Нина Мингья Паулз

Nina Mingya Powles

  • 2 книги
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Нина Мингья Паулз - циклы книг | Бумажные издания

  • Tiny Moons: A Year of Eating in Shanghai Нина Мингья Паулз
    ISBN: 9781912915347
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: The Emma Press
    Tiny Moons is a collection of essays about food and belonging. Nina Mingya Powles journeys between Wellington, Kota Kinabalu and Shanghai, tracing the constants in her life: eating and cooking, and the dishes that have come to define her. Through childhood snacks, family feasts, Shanghai street food and student dinners, she attempts to find a way back towards her Chinese-Malaysian heritage.