Тони Магуайр

Toni Maguire

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Тони Магуайр - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • When Daddy Comes Home Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 9780007280032
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    SHE FINALLY THOUGHT SHE WAS SAFE…Toni Maguire, author of Don't Tell Mummy, takes up the story of her tragic childhood where she left off, revealing the awful truth about what happened when her father, sent to jail for abusing her, was released, and came home…Toni Maguire's father abused her from the age of six, and was only found out when Toni fell pregnant, losing the child from a botched abortion. Called to her father's trial. she gave the damning evidence that put him away, and hoped that with his influence banished, she and her mother could have a happy, idyllic life once more. But her mother was unable to face the truth of what her husband had perpetrated on their daughter, and waited patiently for his return.One day, two years later, Toni walked in to find her dreaded father sitting in the living room, on day release from prison. Toni knew then she had to leave, but stayed with her mother for another two years, desperately hoping her mother would choose Toni's wellbeing over that of her father. Yet when Joe Maguire was released, Toni was despatched to collect him from the station, and from the moment he re-entered the house she knew nothing had changed in his desires, although the threat of imprisonment was enough to prevent him from acting on them. Toni was forced to leave her home, and her mother made it known she was no longer welcome.Traumatised and alone, Toni was unable to cope, and was admitted to a psychiatric hospital, sinking deeper into despair every day, finally being transferred to the dead-end ward with hope of recovery abandoned. But paradoxically it was when all hope seemed gone that Toni slowly began to improve, by sheer force of indomitable will – but the ultimate step occurred when she finally admitted to herself that her mother, whom she wanted so desperately to love her, had known all along what her father had done.
  • Helpless: The true story of a neglected girl betrayed and exploited by the neighbour she trusted Тони Магуайр
    Neglected by her careless parents, Marianne turned to her neighbour, the one person that she thought she could trust….Eight year old Marianne, the eldest of five children, was neglected by her slovenly mother and her violent alcoholic father. Uncared for and unkempt she was rejected at school by her peers and scarcely tolerated by her teachers. Only one person gave her the affection she craved; a neighbour who seeing the vulnerable child knew she was easy prey for his perverted desires.‘Little Lady’ he called her over the few months he groomed her. Less than twelve months later she was caught in a trap of fear – if she talked she would be punished. With no one to turn to she kept ‘their secret’. At thirteen she fell pregnant.Still too frightened to speak out she refused to tell the social workers who the father was. Without family support the teenager gave birth to a daughter in the unmarried mother's home.Six weeks later the baby she had already grown to love was taken away for adoption. Marianne returned home, but the neighbour's abuse continued and a year later she was pregnant again.This time her father literally tried to beat the baby out of her but she failed to miscarry. Scared for her life and that of her baby's she ran away from home carrying only a plastic bag stuffed with her few possessions.Marianne who still missed her first child desperately struggled to keep her second daughter. Two months after the birth she realized that for the baby's sake she would have to hand her over for adoption.Helpless is Marianne’s heartbreaking story as told the bestselling author of Don’t Tell Mummy.
  • Don’t Tell Mummy: A True Story of the Ultimate Betrayal Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 9780007279838
    Издательство: HarperCollins
    Язык: Английский
    This heart-wrenching memoir from Toni Maguire tells the deeply moving story of an idyllic childhood that masked a terrible truth. Underneath her mother's gentility and her father's roguish charm lay horrifying secrets, which eventually led to their only child's near destruction.The first time her father made an improper advance on Toni, she was six years old. Her father warned her not to tell her mother, or anyone else, because they would blame her and wouldn't love her any more. It had to remain ‘our secret.’When she finally built up the courage to tell her mother what had happened, she was told never to speak of the matter again. With no one to turn to, isolated and alone in rural Ireland, the abuse continued unhindered.At fourteen Toni fell pregnant by her father, and when her state was discovered she was made to have a late abortion which almost killed her. The truth of her childhood could no longer be kept hidden but, just as her father predicted, Toni found herself judged and rejected by her family, teachers and friends. The blame and anger she was treated with only worsened when her father was sent to prison as a result of his actions. This is the compelling story of her struggle to put the ghost of her childhood to rest, and emerge ultimately triumphant.
  • Daddy's Little Girl: A picture perfect family with a terrible secret Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 9781529104004
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Ebury Press
    Язык: Английский
    Every family has its secrets, but some are worse than others.
    ‘I had learnt to switch myself off from feeling anything when he molested me. Just lie there like a wooden doll and don’t give him the satisfaction of allowing one whimper to leave your mouth.’
    Lynn’s mother wanted the world to see the perfect family. An immaculate house, three well-dressed children and a charming husband. But behind closed doors it was a different story.
    Abused by her father from when she
  • Когда вернется папа... История одного предательства Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 978-5-386-02777-3
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Тони Магуайр рассказывает трагическую историю своей юности. Кошмар вернулся вместе с возвращением из тюрьмы отца, который был приговорен к заключению за изнасилование собственной дочери. Мать продолжает свою игру в добропорядочную семью. Она принимает любимого мужа назад. Роль простившей раскаявшегося грешника жены и мнение соседей оказываются важнее счастья Тони. Осознав, что родной дом перестал быть безопасным местом, девочка уезжает из семьи. Мать снова предает ее. Она даже не пытается защитить и удержать свою дочь. Строить свою новую жизнь Тони пришлось в одиночку, рассчитывая только на себя...

