S. E. Lynes — новинки
- 4 произведения
- 8 изданий на 3 языках
Prawdziwe przyjaciółki S. E. Lynes
Wpada do mojego życia niczym burza i już nic nie jest takie same. Zdaje się być taka idealna z tym swoim melodyjnym śmiechem i piękną twarzą. Moje przyjaciółki, jedna po drugiej, ulegają jej urokowi.
Wygląda na to, że tylko ja coś podejrzewam. Tylko ja widzę te uśmiechy, które nie sięgają ziejących chłodem i nienawiścią oczu. A gdy zostaję oskarżona o rzeczy, których nie zrobiłam, wiem, że to ona za tym stoi. Ale ona ujawnia swoje prawdziwe oblicze tylko wtedy, gdy nikt nie patrzy, więc jeśli coś powiem, uznają mnie za wariatkę.
Dlatego gdy nadchodzi bociankowe, idę na nie, siedzę na aksamitnej sofie w ekskluzywnym pokoju hotelowym, otoczona balonami. Wręczamy prezenty, pijemy szampana, a ona promienieje, czerwona koszula opina jej sterczący brzuszek.
Mój były S. E. Lynes
ISBN: 978-83-8280-316-7 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: Filia Язык: Польский To trudne spotkać byłego po tak długiej rozłące. Uśmiechasz się uprzejmie, nawet kiedy twoje serce bije szybciej. Patrzysz, jak zagląda do wózka i widzi piękne, jasnowłose, niebieskookie dziecko, machające nóżkami w słońcu, jego niewinny uśmiech rozświetla twój świat. Widzisz, jak twarz mężczyzny się zmienia. I wiesz dobrze, co myśli. Następnego dnia dzwoni. Głos mu drży. Chce znać prawdę. Czy to jego dziecko? Wahasz się, zasycha ci w gardle, dobre i złe wspomnienia wirują ci w głowie. Tak bardzo za nim tęskniłaś… ale czy możesz mu ponownie zaufać? Postanawiasz, że najważniejsze jest zrobić to, co dobre dla małego Toma. Ale kilka miesięcy później, gdy w nocy zaczynają wyć syreny, musisz przyznać: nigdy nie myślałaś, że którekolwiek z was posunie się tak daleko… -
The Baby Shower S. E. Lynes
ISBN: 978-1803141428 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Bookouture Язык: Английский She doesn’t know I’m there, watching her in the mirror. She slides her hand under her blouse. And then I see something impossible. She isn’t pregnant…
She bursts into my life like a storm, and nothing is the same again. She seems so perfect, with her lilting laugh and her beautiful face. One by one, I watch as my friends fall under her spell.
Only I seem to suspect something. Only I see that her smiles don’t reach her cold, furious eyes. And when I’m accused of things I didn’t do, when my home is vandalized, I know she’s behind it. But she only lets her mask slip when no one is looking, so if I say anything, I’ll look crazy.
So when the baby shower comes around I’m there, sitting on a velvet sofa in a posh hotel room, surrounded by balloons. We share gifts, we pour small glasses of champagne, and she beams, her bump just visible under her bright red shirt.
But that afternoon, I finally learn the unbelievable truth.
There is no baby… -
The Housewarming S. E. Lynes
ISBN: 978-1800190832 Год издания: 2020 Издательство: Bookouture Язык: Английский Ava only left her daughter in the pushchair for five minutes. The buckle was fastened, and she was sure it was safe. But when she came downstairs, the door was open and Abi was gone – she walked down the road, past the Lovegoods’ house, and was never seen again.
A year later, the Lovegoods are planning their long-anticipated housewarming party. Ava doesn’t want to go. She can’t bear to look down that end of the road, to see the place where Abi vanished, and she doesn’t want to spend time with people who don’t share her grief. Her husband Matt persuades her: he’s worried about her. A night out might do her good.
But as her friends and neighbours chat, and the drink and gossip flows, Ava learns something new about the day she has re-lived a thousand times. A throwaway comment which could change everything.
Ava thought she knew every last detail of that day.
