Лучшие книги Терри Фрэнсис Иглтон
- 13 произведений
- 31 издание на 4 языках
По популярности
Почему Маркс был прав Терри Иглтон
ISBN: 978-5-00074-112-2 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Карьер Пресс Язык: Русский В этой книге Терии Иглтон берет на себя задачу развеять убеждение, что марксизм изжил себя. Иглтон берет десять самых распространенных возражений против марксизма: что марксизм ведет к политической тирании, что марксизм - форма исторического детерминизма и так далее. Иглтон демонстрирует, что все эти утверждения, всего лишь горестная пародия на мысли самого Маркса. В мире, в котором капитализм был потрясен до своих корней кризисами, "Почему Маркс был прав" является необходимой и своевременной, храброй и честной книгой. Написанная с традиционным иглтонновским юмором, остротой и ясностью, эта книга привлечет читателей из числа выходящего…
Теория литературы. Введение Терри Иглтон
ISBN: 978-5-911290-79-5 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Территория будущего Язык: Русский В "Теории литературы", академическом бестселлере британского марксиста-литературоведа Терри Иглтона, прослеживается история изучения текстов от романтиков XIX столетия до постмодернистов конца XX века и показывается связь между политикой и литературоведческой теорией.
Написанная доступный языком, книга представляет интерес для широкого круга читателей. -
Идея культуры Терри Иглтон
ISBN: 978-5-7598-0838-1, 0631219668, 978-0631219668 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Издательский дом Высшей школы экономики Язык: Русский В этой книге выдающийся британский литературовед Терри Иглтон рассматривает понятие культуры в его историческом, философском и политическом контексте и вносит свой вклад в полемику, ведущуюся сегодня вокруг этого понятия. Книга адресована широкому кругу читателей - всем, кто интересуется историей и теорией культуры. -
Был ли Иисус революционером? Терри Иглтон
Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Свободное Марксистское издательство Язык: Русский Терри Иглтон (1943) — по мнению газеты «Independent», самый влиятельный из ныне живущих литературных критиков Британии, крупнейший транслятор классического марксизма в современном англоязычном мире. Автор множества книг: «Критика и идеология» (1976), «Функция критики» (1984), «Уильям Шекспир» (1986), «Идеология эстетического» (1990), «Иллюзии постмодернизма» (1996) и др., романа «Святые и ученые» (1987), сценария к фильму Дерека Джармена «Витшгенштейн» (1993). С октября 2008 — профессор кафедры английской литературы в Ланкастерском университете. Эссе «Был ли Иисус революционером?» предваряет англоязычное издание Евангелий (Verso, 2007) -
Марксизм и литературная критика Терри Иглтон
Год издания: 2009 Издательство: Свободное Марксистское издательство Язык: Русский Эта книга была впервые опубликована в 1976 году, когда история Запада находилась на переломе. Эра политического радикализма перетекала в эру политической реакции, хотя я еще не мог об этом знать. "Марксизм и литературная критика" взошла на ферменте революционных идей, который существовал с конца 60-х до середины 70-х. Формат: 10 см x 14,5 см. -
How to Read Literature Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 978-0300190960 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Yale University Press Язык: Английский What makes a work of literature good or bad? How freely can the reader interpret it? Could a nursery rhyme like Baa Baa Black Sheep be full of concealed loathing, resentment and aggression? In this accessible, delightfully entertaining book, Terry Eagleton addresses these intriguing questions and a host of others. How to Read Literature is the book of choice for students new to the study of literature and for all other readers interested in deepening their understanding and enriching their reading experience. In a series of brilliant analyses, Eagleton shows how to read with due attention to tone, rhythm, texture, syntax, allusion, ambiguity, and other formal aspects of literary works. He also examines broader questions of character, plot, narrative, the creative imagination, the meaning of fictionality, and the tension between what works of literature say and what they show. Unfailingly authoritative and cheerfully opinionated, the author provides useful commentaries on classicism, Romanticism, modernism and postmodernism along with spellbinding insights into a huge range of authors, from Shakespeare and Jane Austen to Samuel Beckett and J. K. Rowling. -
Literary Theory: An Introduction Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 978-0816654475 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Univ Of Minnesota Press Язык: Английский “This concise and lucid volume offers a satisfying survey of all the major theories, from structuralism in the 1960s to deconstruction today, that have made academic criticism both intriguing and off-putting to the outsider.” —New York Times Book Review
“Literary Theory has the kind of racy readability that one associates more often with English critics who have set their faces resolutely against theory. It’s not just a brilliant polemical essay; it’s also a remarkable feat of condensation, explication, and synthesis.” —Sunday Times (London) -
Hope without Optimism Терри Иглтон
ISBN: 978-0813937342 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: University of Virginia Press In his latest book, Terry Eagleton, one of the most celebrated intellects of our time, considers the least regarded of the virtues. His compelling meditation on hope begins with a firm rejection of the role of optimism in life’s course. Like its close relative, pessimism, it is more a system of rationalization than a reliable lens on reality, reflecting the cast of one’s temperament in place of true discernment. Eagleton turns then to hope, probing the meaning of this familiar but elusive word: Is it an emotion? How does it differ from desire? Does it fetishize the future? Finally, Eagleton broaches a new concept of tragic hope, in which this old virtue represents a strength that remains even after devastating loss has been confronted.
