Анна Хоуп

Anna Hope

  • 8 книг
  • 2 подписчика
  • 47 читателей
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Новинки Анны Хоуп

  • Wake Анна Хоуп
    ISBN: 9780552779463
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    Remembrance Day 1920: A wartime secret connects three women's lives:
    Hettie whose wounded brother won't speak.
    Evelyn who still grieves for her lost lover.
    And Ada, who has never received an official letter about her son's death, and is still waiting for him to come home.
    As the mystery that binds them begins to unravel, far away, in the fields of France, the Unknown Soldier embarks on his journey home. The mood of the nation is turning towards the future - but can these three women ever let go of the past?
  • Ожидание Анна Хоуп
    ISBN: 978-5-17-121266-7
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: АСТ, Жанры
    Язык: Русский

    Ханна, Кейт и Лисса — три подруги, чья юность обещает длиться вечно. Безрассудные и амбициозные, полные надежд, они верят, что мир принадлежит им. Они верят, что жизнь — это грандиозный спектакль, в котором им отведены главные роли. И кажется, что все начинает сбываться... осталось лишь немного подождать. Но время идет, и миражи рассеиваются. Успешная и стабильная карьера Ханны не приносит ей счастья, она отчаянно мечтает о ребенке, с болью наблюдая за тем, как для Кейт материнство становится не радостью, а тяжелым испытанием. Лисса по-прежнему не ищет покоя, она все та же авантюристка, актриса; но ролей для нее становится все меньше,…

  • Expectation Anna Hope
    ISBN: 1784162809, 9781784162801
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    What happened to the women we were supposed to become?

    Hannah, Cate and Lissa are young, vibrant and inseparable. Living on the edge of a common in East London, their shared world is ablaze with art and activism, romance and revelry – and the promise of everything to come. They are electric. They are the best of friends.

    Ten years on, they are not where they hoped to be. Amidst flailing careers and faltering marriages, each hungers for what the others have. And each wrestles with the same question: what does it take to lead a meaningful life?
  • Expectation Anna Hope
    ISBN: 9781473571341
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Random House (Digital)
    Язык: Английский
    Hannah, Cate and Lissa are young, vibrant and inseparable.

    Living on the edge of a common in East London, their shared world is ablaze with art and activism, romance and revelry - and the promise of everything to come.

    They are electric. They are the best of friends. Ten years on, they are not where they hoped to be.

    Amidst flailing careers and faltering marriages, each hungers for what the others have. And each wrestles with the same question: what does it take to lead a meaningful life?

    EXPECTATION is a novel of the highs and lows of friendship - how it can dip, dive and rise again.

    It is also about finding your way: as a mother, a daughter, a wife, a rebel.

    Most of all, it explores that liminal space between expectation and reality, the place - full of dreams, desires and pain - in which we all live our lives.
  • The Ballroom Анна Хоуп
    ISBN: 9781473510876
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Transworl
    Язык: Английский
    Where love is your only escape ....

    1911: Inside an asylum at the edge of the Yorkshire moors,
    where men and women are kept apart
    by high walls and barred windows,
    there is a ballroom vast and beautiful.
    For one bright evening every week
    they come together
    and dance.
    When John and Ella meet
    It is a dance that will change
    two lives forever.

    Set over the heatwave summer of 1911, the end of the Edwardian era, THE BALLROOM is a tale of unlikely love and dangerous obsession, of madness and sanity, and of who gets to decide which is which.
  • The Ballroom Анна Хоуп
    ISBN: 978-0-552-77947-0
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Black Swan
    Язык: Английский
    Yorkshire, England, 1911: After a moment of defiance at the factory where she has worked since she was a child, Ella Fay finds herself an unwilling patient at the Sharston Asylum. Ella knows she is not mad, but she might have to learn to play the game before she can make a true bid for freedom. John Mulligan is a chronic patient, frozen with grief since the death of his child, but when Ella runs towards him one morning in an attempt to escape the place where he has found refuge, everything changes. It is in the ornate ballroom at the centre of the asylum, where the male and female patients are allowed to gather every Friday evening to dance, that Ella and John begin a tentative, secret correspondence that will have shattering consequences, as love and the possibility of redemption are set against one ambitious doctor's eagerness to make his mark in the burgeoning field of eugenics, at all costs.
    Set over the heatwave summer of 1911, at a time when England was at the point of revolt, The Ballroom is a tale of unlikely love and dangerous obsession, of madness and sanity, and of who gets to decide which is which.
  • The Ballroom Анна Хоуп
    ISBN: 0857521969, 978-0857521965
    Год издания: 2016
    Издательство: Doubleday
    Язык: Английский
    Where love is your only escape ....

    1911: Inside an asylum at the edge of the Yorkshire moors,
    where men and women are kept apart
    by high walls and barred windows,
    there is a ballroom vast and beautiful.
    For one bright evening every week
    they come together
    and dance.
    When John and Ella meet
    It is a dance that will change
    two lives forever.

    Set over the heatwave summer of 1911, the end of the Edwardian era, THE BALLROOM is a tale of unlikely love and dangerous obsession, of madness and sanity, and of who gets to decide which is which.
  • Wake Anna Hope
    ISBN: 0812995139, 9780812995138
    Год издания: 2014
    Издательство: Random House
    Язык: Английский
    A brilliant debut for readers of The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, in which three women must deal with the aftershocks of WWI and its impact on the men in their lives—a son, a brother and a lover. Their tragic connection is slowly revealed as the book unfolds.

    Wake: 1) Emerge or cause to emerge from sleep 2) Ritual for the dead 3) Consequence or aftermath.

    Hettie, a dance instructress at the Palais, lives at home with her mother and her brother, mute and lost after his return from the war. One night, at work, she meets a wealthy, educated man and has reason to think he is as smitten with her as she is with him. Still there is something distracted about him, something she cannot reach...Evelyn works at the Pensions Exchange through which thousands of men have claimed benefits from wounds or debilitating distress. Embittered by her own loss, more and more estranged from her posh parents, she looks for solace in her adored brother who has not been the same since he returned from the front...Ada is beset by visions of her son on every street, convinced he is still alive. Helpless, her loving husband of 25 years has withdrawn from her. Then one day a young man appears at her door with notions to peddle, like hundreds of out of work veterans. But when he shows signs of being seriously disturbed—she recognizes the symptoms of "shell shock"—and utters the name of her son she is jolted to the core...

    The lives of these three women are braided together, their stories gathering tremendous power as the ties that bind them become clear, and the body of the unknown soldier moves closer and closer to its final resting place.