Эми Паркс

Amy Noelle Parks

  • 3 книги
  • 742 читателя
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Эми Паркс - все книги по циклам и сериям | Книги по порядку

  • Lia and Beckett's Abracadabra Эми Паркс
    Язык: Английский
    Seventeen-year-old Lia Sawyer is thrilled to get a mysterious invitation from her grandmother to compete in a stage magic contest––even though her parents object. But she’s going to be judged by a bunch of old-school magicians who think that because she’s a girl, her only magical talents lie in wearing sparkly dresses, providing distractions, and getting sawed, crushed, or stretched. And Lia can’t ask her grandmother for help because she’s disappeared, leaving behind only her best magic tricks, a few obscure clues, and an order to stay away from Blackwell boys, the latest generation of a rival magic family. Lia totally plans to follow her grandmother’s rule––until the cute boy she meets on the beach turns out to be Beckett Blackwell, son of the biggest old guard magical family there is. Witty and romantic, Lia and Beckett’s Abracadabra is a YA rom-com with a magical twist!
  • Summer of Brave Эми Паркс
    Язык: Английский
    Twelve-year-old Lilla Baxter-Willoughby doesn't lie. She's just a little bit...selective. To keep her parents happy, Lilla hides how much she hates moving back and forth between their houses, and she stomps down her doubts about that elite high school they're pushing her toward. To keep peace with her best friend Vivi, Lilla doesn't share that she got the junior camp counselor job that Vivi wanted. And even though--no, especially because--he seems into it, Lilla does not tell the boy she grew up with about all the little sparks that flared up inside her the day she noticed his Suddenly Adorable Freckles. So when Vivi dares Lilla to start telling the truth as part of their Summer of Brave, Lilla hesitates. Because if she says out loud what she really wants, her whole life might crash down around her. And she doesn't need that. Except maybe she does.
  • Квантовая теория недопоцелуев Эми Паркс
    ISBN: 978-5-00116-799-0
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Питер
    Язык: Русский

    ДАНО Эви, гений математики и обладательница тревожного расстройства; Калеб, будущий разработчик и лучший друг Эви; Лео, новичок и изобретатель «прелестных» решений; Мило, неизвестное значение. ВОПРОС Что будет, если в одном уравнении окажутся Эви, с детства влюбленный (невзаимно ли?) в лучшую подругу Калеб и Лео, оценки которого упали из-за того, как Эви прикусывает губу? А если появится некто третий — загадочный друг по переписке? Жизненные задачи со звездочкой, сложности общения с гиперопекающей мамой, сеансы с психологом, первые отношения и сложный выбор между дружбой и любовью — почему все происходит именно так и как во…
