New York Times bestselling author of The Psychopath Test, a captivating and brilliant exploration of one of our world's most underappreciated forces: shame. 'It's about the terror, isn't it?' 'The terror of what?' I said. 'The terror of being found out.' For the past three years, Jon Ronson has travelled the world meeting recipients of high-profile public shamings. The shamed are people like us - people who, say, made a joke on social media that came out badly, or made a mistake at work. Once their transgression is revealed, collective outrage circles with the force of a hurricane and the next thing they know…

  • Frank: The True Story that Inspired the Movie Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-1-4472-7137-6
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Русский
    In the late 1980s Jon Ronson was the keyboard player in the Frank Sidebottom Oh Blimey Big Band. Frank wore a big fake head. Nobody outside his inner circle knew his true identity. This became the subject of feverish speculation during his zenith years. Together, they rode relatively high. Then it all went wrong. Twenty-five years later and Jon has co-written a movie, Frank, inspired by his time in this great and bizarre band. Frank premiered at the Sundance Film Festival and won many prizes, including Best Screenplay (for Jon Ronson and Peter Straughan) at the 2014 British Independent Film Awards; it starred Michael Fassbender, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Domhnall Gleeson, and was directed by Lenny Abrahamson. Jon Ronson's Frank: The True Story that Inspired the Movie is a memoir of funny, sad times and a tribute to outsider artists too wonderfully strange to ever make it in the mainstream. It tells the true story behind the fictionalized movie.
  • Lost at Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-1-4472-2391-7
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Русский
    Updated edition including two extra stories. Jon Ronson has been on patrol with America's real-life superheroes and to a UFO convention in the Nevada desert with Robbie Williams. He's met a man who tried to split the atom in his kitchen and asked a conscious robot if she's got a soul. Fascinated by madness, strange behaviour and the human mind, Jon has spent his life exploring mysterious events and meeting extraordinary people. Collected from various sources (including the Guardian and GQ) Lost at Sea features the very best of his adventures. Frequently hilarious, sometimes disturbing, always entertaining, these fascinating stories of the chaos that lies on the fringe of our daily lives will have you wondering just what we're capable of.Portions of this book have appeared previously, in slightly different form, in Out of the Ordinary, What I Do, the Guardian and GQ (USA).
  • Психопат-тест Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-5-271-43584-3
    Год издания: 2013
    Издательство: Астрель
    Язык: Русский
    "Здоровых нет, есть необследованные".
    Старая шутка врачей, только все чаще кажется, что психиатры и психологи воспринимают ее всерьез - весь цивилизованный мир помешался на тестах, выявляющих психопатию.
    Нарциссизм и социопатия, аутизм и "синдром дефицита внимания" - чем из перечисленного списка страдаете вы? Ничем? Значит, вы еще не попадали в ласковые руки психиатров.
    Мелких преступников отправляют в закрытые клиники для "особо опасных". Социально активных объявляют социопатами. Детей подсаживают на серьезные антидепрессанты.
    Заговор психопатов? Или заговор психиатров?
  • The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 978-0-330-49227-0
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    What if society wasn't fundamentally rational, but was motivated by insanity? This thought sets Jon Ronson on an utterly compelling adventure into the world of madness. Along the way, Jon meets psychopaths, those whose lives have been touched by madness and those whose job it is to diagnose it, including the influential psychologist who developed the Psychopath Test, from whom Jon learns the art of psychopath-spotting. A skill which seemingly reveals that madness could indeed be at the heart of everything ...Combining Jon's trademark humour, charm and investigative incision, The Psychopath Test is both entertaining and honest, unearthing dangerous truths and asking serious questions about how we define normality in a world where we are increasingly judged by our maddest edges.