In a wide-ranging discussion that encompasses Shakespeare’s Lear, Kierkegaard on despair, Aquinas, Wittgenstein, St. Augustine, Kant, Walter Benjamin’s theory of history, and a long consideration of the prominent philosopher of hope, Ernst Bloch, Eagleton displays his masterful and highly creative fluency in literature, philosophy, theology, and political theory. Hope without Optimism is full of the customary wit and lucidity of this writer whose reputation rests not only on his pathbreaking ideas but on his ability to engage the reader in the urgent issues of life. -
How to Read Literature Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 9780300205305 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Yale University Press Язык: Английский What makes a work of literature good or bad? How freely can the reader interpret it? Could a nursery rhyme like Baa Baa Black Sheep be full of concealed loathing, resentment, and aggression? In this accessible, delightfully entertaining book, Terry Eagleton addresses these intriguing questions and a host of others. How to Read Literature is the book of choice for students new to the study of literature and for all other readers interested in deepening their understanding and enriching their reading experience.
In a series of brilliant analyses, Eagleton shows how to read with due attention to tone, rhythm, texture, syntax, allusion, ambiguity, and other formal aspects of literary works. He also examines broader questions of character, plot, narrative, the creative imagination, the meaning of fictionality, and the tension between what works of literature say and what they show. Unfailingly authoritative and cheerfully opinionated, the author provides useful commentaries on classicism, Romanticism, modernism, and postmodernism along with spellbinding insights into a huge range of authors, from Shakespeare and J. K. Rowling to Jane Austen and Samuel Beckett. -
Der Sinn des Lebens Терри Иглтон
ISBN: 9783550087202 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Ullstein Hardcover Was ist der Sinn des Lebens? Gibt es darauf überhaupt eine Antwort? Wenn ja, liegt sie in uns? Oder ist die Frage falsch gestellt? Terry Eagleton widmet sich diesem existenziellen Thema auf geistreiche und witzige Art. Ein außergewöhnliches Philosophiebuch -
Holy Terror Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 0199287171 Год издания: 2005 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Английский -
Kultura a śmierć Boga Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 978-83-62858-57-6 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Aléthèia Язык: Польский Książkę tę Terry Eagleton (ur. 1943) – światowej sławy brytyjski teoretyk literatury i filozof społeczny (Iluzje postmodernizmu, Zło, Jak czytać literaturę) – opublikował w półwiecze początków swej aktywności publicznej. Zaczynał w 1964 roku jako rewolucyjny socjalistyczny katolik i do dziś bada zmienne losy Boga w ludzkiej kulturze. W tym eseju rozważa, na ile Boga – martwego, jak zakłada, od trzystu lat –zdołała lub nie zdołała zastąpić kultura. Oświecenie, romantyzm, modernizm, postmodernizm składają się na historię tych prób o niemal sensacyjnej fabule z niespodziewanym finałem 11 września 2001. Głównymi postaciami dramatu i stawką w grze są ateizm i jedność społeczna. W swojej jak zwykle błyskotliwej i erudycyjnej narracji Eagleton przywołuje mało znane fakty i wypowiada właściwe sobie kontrowersyjne opinie. Jak kultura miałaby zastąpić religię i po co? Jeśli po to, by pełnić za nią pozytywne funkcje polityczne (unifikacja społeczeństwa i spokój społeczny), to czy religia, zwłaszcza nowotestamentowa, faktycznie się do tego nadaje? Kiedy, jeśli w ogóle, pojawia się prawdziwy ateizm? I co z jego odwrotem po 11 września i ekspansją fundamentalizmu? Historia prób zastąpienia kulturą odchodzącego Boga jest przyczynkiem do drażliwej sprawy relacji między (religijnymi) masami a (na ogół niewierzącą) elitą intelektualną i wiele wyjaśnia z mechanizmów najnowszej historii Europy. -
Culture and the death of God Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 978-0300203998 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Yale University Press
How to live in a supposedly faithless world threatened by religious fundamentalism? Terry Eagleton, formidable thinker and renowned cultural critic, investigates in this thought-provoking book the contradictions, difficulties and significance of the modern search for a replacement for God. Engaging with a phenomenally wide range of ideas, issues and thinkers from the Enlightenment to today, Eagleton discusses the state of religion before and after 9/11, the ironies surrounding Western capitalism's part in spawning not only secularism but also fundamentalism, and the unsatisfactory surrogates for the Almighty invented in the post-Enlightenment era. The author reflects on the unique capacities of religion, the possibilities of culture and art as modern paths to salvation, the so-called war on terror's impact on atheism, and a host of other topics of concern to those who envision a future in which just and compassionate communities thrive. Lucid, stylish, and entertaining in his usual manner, Eagleton presents a brilliant survey of modern thought that also serves as a timely, urgently-needed intervention into our perilous political present. -
