Лучшие книги Энтони Бурдена
- 5 произведений
- 18 изданий на 5 языках
По популярности
О еде. Строго конфиденциально. Записки из кулинарного подполья Энтони Бурден
ISBN: 978-5-699-48215-3 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Эксмо, Мидгард Язык: Русский Это самая известная книга Энтони Бурдена, шеф-повара нью-йоркского ресторана "Ле Аль". Это не просто размышления настоящего профессионала о любимом деле, это написанная с подкупающей честностью автобиография весьма незаурядного человека, которая читается, как авантюрный роман, раскрывающий тайный мир ресторанного дела и оборотную сторону ночной жизни современного Нью-Йорка, полный самых колоритных персонажей и причудливых поворотов судьбы. -
Вокруг света. В поисках совершенной еды Энтони Бурден
ISBN: 978-5-699-40555-8 Год издания: 2010 Издательство: Эксмо, Мидгард Язык: Русский Больше всего на свете Энтони Бурден - шеф-повар нью-йоркского ресторана "Les Halles" - любит готовить и путешествовать. Однажды он даже отправился вокруг света в поисках священного Грааля кулинарии. Он объехал весь мир, пробуя местные деликатесы, образцы высочайшего мастерства и самые экзотические блюда. От Японии и Камбоджи до Франции, Англии и Шотландии - таков был маршрут путешествия, книга о котором представляет собой хронику непредсказуемых и увлекательных приключений знаменитого шеф-повара. -
Мясо с кровью Энтони Бурден
ISBN: 978-5-271-43461-7 Год издания: 2012 Издательство: Астрель, Corpus Язык: Русский Скандальная книга знаменитого американского шеф-повара, путешественника, телеведущего Энтони Бурдена изменит ваше представление о высокой кухне и ресторанных буднях. С точностью инсайдера и беспощадным остроумием профессионала Бурден вытаскивает на свет все тайны закулисной жизни гастрономической Америки. И никакие громкие имена и признанные авторитеты не способны его остановить.
Это съедобно? Муки и радости в поисках совершенной еды Энтони Бурден
ISBN: 978-5-699-45210-1 Год издания: 2011 Издательство: Эксмо, Мидгард Язык: Русский Энтони Бурден, шеф-повар нью-йоркского ресторана "Ле Аль", не просто любит готовить и путешествовать - он познает мир на вкус во всем его многообразии, пробуя и размышляя. Ему известны тайны и тонкости ресторанного дела, и заглядывая в кухни по всему свету - от Сингапура до Гренландии, от Австралии до Шотландии, от кафе на токийском рынке до круизного лайнера для миллионеров, - он заново открывает сочный и яркий мир живых традиций для себя и со смаком делится своими открытиями с нами. -
Anthony Bourdain's Hungry Ghosts Энтони Бурден, Джоэл Роуз
ISBN: 150670669X, 9781506706696 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Berger Books Язык: Английский Hungry Ghosts is cooked up by the best selling author and veteran chef, Anthony Bourdain ( Kitchen Confidential , Emmy-Award winning TV star of Parts Unknown ) and acclaimed novelist Joel Rose ( Kill, Kill, Faster, Faster ) back again from their New York Times #1 best seller, Get Jiro !.
Featuring all-new original recipes prepared by Bourdain, plus a guide to the ghostly legendary spirits behind these horrifying tales. This horror anthology is sure to please--and scare!
On a dark, haunted night, a Russian Oligarch dares a circle of international chefs to play the samurai game of 100 Candles--where each storyteller tells a terrifying tale of ghosts, demons and unspeakable beings--and prays to survive the challenge.
Inspired by the Japanese Edo period game of Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai, Hungry Ghosts reimagines the classic stories of yokai, yorei, and obake, all tainted with the common thread of food.
Including stellar artists Sebastian Cabrol, Vanesa Del Rey, Francesco Francavilla, Irene Koh, Leo Manco, Alberto Ponticelli, Paul Pope, and Mateus Santolouco as well as amazing color by Jose Villarrubia, a drop-dead cover by Paul Pope. -
A Cook's Tour Anthony Bourdain
ISBN: 0-06-001278-1 Год издания: 2002 Издательство: Ecco Язык: Английский The only thing "gonzo gastronome" and internationally bestselling author Anthony Bourdain loves as much as cooking is traveling. Inspired by the question, "What would be the perfect meal?," Tony sets out on a quest for his culinary holy grail, and in the process turns the notion of "perfection" inside out. From California to Cambodia, A Cook's Tour chronicles the unpredictable adventures of America's boldest and bravest chef. -
The Nasty Bits: Collected Varietal Cuts, Usable Trim, Scraps, and Bones Anthony Bourdain
ISBN: 9781596913608, 1596913606 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Язык: Английский In the multiweek New York Times bestseller The Nasty Bits, bestselling chef and No Reservations host Anthony Bourdain serves up a well-seasoned hellbroth of candid, often outrageous stories from his worldwide misadventures. Whether surviving a lethal hot pot in Chengdu, splurging on New York's priciest sushi, or singing the praises of Ecuadorian line cooks and Hell's Kitchen dives, Bourdain is as provocative, engaging, and opinionated as ever. The Nasty Bits is an irresistible tasting menu of food writing at its outrageous best-served up Bourdain style. -
No Reservations: Around the World on an Empty Stomach Anthony Bourdain
ISBN: 1596914475 Год издания: 2007 Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Язык: Английский More than just a companion to the hugely popular show, No Reservations is Bourdain's fully illustrated journal of his far-flung travels. The book traces his trips from New Zealand to New Jersey and everywhere in between, mixing beautiful, never-before-seen photos and mementos with Bourdain's outrageous commentary on what really happens when you give a bad-boy chef an open ticket to the world. Want to know where to get good fatty crab in Rangoon? How to order your reindeer medium rare? How to tell a Frenchman that his baguette is invading your personal space? This is your book. For any Bourdain fan, this is an indispensable opportunity to hit the road with the man himself. -
Appetites: A Cookbook Anthony Bourdain
ISBN: 9780062409959, 0062409956 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Ecco Язык: Английский Anthony Bourdain is a man of many appetites. And for many years, first as a chef, later as a world-traveling chronicler of food and culture on his CNN series Parts Unknown, he has made a profession of understanding the appetites of others. These days, however, if he’s cooking, it’s for family and friends.
