Марджи Фустон

Margie Fuston

  • 3 книги
  • 33 читателя
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Марджи Фустон — новинки

  • Вампиры, их сердца и другие мертвые вещи Марджи Фустон
    ISBN: 978-5-17-147810-0
    Год издания: 2023
    Издательство: АСТ, Mainstream
    Язык: Русский

    Виктория и ее отец разделяют любовь к нежити с тех пор, как первый вампир рассказал о своем существовании в прямом эфире на телевидении. Общественный страх вскоре заставил вампиров снова скрываться, однако Виктория с отцом все еще мечтают их найти. Но когда у отца диагностируют неизлечимую болезнь, становится ясно, что этого не произойдет… Виктория поклялась себе, что найдет вампира, чтобы стать такой же и спасти отца. Вооруженная исследованиями, домыслами и отчаянием — и с помощью своего бывшего лучшего друга Генри, — Виктория отправляется в Новый Орлеан в поисках чуда. Там она встречает Николаса, загадочного молодого человека, который…

  • Cruel Illusions Марджи Фустон
    ISBN: 9781665902106
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Margaret K. McElderry Books
    Язык: Английский
    Ever since a vampire murdered her mother, Ava has been determined to get revenge. This all-encompassing drive has given her the fuel she needed to survive foster home after foster home.

    But it’s been ten years since anyone’s seen a vampire, and Ava has lost hope that she’ll ever find one…until she stumbles across a hidden magic show where she witnesses impossible illusions. The magicians may not be the bloodsuckers she’s hunting, but Ava is convinced something supernatural is at play, so she sneaks backstage and catches them in acts they can’t explain.

    But they’ve been waiting for her.

    The magicians reveal they’re part of an ancient secret society with true magic, and Ava has the same power in her blood that they do. If she joins them, they promise to teach her the skills she needs to hunt vampires and avenge her mother. But there’s a catch: if she wants to keep the power they offer, she needs to prove she’s worthy of it. And to do so, she must put on the performance of her life in a sinister and dangerous competition where illusion and reality blur, and the stakes are deadly.
  • Vampires, Hearts, & Other Dead Things Марджи Фустон
    ISBN: 9781534474574
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Margaret K. McElderry Books
    Язык: Английский
    Victoria and her dad have shared a love of the undead since the first vampire revealed his existence on live TV. Public fear soon drove the vampires back into hiding, yet Victoria and her father still dream about finding a vampire together. But when her dad is diagnosed with terminal cancer, it’s clear that’s not going to happen. Instead, Victoria vows to find a vampire herself—so that she can become one and then save her father.

    Armed with research, speculations, and desperation—and helped by her estranged best friend, Henry—Victoria travels to New Orleans in search of a miracle. There she meets Nicholas, a mysterious young man who might give her what she desires. But first, he needs Victoria to prove she loves life enough to live forever.

    She agrees to complete a series of challenges, from scarfing sugar-drenched beignets to singing with a jazz band, all to show she has what it takes to be immortal. But truly living while her father is dying feels like a betrayal. Victoria must figure out how to experience joy and grief at once, trusting all the while that Nicholas will hold up his end of the bargain…because the alternative is too impossible to imagine.