Тори Хейден

Victoria Lynn Hayden

  • 16 книг
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  • 111 читателей
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Новинки Тори Хейден

  • Таши и Очень Страшный Человек Йонге Мингьюр Ринпоче
    ISBN: 978-5-907059-60-3
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Ганга
    Язык: Русский
    Таши — шумный, задорный пёс, который живёт с Томпсонами: Мамой, Папой, Дженни и малышом Марком. Таши любит лаять и играть, а больше всего он любит гоняться за мячиком в парке, гуляя там с Дженни и их другом Нико. Однажды разозлившийся на Таши человек так накричал на него, что Таши не на шутку испугался и больше никогда не хочет возвращаться в парк. В этой истории Нико пытается научить Таши успокаивать ум и встречать свои страхи лицом к лицу.
    Признанный мастер медитации Йонге Мингьюр Ринпоче объясняет детям, как наблюдение за дыханием способно успокоить наш ум и как развитие сострадания делает для нас очевидным тот факт, что даже Очень Страшный Человек тоже иногда бывает напуган.
  • Таши. Щенок, который научился медитировать Йонге Мингьюр Ринпоче
    ISBN: 978-5-99074-271-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Самадхи
    Язык: Русский

    История Таши - простой и доступный текст для ознакомления с навыками медитации, предназначенный для детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста. Приведённые в конце книги комментарии призваны помочь взрослым, читающим историю Таши детям.

  • The Tiger’s Child: The story of a gifted, troubled child and the teacher who refused to give up on her Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007373956
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    After seven years, Torey is reunited with Sheila, the disturbed 6-year-old she tried to rescue.Sheila was a deeply disturbed six-year-old when she came into Torey Hayden's life – a story poignantly chronicled One Child. The Tiger's Child picks up the story seven years later. Hayden has lost touch with the child she helped to free from a hellish inner prison of rage and silence. But now Sheila is back, now a gangly teenager with bright orange hair – no longer broken and lost, but still troubled and searching for answers.This story of dedication and caring that began in childhood moves into a new and extraordinary chapter that tests the strength and heart of both Sheila and her one-time teacher. In The Tiger's Child the skilled and loving educator answers the call once again to help a child in need through her difficult yet glorious transition into young womanhood.
  • One Child Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007287529
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    This beautiful and deeply moving tale recounts educational psychologist Torey Hayden's battle to unlock the emotions of a troubled and sexually abused child who, with the help of Hayden, was finally able to overcome her dark past and realise her full potential.