  • Я буду тебе вместо папы. История одного обмана Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 978-5-386-03615-7
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Вечно беременной матери и вечно пьющему отцу Марианны не было никакого дела до своей восьмилетней дочери. Единственным человеком, который проявлял к ней хоть какое-то участие, был их сосед. Он называл девочку "моя маленькая леди" и показывал "как целуются феи". Но однажды сосед поцеловал ее по-другому. И этот поцелуй был далек от невинной ласки названого "папы". Запуганная Марианна много лет хранила "их общий секрет", но в тринадцать лет девочка забеременела. Страх перед соседом, давно превратившимся из друга в мучителя, помешал ей рассказать всю правду о том, кто является отцом ребенка. Новорожденную дочь отдали приемным родителям,…

  • Только не говори маме. История одного предательства Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 978-5-386-02285-3
    Год издания: 2010
    Издательство: Рипол Классик
    Язык: Русский

    Маленькая девочка Тони Магуайр из провинциального ирландского городка Коулрейн подверглась сексуальному насилию со стороны своего отца. Он заставил ребенка молчать, пугая тем, что ей все равно никто не поверит. Тони попыталась найти понимание у матери, но та обвинила дочь во лжи и потребовала не позорить семью. Тогда ежедневное насилие стало нормой. Год за годом отец издевался над собственной дочерью. "Семейный секрет" раскрылся, когда, забеременев, 14-летняя Тони вынуждена была сделать аборт, который едва не стоил ей жизни. И тогда девочку отвергла не только мать, но и родственники, учителя, друзья, знакомые, соседи. Строить свою новую…

  • Никто не придет. История одной жестокости Тони Магуайр
    ISBN: 978-5-386-02778-0
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Рипол
    Язык: Русский

    Однажды вечером он включил телевизор. Диктор рассказывал о страшной находке, которая была обнаружена на территории двух детских приютов, долгие годы существовавших на английском острове Джерси. Кадры с полуразрушенными камерами пыток в подвалах и и с тайными захоронениями детских останков потрясли всю страну. Вслед за этим в правоохранительные органы и в СМИ лавиной хлынули сотни заявлений от людей, которые когда-то были воспитанниками этих заведений. И тогда Робби Гарнер понял, что не может больше молчать. Он обязательно должен перешагнуть через свою боль и рассказать о том, кто и как искалечил его детство...Он сделает это для того, чтобы…
