Юдзи Каку


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Юдзи Каку — библиография

  • Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku Юдзи Каку
    Форма: графический роман
    Оригинальное название: Paradition
    Дата написания: 2018

    Gabimaru the Hollow is one of the most vicious ninja assassins ever to come out of the village of Iwagakure. He’s ruthlessly efficient, but a betrayal results in him being handed a death sentence. There is only one hope: travel to a long-hidden island and recover an elixir that will make the shogun immortal and he will regain his freedom. Failure is not an option—on this island, Heaven and Hell are a hair’s breadth away.

  • Ayashimon Юдзи Каку
    Форма: графический роман
    Дата написания: 2021
    Первая публикация: 2023

    When the Enma Syndicate’s chairman dies, Japan’s supernatural underworld is turned on its head, leaving gangs of ayashimon poised on the brink of war. Urara, the late chairman’s daughter, has plans to come out on top, and she’s found an unlikely ally to help make it happen—Maruo, a human who dreams of being a manga hero.