She’s about to find out she was wrong… -
The housewarming S. E. Lynes
ISBN: B08F273DPR Год издания: 2020 Everyone is going to the housewarming party.
All the same people who lived on the street the day Abi vanished…
Will her mother finally learn the truth?
Ava only left her daughter in the pushchair for five minutes. The buckle was fastened, and she was sure it was safe. But when she came downstairs, the door was open and Abi was gone – she walked down the road, past the Lovegoods’ house, and was never seen again.
A year later, the Lovegoods throw a housewarming party, showing off the results of their renovation. Ava doesn’t want to go. She can’t bear to look down that end of the road, to see the place where Abi vanished, and she doesn’t want to spend time with people who don’t share her grief. Her husband Matt persuades her: he’s worried about her. A night out might do her good.
But as her friends and neighbours chat, and the drink and gossip flows, Ava learns something new about the day she has re-lived a thousand times. A throwaway comment which could change everything.
Ava thought she knew every last detail of that day.
She’s about to find out she was wrong… -
The Women S. E. Lynes
ISBN: 9781786819055 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: Bookouture Язык: Английский The night she moves in with Peter, she’s so happy, so exhilarated, so in love. Later, she will remember a much smaller feeling, a tiny one percent in her gut. And she will remember pushing that feeling aside…
Samantha Frayn doesn’t know why Peter Bridges picks her – a nobody with bitten fingernails and a troubled childhood behind her – but she falls quickly. He’s older, charming, likes fine wine and French films, and his beautiful home has real art on its walls.
Peter transforms Samantha’s life in an instant. He sees the better version of herself – the one she’s always wanted to be. It’s only normal that there’s a little friction, when she moves in, over domestic matters like where things are kept, or the proper times to eat, sleep and shower. She’s lucky to be with someone who can help her find a new job, move on from childish friends, and speak with greater sophistication.
But as Samantha notices, more and more, Peter’s temper, she starts to wonder if there might be consequences to breaking the rules of the world he has so quickly built around her.
And then she receives an anonymous note that makes her ask: is she the first woman to feel trapped by Peter? Is she being paranoid, manipulated, or could she be in danger?
You can tell the truth about your life, but someone needs to be listening. Someone needs to trust you. And someone needs to save you from the man you thought you loved -
The Pact S. E. Lynes
ISBN: 9781786813534 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Bookouture Язык: Английский The Daughter
15-year-old Rosie lies in hospital fighting for her life. She’s trying to tell her mother what happened to her, and how she got there, but she can’t speak the words out loud.
The Mother
Rosie’s mother Toni has a secret. She had a traumatic childhood, and she and her sister Bridget made each other a promise thirty years ago: that they could never speak the truth about what happened to them as children, and that they would protect each other without asking for help from others, no matter what…
Rosie was Toni’s second chance to get things right: a happy, talented girl with her whole life ahead of her. Having lost her husband in a tragic accident, Toni has dedicated her life to keeping Rosie safe from harm.
But Rosie has plans that her mother doesn’t know about. She has dreams and ambitions – of love, of a career, of a life beyond the sheltered existence that her mother has created for her. But the secrets Rosie has been keeping have now put her life in danger.
The Pact
In order to save Rosie, Toni may have to break her lifelong promise to her sister… and open doors to her past she hoped would remain closed forever. -
The Proposal S. E. Lynes
ISBN: 9781786815170 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Bookouture Язык: Английский The first thing you should know, dear reader, is that I am dead…
Teacher Pippa wants a second chance. Recently divorced and unhappy at work, she uproots her life and moves to the countryside, determined to make a fresh start. But Pippa soon realises: your troubles are never far behind.
When Pippa meets blue-eyed Ryan Marks, he is funny and charming. He is haunted by his past – but insists he is a changed man.
He might just be the answer to all of her problems. And Pippa can tell the truth from lies. She’d know if she were in danger. Wouldn’t she?
From Amazon chart bestseller S.E. Lynes, The Proposal is a page-turning and utterly gripping thriller about the lengths we will go to for someone we love. Perfect for fans of Gone Girl, The Woman in the Window and The Wife Between Us.