Appetites, his first cookbook in more than ten years, boils down forty-plus years of professional cooking and globe-trotting to a tight repertoire of personal favorites—dishes that everyone should (at least in Mr. Bourdain’s opinion) know how to cook. Once the supposed "bad boy" of cooking, Mr. Bourdain has, in recent years, become the father of a little girl—a role he has embraced with enthusiasm. After years of traveling more than 200 days a year, he now enjoys entertaining at home. Years of prep lists and the hyper-organization necessary for a restaurant kitchen, however, have caused him, in his words, to have "morphed into a psychotic, anally retentive, bad-tempered Ina Garten."
The result is a home-cooking, home-entertaining cookbook like no other, with personal favorites from his own kitchen and from his travels, translated into an effective battle plan that will help you terrify your guests with your breathtaking efficiency. -
Bone in the Throat Anthony Bourdain
ISBN: 9781582341026 Год издания: 2000 Издательство: Bloomsbury USA Язык: Английский When up-and-coming chef Tommy Pagana settles for a less than glamorous stint at his uncle's restaurant in Manhattan's Little Italy, he unwittingly finds himself a partner in big-time crime. And when the mob decides to use the kitchen for a murder, nothing Tommy learned in cooking school has prepared him for what happens next. With the FBI on one side, and his eccentric wise guy superiors on the other, Tommy has to struggle to do right by his conscience, and to avoid getting killed in the meantime.
In the vein of Prizzi's Honor, Bone in the Throat is a thrilling Mafia caper laced with entertaining characters and wry humor. This first novel is a must-have for fans of Anthony Bourdain's nonfiction.
"A prodigiously self-assured first novel. . . the author's comic vision goes beyond original. It is deliciously depraved."-The New York Times Book Review -
Get Jiro: Blood and Sushi Anthony Bourdain, Joel Rose, Ale Garza
ISBN: 9781401252267 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Vertigo Язык: Английский Acclaimed chef, writer and television personality, Anthony Bourdain and Joel Rose (Kill The Poor) return for the follow-up to their #1 New York Times bestseller GET JIRO from Vertigo.
In GET JIRO: BLOOD AND SUSHI, Bourdain and Rose examine the origins of the mysterious Jiro and what made him into the chef he has become. Born the heir to a Yakuza crime family, Jiro never longed to travel the crimnal path laid out before him, but instead chose to secretly study the rich culinary history of his homeland, something that would have significant repercussions if discoverd by his ganster father.
As Jiro's interest in the culinary arts deepens, his ability to keep his artistic and criminal worlds seperate becomes too great, triggering a great personal loss that will forever change Jiro's path. -
Get Jiro! Anthony Bourdain, Joel Rose, Langdon Foss
ISBN: 9781401228286 Год издания: 2013 Издательство: Vertigo Язык: Английский In a not-too-distant future L.A. where master chefs rule the town like crime lords and people literally kill for a seat at the best restaurants, a bloody culinary war is raging.
On one side, the Internationalists, who blend foods from all over the world into exotic delights. On the other, the "Vertical Farm," who prepare nothing but organic, vegetarian, macrobiotic dishes. Into this maelstrom steps Jiro, a renegade and ruthless sushi chef, known to decapitate patrons who dare request a California Roll, or who stir wasabi into their soy sauce. Both sides want Jiro to join their factions. Jiro, however has bigger ideas, and in the end, no chef may be left alive!
Anthony Bourdain, top chef, acclaimed writer (Kitchen Confidential, Medium Raw) and star of the hit travel show, No Reservations, co-writes with Joel Rose (Kill Kill Faster Faster, The Blackest Bird) this stylized send-up of food culture and society, with detailed and dynamic art by Langdon Foss. -
Avameelselt köögist ehk seiklused kulinaarses allmaailmas Энтони Бурден
ISBN: 978-9985-3-5316-5, 9789985354001 Год издания: 2000 Язык: Эстонский Anthony Bourdain (1956–2018) on mitmes mõttes haruldane kokk. Ta töötas ennast nõudepesijast New Yorgi moodsa restorani peakokaks ja kirjutas sellest siis käesoleva raamatu. Raamat sai suurepärase vastuvõtu osaliseks, sellest vaimustusid nii lugejad kui ka kriitikud. Pärast seda on ta kirjutanud veel mitu raamatut ning juhtinud kokasaateid Travel Channelis ja Food Networkis.