Why Marx Was Right Терри Иглтон
ISBN: 978-0-300-18153-1 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Yale University Press Язык: Русский In this combative, controversial book, Terry Eagleton takes issue with the prejudice that Marxism is dead and done with. Taking ten of the most common objections to Marxism - that it leads to political tyranny, that it reduces everything to the economic, that it is a form of historical determinism, and so on - he demonstrates in each case what a woeful travesty of Marx's own thought these assumptions are. In a world in which capitalism has been shaken to its roots by some major crises, "Why Marx Was Right" is as urgent and timely as it is brave and candid. Written with Eagleton's familiar wit, humour and clarity, it will attract an audience far beyond the confines of academia. -
The English Novel: An Introduction Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 1405117079 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Wiley-Blackwell Written by one of the world's leading literary theorists, this book provides a wide-ranging, accessible and humorous introduction to the English novel from Daniel Defoe to the present day. It covers the works of major authors, including Daniel Defoe, Henry Fielding, Samuel Richardson, Laurence Sterne, Walter Scott, Jane Austen, the Brontes, Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Virginia Woolf, D.H. Lawrence and James Joyce. It distils the essentials of the theory of the novel. It follows the model of Eagleton's hugely popular "Literary Theory: An Introduction". -
The Meaning of Life Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 978-0199532179 Год издания: 2008 Издательство: Oxford University Press Язык: Английский The phrase "the meaning of life" for many seems a quaint notion fit for satirical mauling by Monty Python or Douglas Adams. But in this spirited Very Short Introduction, famed critic Terry Eagleton takes a serious if often amusing look at the question and offers his own surprising answer.
Eagleton first examines how centuries of thinkers and writers--from Marx and Schopenhauer to Shakespeare, Sartre, and Beckett--have responded to the ultimate question of meaning. He suggests, however, that it is only in modern times that the question has become problematic. But instead of tackling it head-on, many of us cope with the feelings of meaninglessness in our lives by filling them with everything from football to sex, Kabbala, Scientology, "New Age softheadedness," or fundamentalism. On the other hand, Eagleton notes, many educated people believe that life is an evolutionary accident that has no intrinsic meaning. If our lives have meaning, it is something with which we manage to invest them, not something with which they come ready made. Eagleton probes this view of meaning as a kind of private enterprise, and concludes that it fails to holds up. He argues instead that the meaning of life is not a solution to a problem, but a matter of living in a certain way. It is not metaphysical but ethical. It is not something separate from life, but what makes it worth living--that is, a certain quality, depth, abundance and intensity of life.
Here then is a brilliant discussion of the problem of meaning by a leading thinker, who writes with a light and often irreverent touch, but with a very serious end in mind. -
How to Read a Poem (How to Study Literature) Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 1405151412 Год издания: 2006 Язык: Русский In this witty, accessible book, Terry Eagleton argues that the art of reading poetry is as much in danger of becoming extinct as thatching or clog dancing. On the whole, students today are not taught how to be sensitive to language - how to read a -
The Gatekeeper Terry Eagleton
ISBN: 978-0713995909 Год издания: 2001 Издательство: Allen Lane Язык: Английский A memoir in which our hero blends autobiography with moral, political and cultural reflections. thoughts about god, evil, suffering, death and tragedy are interwoven with comic or moving scenes from the author's life; his bizarre experiences as a young altar server in a convent of enclosed nuns; his precarious career in 1960's cambridge as one of the few working-class students among a set of public school boys; his abortive experience of life in aseminary. Eagleton was brought up in Salford, Lancs., in a working-class University. His book discloses the more personal, spiritual side of a well-known cultural thinker; mixing the serious with the…