Джеймс Лонго

James McMurtry Longo

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Джеймс Лонго — новинки

  • Гитлер и Габсбурги: Месть фюрера правящему дому Австрии Джеймс Лонго
    ISBN: 978-5-389-15955-6
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Азбука-Аттикус, КоЛибри
    Язык: Русский

    В молодости Адольф Гитлер пять лет прожил в Вене. Именно там и тогда окончательно сформировалось ненавистное отношение к правящей императорской семье Габсбургов, стремление мстить исчезнувшей империи, убитому эрцгерцогу и его наследникам. Это стало одной из главных причин Второй мировой войны и холокоста. С вершин власти Гитлер обрушил всю свою ненависть к Габсбургам и их пестрой империи на сыновей Франца-Фердинанда, открыто выступавших против нацистской партии и ее расистской идеологии. Когда в 1938 году Германия захватила Австрию, именно Максимилиан и Эрнст стали первыми австрийцами, арестованными гестапо. Отправленные в концлагерь…

  • Hitler and the Habsburgs: The Führer's Vendetta Against the Austrian Royals James Longo
    ISBN: 1635764769, 9781635764765
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Diversion Books
    Язык: Английский
    Five youthful years in Vienna. It was then and there that Adolf Hitler's obsession with the Habsburg Imperial family became the catalyst for his vendetta against a vanished empire, a dead archduke, and his royal orphans. That hatred drove Hitler's rise to power and led directly to the tragedy of the Second World War and the Holocaust.

    The royal orphans of Archduke Franz Ferdinand-offspring of an upstairs-downstairs marriage that scandalized the tradition-bound Habsburg Empire-came to personify to Adolf Hitler, and others, all that was wrong about modernity, the twentieth century, and the Habsburg's multi-ethnic, multi-cultural Austro-Hungarian Empire. They were outsiders in the greatest family of royal insiders in Europe, which put them on a collision course with Adolf Hitler.

    As he rose to power Hitler's hatred toward the Habsburgs and their diverse empire fixated on Franz Ferdinand's sons, who became outspoken critics and opponents of the Nazi party and its racist ideology. When Germany seized Austria in 1938, they were the first two Austrians arrested by the Gestapo, deported to Germany, and sent to Dachau. Within hours they went from palace to prison. The women in the family, including the Archduke's only daughter Princess Sophie Hohenberg, declared their own war on Hitler. Their tenacity and personal courage in the face of betrayal, treachery, torture, and starvation sustained the family during the war and in the traumatic years that followed.

    Through a decade of research and interviews with the descendants of the royal Habsburgs, scholar James Longo explores the roots of Hitler's determination to destroy the family of the dead Archduke. And he uncovers the family members' courageous fight against the Führer.