Nikki Moustaki — библиография
Conures Nikki Moustaki
The adorable conure, named for its conically shaped tail, is one of the world’s favorite parrots and the subject of this Complete Care Made Easy pet guide that presents new and experienced bird keepers with insight into every aspect of selecting, caring for, and maintaining well-behaved happy pet birds.Bird specialist and trainer Nikki Moustaki has written an ideal introductory pet guide about the boisterous conure, with chapters on the characteristics of the conure, the varied behaviors of these small macaw-like parrots in the wild, selection of a healthy, typical pet bird, housing and care, feeding, training,and health care.The chapters…
Lovebirds Nikki Moustaki
Author Nikki Moustaki certainly cannot resist the splendid lovebird, and her valentine to this irresistible avian wonder is the subject of this Complete Care Made Easy pet guide. This colorful guide offers vital information to both new and experienced bird keepers about this hookbilled parrot, covering all aspects of selecting, caring for, and maintaining well-behaved happy pet birds.Bird specialist and trainer Moustaki has written an ideal introductory pet guide about lovebirds with chapters on the history and characteristics of lovebirds, selection of a healthy, typical pet bird, housing and care, feeding, training, and health care.The…
Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Nikki Moustaki
The Comprehensive Owners Guide series is the most inclusive breed series ever published – the only one to present a guide to every AKC-recognized breed.Each edition covers everything from breed standards to behavior, from training to health and nutrition. With nearly 200 titles in print, this series is sure to please fans of even the rarest of breeds.