    Six-year-old Sheila was abandoned by her mother on a highway when she was four. A survivor of horrific abuse, she never spoke, never cried, and was placed in a class for severely retarded children after committing an atrocious act of violence against another child. Everyone thought Sheila was beyond salvation – except her teacher, Torey Hayden. With patience, skill, and abiding love, she fought long and hard to release a haunted little girl from her secret nightmare – and nurture the spark of genius she recognised trapped within Sheila's silence. This is the remarkable story of their journey together – an odyssey of hope, courage, and inspiring devotion that opened the heart and mind of one lost child to a new world of discovery and joy.
  • Innocent Foxes Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007458998
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    From bestselling author Torey Hayden comes a moving novel of loss and redemption.Abundance, Montana, once a lively mining town in the days of the wild west, is now not much more than a ghost town. Local girl, Dixie, a struggling single mother who has just lost her baby, tries to make ends meet while her feckless boyfriend Billy drifts from one job to another, always believing his next moneymaking scheme will be the winner.Above them in the magnificent mountains surrounding Abundance, jaded Hollywood actor Spencer Scott conceals himself from the paparazzi on the ranch that has been his pristine sanctuary until the arrival of his obnoxious, nine-year-old son.Then Billy puts into motion a plan almost too appalling to contemplate, and from which there is no escape. As all four are forced to confront the brutal reality of the Montana mountains, so too are they forced to face their damaged lives in this poignant novel.
  • Somebody Else's Kids Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007218660
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Harper Element
    'Somebody Else's Kids' tells the stories of four diverse 'problem children' under the care of special education teacher Torey Hayden. It also tells of how that teacher showed them love and understanding that helped them bond with each other.
  • Без промаха. Красавица. Помпеи. Когда приходит беда (сборник) Роберт Харрис
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Издательский Дом Ридерз Дайджест
    Язык: Русский
    БЕЗ ПРОМАХА. Убийцы проникают в Секретную службу Соединенных Штатов. Их мишенью является новоизбранный вице-президент. В Вашингтоне понимают, что им нужен человек со стороны, способный противостоять террористам. И выбор падает на Джека Ричера. КРАСАВИЦА. В класс со специальным обучением, которым руководит опытный педагог Тори Хейден, приходит Винус Фокс, девочка, погруженная в молчаливый мир отчаяния. Перед Хейден встает сложнейшая задача - вырвать ее оттуда. Для этого требуется весь ее опыт, мудрость, терпение и, самое главное, любовь. Это история о неудачах, несчастье, надежде и победа. ПОМПЕИ. Действие этого увлекательного романа происходит в Древнем Риме в 79 г. н. э. Акведук Аква Августа перестает работать, и смотритель водопровода Марк Аттилий должен починить его и обеспечить водой жителей Помпеи и других городов на берегу Неаполитанского залива. Направляясь к вулкану, где, как он считает, произошла поломка, Аттилий понимает, что есть силы, с которыми не справиться даже могущественной Римской империи. КОГДА ПРИХОДИТ БЕДА. Поппи Блейк потрясена тем, что ФБР арестовало ее лучшую подругу Хезер. По заверениям агентов, Хезер не та, за кого она себя выдает, и к тому же в юности совершила убийство. За это ей грозит пожизненный срок. Чтобы спасти подругу, Поппи предпринимает собственное расследование, в котором ей помогает один известный журналист. В результате они находят и истину, и собственную судьбу.
  • Без промаха. Красавица. Помпеи. Когда приходит беда (сборник) Роберт Харрис
    ISBN: 5-89355-080-3
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Ридерз Дайджест
    Язык: Русский
    Ли Чайлд. "Без промаха". Убийцы проникают в Секретную службу Соединенных Штатов. Их мишенью является новоизбранный вице-президент. В Вашингтоне понимают, что им нужен человек со стороны, способный противостоять террористам. И выбор падает на Джека Ричера.
    Тори Хейден. "Красавица". В класс со специальным обучением, которым руководит опытный педагог Тори Хейден, приходит Винус Фокс, девочка, погруженная в молчаливый мир отчаяния. Перед Хейден встает сложнейшая задача - вырвать ее оттуда. Для этого требуется весь ее опыт, мудрость, терпение и, самое главное, любовь. Это история о неудачах, несчастье, надежде и победах.
    Роберт Харрис. "Помпеи". Действие этого увлекательного романа происходит в Древнем Риме в 79 г. н. э. Акведук Аква Августа перестает работать, и смотритель водопровода Марк Аттилий должен починить его и обеспечить водой жителей Помпеи и других городов на берегу Неаполитанского залива. Направляясь к вулкану, где, как он считает, произошла поломка, Аттилий понимает, что есть силы, с которыми не справиться даже могущественной Римской империи.
    Барбара Делински. "Когда приходит беда". Поппи Блейк потрясена тем, что ФБР арестовало ее лучшую подругу Хезер. По заверениям агентов, Хезер не та, за кого она себя выдает, и к тому же в юности совершила убийство. За это ей грозит пожизненный срок. Чтобы спасти подругу, Поппи предпринимает собственное расследование, в котором ей помогает один известный журналист. В результате они находят и истину, и собственную судьбу.
  • The Sunflower Forest Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007380275
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling author Torey Hayden’s novel poignantly tells of a daughter’s attempt to grow up in the shadow of her mother’s haunted past. Warm, melancholy and evocatively rendered this book captures the essence of a family touched by sadness.A haunting tale of a family who can't escape the consequences of their mother's tormented childhood. Hayden, a master storyteller, again turns her talent to fiction in this novel that combines a psychological thriller with a nuanced family drama.Lesley’s Hungarian mother Mara – charming, childlike, lovable – is traumatized by her adolescent Holocaust experiences.Though her American husband and daughters try to live a normal life, Mara holds them thrall to her moods and quirks. Lesley struggles to understand, but dealing with Mara is a severe strain which sets her apart from her peers.But when Mara’s psychosis results in tragedy, Lesley goes to Wales in search of her mother’s remembered joy.
  • The Tiger’s Child and Somebody Else’s Kids 2-in-1 Collection Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007577736