  • The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 978-1594485756
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Riverhead Books
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of "Them and The Men Who Stare at Goats", this is a book exploring the psychopath...This is a story about madness. It all starts when journalist Jon Ronson is contacted by a leading neurologist. She and several colleagues have recently received a cryptically puzzling book in the mail, and Jon is challenged to solve the mystery behind it. As he searches for the answer, Jon soon finds himself, unexpectedly, on an utterly compelling and often unbelievable adventure into the world of madness. Jon meets a Broadmoor inmate who swears he faked a mental disorder to get a lighter sentence but is now stuck there, with nobody believing he's sane. He meets some of the people who catalogue mental illness, and those who vehemently oppose them. He meets the influential psychologist who developed the industry standard Psychopath Test and who is convinced that many important CEOs and politicians are in fact psychopaths. Jon learns from him how to ferret out these high-flying psychopaths and, armed with his new psychopath-spotting abilities, heads into the corridors of power...Combining Jon's trademark humour, charm and investigative incision, "The Psychopath Test" is a deeply honest book unearthing dangerous truths and asking serious questions about how we define normality in a world where we are increasingly judged by our maddest edges.
  • Lost at Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 978-1594631375
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Riverhead Books
    Язык: Английский
    A collection of mini-adventure stories from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Psychopath Test
  • Самовлюбленные, бессовестные и неутомимые. Захватывающие путешествия в мир психопатов Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-165051-3
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский
    Уэльский журналист Джон Ронсон берется за расследование мистификации, связавшей ведущих ученых по всему миру, и это решение становится отправной точкой для путешествия в мир безумия.
    Пытаясь понять, на чьей стороне истина, журналист реконструирует историю изучения психопатов. Он встречается с саентологами, убежденными в безнравственности психиатров и занимающимися их дискредитацией. Переписывается с участниками и организаторами экспериментальных лечебных программ. Изучает историю взлета и падения основателя судебной психологии. Проходит курс у Боба Хаэра, создавшего опросник для выявления психопатов. И, конечно же, общается с психопатами разного толка: от «симулянта», который застрял в психиатрической клинике на двенадцать лет после того, как притворялся безумным, используя клише из старых фильмов, до легендарного генерального директора, который сотнями увольнял сотрудников крупнейших производств.
    В формате PDF A4 сохранён издательский дизайн.
  • Самовлюбленные, бессовестные и неутомимые. Захватывающие путешествия в мир психопатов Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-163876-4
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Бомбора
    Язык: Русский
    Уэльский журналист Джон Ронсон берется за расследование мистификации, связавшей ведущих ученых по всему миру, и это решение становится отправной точкой для путешествия в мир безумия. Пытаясь понять, на чьей стороне истина, журналист реконструирует историю изучения психопатов. Он встречается сайентолагами, убежденными в безнравственности психиатров и занимающимися их дискредитацией. Переписывается с участниками и организаторами экспериментальных лечебных программ. Изучает историю взлёта и падения основателя судебной психологии. Проходит курс у Боба Хаэра, создавшего опросник для выявления психопатов. И, конечно же, общается с психопатами разного толка: от «симулянта», который застрял в психиатрической клинике на двенадцать лет после того, как притворялся безумным, используя клише из старых фильмов, до легендарного генерального директора, который сотнями увольнял сотрудников крупнейших производств.
  • The Psychopath Test. A Journey Through the Madness Industry Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 9780330492270
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    What if society wasn't fundamentally rational, but was motivated by insanity? This thought sets Jon Ronson on an utterly compelling adventure into the world of madness. Along the way, Jon meets psychopaths, those whose lives have been touched by madness and those whose job it is to diagnose it, including the influential psychologist who developed the Psychopath Test, from whom Jon learns the art of psychopath-spotting. A skill which seemingly reveals that madness could indeed be at the heart of everything . . . Combining Jon Ronson's trademark humour, charm and investigative incision, The Psychopath Test is both entertaining and honest, unearthing dangerous truths and asking serious questions about how we define normality in a world where we are increasingly judged by our maddest edges.
  • The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 978-1594485756
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Riverhead
    Язык: Английский
    They say one out of every hundred people is a psychopath. You probably passed one on the street today. These are people who have no empathy, who are manipulative, deceitful, charming, seductive, and delusional. The Psychopath Test is the New York Times bestselling exploration of their world and the madness industry.

