Джеффри Барлоу

Jeffrey E. Barlough

  • 10 книг
  • 3 подписчика
  • 107 читателей
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Новинки Джеффри Барлоу

  • The Thing in the Close Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763467, 9780978763466
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
    Populated by a host of colorful characters, author Jeffrey E. Barlough's new, tenth volume in his acclaimed Western Lights series of fantasy-mysteries is a delight of the imagination - a voyage of discovery, a puzzle, a chilling tale of horror, and a light-hearted cavort, all in one. Set in the ancient episcopal city of Bogminster, in deepest Slopshire, the new work is an engaging mix filled with surprises. What, for example, is the thing that has been haunting the hallowed walks of the Cathedral close? Who is the enigmatic stranger who has descended - literally - upon Bogminster in the dead of night? And last but hardly least, what to make of this new field sport which threatens to take town and country by storm, concocted by the local parish priest of St. Dunstan's and his boyhood chum, a vicar from the wilds of distant Lingonshire? Deliciously droll and brimming with its author's characteristic humor, The Thing in the Close is a gem: a whimsical treat for all Barlough admirers, fantasy-mystery fans, and just about anyone who values a well-spun yarn, and is likely to secure an even wider public for this gifted storyteller.
  • Where The Time Goes Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763459, 9780978763459
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
    For as long as most anyone can remember, there has been a monster in Eldritch's Cupboard. Just who is this Eldritch, you may ask, and where is his Cupboard? And why does he keep a monster in it? So begins author Jeffrey E. Barlough's account of the extraordinary adventure on hand in the new, ninth volume of his acclaimed Western Lights series of fantasy-mysteries. Set in the remote, small town of Dithering in the Lingonshire dales (it's on the road to very few places), the new work is described by the author as a grim little tale, unlike any other in the Western Lights series ... a wild ride through some of the strangest country in the sundered realm. Dr. Hugh Callander, formerly of Maunder College, Penhaligon, has returned home to Dithering to find that the cavern known as Eldritch's Cupboard is active once again. Who is behind the livestock losses on the neighboring farms, the mysterious disappearances of Dithering townsfolk? Is it poachers who are making use of the Cupboard? Thieves and murderers? Or is it something else entirely? Might the dark tales of a monster actually be true? Tales of a ravenous beast that for centuries had made the Cupboard its lair, and Dithering townsfolk its prey?
  • The Cobbler of Ridingham Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763440, 9780978763442
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
    A creeping shadow, a bump in the night, a thing in the trees -- these are but a few of the surprises lurking in the pages of The Cobbler of Ridingham, the eighth volume in author Jeffrey E. Barlough's acclaimed Western Lights series of fantasy-mystery novels. The new work relates a curious adventure that befell Richard Hathaway (Bertram of Butter Cross, Ebenezer Crackernut) while visiting at Haigh Hall, the home of a family acquaintance, Lady Martindale, on the marshes outside the quaint old town of Ridingham. What is the curse that hangs over the Martindales? What secrets preoccupy certain members of the household? What is it that her ladyship's father, old Sam Gander, has seen in the evening sky while pacing the battlements? Above all, what is the sinister shadow that has returned to the Hall, and whose appearances portend the coming doom of a Martindale? Author Jeffrey Barlough is a master of atmosphere, scholarly detail, and convincing background, and his work is marked by an exceptional craftsmanship. The Cobbler of Ridingham will be a welcome treat for all Barlough admirers, fantasy and mystery fans, and just about every reader who loves a well-spun yarn, and certainly will add to the growing enthusiasm for this talented storyteller.
  • What I Found at Hoole Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763432, 9780978763435
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
    What I Found at Hoole is the highly-anticipated seventh book in author Jeffrey E. Barlough's acclaimed Western Lights series of fantasy-mysteries. Its narrator is young Mr. Ingram Somervell, who has been called to the remote village of Hoole, in the uplands of Ayleshire, to inspect some property bequeathed to him by an uncle he had never met. Almost at once he finds himself plunged into mysteries that confound him. Why had Clement's Mill, a dilapidated old mill that did no milling, been left to him, and the bulk of his uncle's estate left to a stranger, Miss Petra Solsgrace, from the distant town of Kirklade? Why had his uncle ordered the old chapel on the fellside and its coffin-crypt sealed after the arrival of Miss Petra, his ward and heir? What was the ghostly yellow light that had been seen on Cowdrie Beacon? And what to make of the frightful dreams hinting at some unimaginable catastrophe that had been plaguing young Somervell since he came into Ayleshire? Dreams of a ride in a dark carriage upon some grisly errand, of imprisonment in a dismal cold dungeon, and an eerie whistle that rings in his ears and chills the blood in his veins to ice? Needless to say, what he finds at Hoole will change his world forever.
  • A Tangle in Slops Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763424, 9780978763428
    Год издания: 2011
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
  • Anchorwick Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763416, 9780978763411
    Год издания: 2008
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
    FEAR HAUNTS THE TURRET ROOM . . . It is hard to say just what sort of noise it was. I swung the lamp round and scanned the darkened chamber. I saw no one, of course, and nothing. It was then that my ears caught hold of it -- a faint, energetic whispering, as of a voice struggling to make itself heard. My scalp tingled with a sudden sense of impending danger. All in an instant I spied a glimmer of movement, and was struck cold to see a strange, ghostly shape swimming in the air before me. The words it was whispering were but two, louder now, and repeated several times over in a desperate, pleading tone -- HELP ME! A vanished professor, an outbreak of graffiti, and a heretic saint are but a few of the elements in this new fifth volume of author Jeffrey E. Barlough's acclaimed Western Lights series!
  • Bertram of Butter Cross Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0978763408
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: Gresham & Doyle
    Язык: Русский
    Bertram of Butter Cross, the fourth volume in author Jeffrey E. Barlough's acclaimed "Western Lights" series of fantasy-mysteries, is a magical tale of yearning and loss and the tyranny of years. And like the other Western Lights books in the genre that Barlough has made all his own, it is a tale chock-full of mystery. What, for example, is the hideous, snake-necked monstrosity that has been roaming Marley Wood? Who are the phantom riders seen plunging through the wood by moonlight? And above all, who is the strange small boy found living in the ruined hunting-lodge deep inside the forest? Return now to the Ice Age world of the "sundering," and join Jemma Hathaway and her brother Richard, Ada Henslowe, Sir Hector MacHector and their friends in deepest Fenshire as they struggle to solve the insolvable: the mystery of Marley Wood!
  • Strange Cargo Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 0441011608, 9780441011605
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: Ace Trade
    Set in a world where the Ice Age never ended and only a narrow coastline of civilization survives, where Victorian society exists alongside saber-toothed cats and woolly mammoths, Strange Cargo is the newest and most darkly engrossing novel yet from the author of Dark Sleeper and The House in the High Wood...
  • Дом в глухом лесу Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 5-17-022724-8, 5-9577-1134-9
    Год издания: 2004
    Издательство: АСТ, Ермак
    Язык: Русский