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    For the first time, bestsellers Somebody Else’s Kids and The Tiger’s Child are combined to show Hayden’s extraordinary attempt to rescue the children that no one else wanted to help.In Somebody Else’s Kids, four problem children are placed in Torey Hayden's class because nobody knew what else to do with them. They were a motley group of kids in great pain: a small boy who echoed other people's words and repeated the weather forecast; a beautiful seven-year-old girl brain damaged by savage parental beatings; an angry ten-year-old who had watched his stepmother murder his father; and a shy twelve-year-old who had been cast out of Catholic school when she became pregnant. But they shared one thing in common: a remarkable teacher who would never stop caring – and who would share with them the love and understanding they had never known to help them become a family.In the Sunday Times best seller The Tiger’s Child, Haydon attempts to reconnect with an abandoned teenager she helped as a child. Sheila, a gangly teenager with bright orange hair – is no longer broken and lost, but still troubled and searching for answers. It is up to Hayden to once again answer the call to help a child in need.
  • Overheard in a Dream Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007370832
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    Bestselling author Torey Hayden's novel is a fascinating study of a fractured family, a troubled child, and a psychiatrist’s attempts to rescue them.Conor, aged nine, arrives in the play therapy room of child psychiatrist James Innes with the diagnosis «autistic». His mother Laura, an aloof, enigmatic novelist, can't handle him. His rancher father, embroiled in divorcing Laura, does not feel there is anything wrong with Conor.His six year old sister Morgana insists he really does see ghosts.As James becomes convinced Conor is not autistic, he is drawn first into Conor's strange world of «things the cat knows» and then into Morgana's stories of her friend the «Lion King».James is pulled most deeply, however, into Laura's world; at first that of a lonely, rather difficult woman and then, eventually, into the world of her imagination, an enthralling world that seems almost real – and that hides a terrible secret.
  • Twilight Children: Three Voices No One Heard – Until Someone Listened Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007370863
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of the phenomenal Sunday Times bestsellers ‘One Child’ and ‘Ghost Girl’, comes a startling and poignant memoir of three people's victimisation and abuse – and their heartbreaking but ultimately successful steps to recovery, with the help of Torey Hayden, an extraordinary teacher.Two children trapped in a prison of silence and a woman suffering in the twilight of her years – these are the cases that would test the extraordinary courage, compassion and skill of Torey Hayden and ultimately reaffirm her faith in the indomitable strength of the human spirit.While working in the children’s psychiatric ward of a large hospital, Torey was introduced to seven-year-old Cassandra, a child who had been kidnapped by her father and was found dirty, starving and picking though rubbish bins to survive. She refused to speak, so Torey could only imagine what she’d been through. Drake, by contrast, was a charismatic four-year-old who managed to participate fully in his pre-school class without uttering a single word. Then, there was Gerda, eighty-two, who had suffered a massive stroke and was unwilling to engage in conversation with anyone. Although Torey had never worked with adults, she agreed to help when all other efforts had failed.
  • Just Another Kid: Each was a child no one could reach – until one amazing teacher embraced them all Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007373949
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    A dramatic and remarkable narrative of an extraordinary teacher's determination, from the author of the Sunday Times bestsellers ‘The Tiger's Child’ and ‘One Child’.Torey Hayden faced six emotionally troubled kids no other teacher could handle – three recent arrivals from battle-torn Northern Ireland, badly traumatised by the horrors of war; an eleven-year-old boy, who only knew life inside an institution; an excitable girl, aggressive and sexually precocious at the age of eight; and seven-year-old Leslie, perhaps the most hopeless of all, unresponsive and unable to speak. But Torey's most daunting challenge turns out to be Leslie's mother, a stunning young doctor who soon discovers that she needs Torey's love and help just as much as the children.‘Just Another Kid’ is a beautiful illustration of nurturing concern, not only for a few emotionally disturbed children, but for one woman facing a personal battle.
  • Silent Boy: He was a frightened boy who refused to speak – until a teacher's love broke through the silence Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007370849
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    From the author of Sunday Times bestsellers One Child and Ghost Girl comes a heartbreaking story of a boy trapped in silence and the teacher who rescued him.When special education teacher Torey Hayden first met fifteen-year-old Kevin, he was barricaded under a table. Desperately afraid of the world around him, he hadn’t spoken a word in eight years. He was considered hopeless, incurable.But Hayden refused to believe it, though she realised it might well take a miracle to break through the walls he had built around himself. With unwavering devotion and gentle, patient love, she set out to free him – and slowly uncovered a shocking violent history and a terrible secret that an unfeeling bureaucracy had simply filed away and forgotten.Torey refused to give up on this tragic “lost case.” For a trapped and frightened boy desperately needed her help – and she knew in her heart she could not rest easy until she had rescued him from the darkness.
  • Ghost Girl: The true story of a child in desperate peril – and a teacher who saved her Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780007370825
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    A stunning and poignant account of an extraordinary teacher's determination from the author of the #1 Sunday Times bestsellers The Tiger's Child and One Child.Jadie never spoke, never laughed, never cried. She spent every waking hour locked in her own private world of shadows. But nothing in Torey Hayden's experience had prepared her for the nightmare Jadie revealed to her when finally persuaded to break her self-imposed silence. It was a story too painful, too horrific for Hayden's professional colleagues to acknowledge.But Torey Hayden could not close her ears… or her heart. A little girl was trapped in a living hell of unspeakable memories. And it would take every ounce of courage, compassion, and love that one remarkable teacher possessed to rid the «Ghost Girl» of the malevolent spirits that haunted her.
  • The Tiger's Child Тори Хейден
    ISBN: 9780857573513
    Издательство: Oakhill Publishing Limited
    Язык: Английский