Cassandra Newbould
  • 1 книга
  • 1 читатель
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Cassandra Newbould — новинки

  • Every Body Shines: Sixteen Stories About Living Fabulously Fat Cassandra Newbould
    ISBN: 154760607X
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Bloomsbury YA
    Язык: Английский
    An intersectional, feminist YA anthology from some of today's most exciting voices across a span of genres, all celebrating body diversity and fat acceptance through short stories.

    Fat girls and boys and nonbinary teens are: friends who lift each other up, heroes who rescue themselves, big bodies in space, intellects taking up space, and bodies looking and feeling beautiful. They express themselves through fashion, sports and other physical pursuits, through food, and music, and art. They are flirting and falling in love. They are loving to themselves and one another. With stories that feature fat main characters starring in a multitude of settings, and written by authors who live these lives too, this is truly a unique collection that shows fat young people the representation they deserve.

    With a foreword by Aubrey Gordon, creator of Your Fat Friend, and with stories by:
    Nafiza Azad, Chris Baron, Sheena Boekweg, Linda Camacho, Kelly deVos, Alex Gino, Claire Kann, amanda lovelace, Hillary Monahan, Cassandra Newbould, Francina Simone, Rebecca Sky, Monique Gray Smith, Renée Watson, Catherine Adel West, Jennifer Yen