    When Jon Ronson is drawn into an elaborate hoax played on some of the world’s top scientists, his investigation leads him, unexpectedly, to psychopaths. He meets an influential psychologist who is convinced that many important business leaders and politicians are in fact high-flying, high-functioning psychopaths, and teaches Ronson how to spot them. Armed with these new abilities, Ronson meets a patient inside an asylum for the criminally insane who insists that he’s sane, a mere run-of-the-mill troubled youth, not a psychopath—a claim that might be only manipulation, and a sign of his psychopathy. He spends time with a death-squad leader institutionalized for mortgage fraud, and with a legendary CEO who took joy in shutting down factories and firing people. He delves into the fascinating history of psychopathy diagnosis and treatments, from LSD-fueled days-long naked therapy sessions in prisons to attempts to understand serial killers.

    Along the way, Ronson discovers that relatively ordinary people are, more and more, defined by their most insane edges. The Psychopath Test is a fascinating adventure through the minds of madness.
  • Безумный спецназ Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-064325-7, 978-5-403-02979-7
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: АСТ, АСТ Москва
    Язык: Русский
    1979 год. В армии США формируется новое секретное подразделение. Состоящим в нем военнослужащим предстоит забыть не только обо всех традиционных способах ведения боевых действий, но даже о законах физики.
    Солдаты, умеющие по приказу становиться невидимыми, проходить сквозь стены и даже - самое невероятное - убивать животных взглядом.
    Это не шутка и не вымысел, а реальная история таинственного первого земного батальона, о котором до сих пор ходит множество слухов и легенд.
  • What I Do: More True Tales of Everyday Craziness Jon Ronson
    ISBN: 978-0330453738
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Английский
    In the second volume of his collected Guardian journalism, Jon hilariously demonstrates how our everyday lives are determined by the craziest thoughts and obsessions; how we spend our time believing in and getting worked up by complete nonsense. But also, as he chillingly demonstrates, there are clever people working in the highest echelons of business who are employed to spot, nurture and exploit the irrationalities of those among us who can barely cope as it is.
  • Out of the Ordinary: True Tales of Everyday Craziness Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 978-0-330-44832-1
    Год издания: 2006
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Русский
    Jon Ronson's subjects have included people who believe that goats can be killed by the power of a really hard stare, and people who believe that the world is ruled by twelve-foot lizard-men. In Out of the Ordinary, a collection of his journalism from the Guardian, he turns his attention to irrational beliefs much closer to home, investigating the ways in which we sometimes manage to convince ourselves that all manner of lunacy makes perfect sense -- mainstream, domestic, ordinary insanity. Whether he finds himself promising his son that he will be at his side for ever, dressed in a Santa costume, or trying to understand why hundreds of apparently normal people would suddenly start speaking in tongues in a Scout hut in Kidderminster, he demonstrates repeatedly how we all succumb to deeply irrational beliefs that grow to inform our everyday existence. Out of the Ordinary is Jon Ronson at his inimitable best: hilarious, thought-provoking and with an unerring eye for human frailty - not least his own.Praise for The Men Who Stare at Goats: "Not only a narcotic road trip through the wackier reaches of Bush's war effort, but also an unmissable account of some of the insanity that has lately been done in our names" Observer Praise for Them: Adventures with Extremists: "A funny and compulsively readable picaresque adventure through a paranoid shadow world" Louis Theroux, Guardian REMEMBER NEW BOOKS MAKE GREAT AND AFFORDABLE GIFTS! WE ARE A SMALL FAMILY RUN BUSINESS WITH A LOVE FOR BOOKS AND CATS! (BENTLEY, OUR CAT, HELPS TOO, USUALLY SLEEPING BESIDE ME WHILE I WORK) OUR AIM IS TO PROVIDE YOU WITH LOVELY BOOKS AND THE BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE.
  • The Men Who Stare at Goats Джон Ронсон
    ISBN: 9780330375481, 978-0-330-37548-1
    Год издания: 2005
    Издательство: Picador
    Язык: Русский
    In 1979 a secret unit was established by the most gifted minds within the US Army. Defyingall known military practice and indeed the laws of physics they believed that a soldier couldadopt a cloak of invisibility, pass cleanly through walls, and, perhaps most chillingly, killgoats just by staring at them. They were the First Earth Battalion. And they really weren'tjoking. What's more, they're back and fighting George Bush's War on Terror. Often funny,sometimes chilling and always thought-provoking, THE MEN WHO STARE AT GOATS is a story so unbelievable it has to be true.
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