Джеффри Бартон

Jeffrey B. Burton

  • 9 книг
  • 1 подписчик
  • 131 читатель
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Лучшие книги Джеффри Бартона

  • Запах смерти Джеффри Бартон
    ISBN: 978-5-04-122467-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Чикагский кинолог Мейсон Райд и его собаки – настоящие асы в сыскном деле, способные отыскать самый малозаметный след. Поэтому полиция часто прибегает к их помощи. Однажды, исследуя одно из мест преступления, Райд подобрал чудом выжившего щенка золотистого ретривера. И Вира – так он назвал свою новую питомицу – очень скоро стала его любимицей. Такой потрясающе умной и чуткой собаки он еще не встречал… На улицах Чикаго сеет ужас безжалостный и хитроумный маньяк, за которым давно и безуспешно гоняется вся полиция города. Он совершил много кровавых убийств, но всякий раз его след словно растворялся в воздухе. До тех пор, пока его не учуяла…

  • The Lost Джеффри Бартон
    ISBN: 9781250808622
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский

    The Lost is the next mystery from author Jeffrey B. Burton starring an extraordinary cadaver dog and her handler. Glencoe, Illinois: A home invasion turned kidnapping at the mansion of billionaire financier Kenneth J. Druckman brings Mason “Mace” Reid and his cadaver dog, Vira, to this wealthy northern suburb of Chicago. Druckman was assaulted, left behind while his wife and young daughter were taken for ransom. Brought to the scene by the FBI, Reid specializes in human remains detection, and Vira is the star of his pack of cadaver dogs he’s dubbed The Finders. After Vira finds the dead body of the mother, former supermodel Calley…

  • The Keepers Джеффри Бартон
    ISBN: 9781250244567
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Minotaur Books
    Язык: Английский

    Jeffrey B. Burton's The Keepers is the next installment of the Mace Reid K9 series, featuring golden retriever cadaver dog Vira and her handler, Mason Reid. Mason “Mace” Reid lives on the outskirts of Chicago and specializes in human remains detection—that is, he trains dogs to hunt for dead bodies. He calls his pack of cadaver dogs The Finders, and his prize pupil is a golden retriever named Vira. When Mace Reid and Vira are called in to search Washington Park at three o'clock in the morning, what they find has them running for their very lives. The trail of murder and mayhem Mace and CPD Officer Kippy Gimm have been following leads…

  • The Twisted Book of Shadows Sarah Johnson
    ISBN: 9781949140095, 1949140091
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Twisted Publishing
    Язык: Английский
    Presenting an all-new horror anthology that shatters the mold...Mainstream publishers want all-star lineups. Small press publishers often can't afford to pay pro rates...and even when they can, the names in the table of contents can be limited by the editor's reach or effort. Bestselling horror, fantasy, and thriller authors Christopher Golden and James A. Moore knew there had to be a better way. Inspired by the efforts of legendary anthology Charles L. Grant, who helped move so many new writers in the horror community's conversation, Golden and Moore teamed up with Haverhill House's Twisted Publishing imprint to create...THE TWISTED BOOK OF SHADOWSDetermined to pay pro rates, the editors crowdfunded the project, and then put the word out as far and wide as possible, loudly and repeatedly encouraging submissions by diverse voices, and recruiting a stellar editorial committee to read along with them, including Linda A. Addison, Nadia Bulkin, Rachel Autumn Deering, Lamar Giles, KL Pereira, and Lee Thomas.Out of seven hundred stories received through a blind submission process-none of the editors had any idea who the authors were-nineteen made the final cut. Within these pages you will find the beautifully weird side-by-side with terrifying nightmares, horrifying folklore, and hellish futures. Nineteen unique and haunting tales that truly earned their place in a book entitled...