    Мир, в котором жизнь и цивилизация существуют лишь на побережьях Европы... Мир, в котором ледниковый период так и не закончился. Здесь викторианские сквайры охотятся не на лис и оленей, а на мамонтов и саблезубых тигров. Здесь, по меткому выражению журнала "Локус", "Диккенс соседствует с Лавкрафтом". Таков мир трилогии Джеффри Барлоу, блестяще начатым романом "Спящий во тьме" - и продолженный романом "Дом в глухом лесу". Печать на древнем колодце разрушенного аббатства вскрыта - и в уютный, теплый деревенский мирок вторглось Зло. Над лесом кружит чудовищная сова... Обитателям деревни снятся кошмары... Классический "сельский…

  • Спящий во тьме Джеффри Барлоу
    ISBN: 5-17-015322-8
    Год издания: 2002
    Издательство: АСТ
    Язык: Русский

    Одетому туманами городу Солтхеду не привыкать к волшебству и магии. Однако теперь в нем вновь и вновь происходят события не просто странные, но – опасные. Смертельно опасные… Череда нелепых совпадений – или связанные между собой магические преступления? Выяснить это предстоит великому частному сыщику, профессору метафизики Тайтусу Тиггзу и его другу и ассистенту наивному доктору Даниелю Дэмпу…