*** Kseniya*** 29 января 2025 г., 15:02 Пожаловаться Nobody believes in God 'cause they got proof, only 'cause they know there's not any proof to say they're wrong. Nightcrawling Leila Mottley 4,3
*** Kseniya*** 10 января 2025 г., 13:56 Пожаловаться The best way to get a man to do what you want is by telling him he got a choice, got control, got the end of the thread. Nightcrawling Leila Mottley 4,3
charlie_gelner 15 июля 2022 г., 13:26 Пожаловаться ...art is the way we imprint ourselves onto the world so there is no way to erase us. Nightcrawling Leila Mottley 4,3
charlie_gelner 15 июля 2022 г., 13:30 Пожаловаться Silence starves us, chile. Feed yoself. Nightcrawling Leila Mottley 4,3
charlie_gelner 15 июля 2022 г., 13:30 Пожаловаться That's sort of what it feels like: the helplessness of it. Like standing on the road that leads to here and noticing the path you didn't know existed and not being albe to take it. Like the road that leads to here was never the only road and time made me forget that until these sobing moments when I remember, when the fog… Развернуть Nightcrawling Leila Mottley 4,3
charlie_gelner 15 июля 2022 г., 13:25 Пожаловаться An orchestrated love is almost more precious than a natural one; harder to give up something you spent that long making. Nightcrawling Leila Mottley 4,3