
Робин Хобб — книжные серии
- 86 произведений
- 234 издания на 7 языках
Мандри убивці Робін Гобб
ISBN: 978-617-12-8922-2 Год издания: 2021 Издательство: КСД Язык: Украинский Для Королівства Шести герцогств настали темні часи. Сховавшись у затишку рідного герцогства Ферроу, узурпатор Регал Провісник виснажує країну захмарними податками і тероризує всіх, хто посмів кинути йому виклик. Тим часом Прибережні герцогства потерпають від дедалі частіших наїздів червоних кораблів. Пірати грабують і нищать усе на своєму шляху. Єдиний, хто здатен покласти цьому край, — королівський убивця Фітц Чівелрі, який, повернувшись до життя завдяки магії Віту, здається, назавжди забув про те, як бути людиною. Та настав час згадати про свою клятву престолу. Час відшукати істинного короля Шести Герцогств. Зробити вибір: і далі жити, як дикий вовк чи нарешті стати Каталізатором великих подій? Серед непроглядного мороку самотності Фітц вирушить у довгу подорож, щоб повернути мир у країну й віднайти себе. Однак спочатку буде руйнівна та спопеляюча помста, якої так давно жадав цей майстер убивчого ремесла... -
Королівський убивця Робін Гобб
ISBN: 978-617-12-6189-1 Год издания: 2019 Издательство: КСД Язык: Украинский Позашлюбний син принца-наступника. Той, кого переслідувала смерть. Той, хто сам став смертю. Маленький хлопчик, що виріс у холоднокровного найманого вбивцю. На нього чекав шлях мовчазного найманця, покірного служки свого короля. Але тепер Фітц — мисливець на «перекованих», людей, у яких було знищено все людське. Його місія небезпечна. Одна похибка маже вартувати життя. Та Фітц не сам. Слід у слід за ним ступає приручений та вихований ним вовк Нічноокий. Наближається час перевороту. Час, коли Фітц має виконати своє призначення. Його переслідуватимуть, на нього полюватимуть. І якщо він хоче врятуватися — він має забути про людську подобу. І стати вовком… -
Учень убивці Робін Гобб
ISBN: 978-617-12-5410-7 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Книжковий клуб «Клуб сімейного дозвілля» Язык: Украинский У могутньому краї Шість герцогств живе Фітц — позашлюбний син принца-наступника. Хтось гаряче жадає його смерті, аби хлопчик у жодному разі не отримав право правління та володіння троном. Від смерті його рятує дідусь-монарх. Тепер Фітц у безпеці, він мешкає в королівському палаці. Та несподівано в кімнаті хлопця з’являється таємничий старий на ймення Чейд. Ця зустріч назавжди змінює життя Фітца. Він стає на шлях асасина — холоднокровного шпигуна-вбивці, для якого смерть — справжнісіньке ремесло. І хлопець майстерно опановує цю науку. Тим часом Шість герцогств страждають від набігів піратів-острів’ян. Ті, хто опиняються в їхньому полоні, назавжди втрачають людяність та інтерес до життя… Щоб захистити свій край, Фітц і Чейд вирушають у небезпечну фантастичну подорож. -
Сага о Видящих. Странствия убийцы. Комплект из 2-х книг Робин Хобб
ISBN: 978-5-389-24127-5 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: Азбука Издательство Язык: Русский Шесть Герцогств на грани гибели. Жестокие пираты один за другим сжигают прибрежные города. Младший принц Регал объявляет себя королем и переносит столицу в далекий от побережья Тредфорд, бросив полстраны на произвол судьбы. Спасти королевство, вернуть трон королю Верити, законному наследнику династии Видящих, остановить одержимого жаждой власти Регала — все это выпадает на долю Фитца Чивэла, приговоренного королевским судом к казни и чудом избежавшего гибели... -
Сага о Видящих. Ученик убийцы. Королевский убийца. Комплект из 2-х книг Робин Хобб
ISBN: 978-5-389-22708-8 Год издания: 2023 Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус Язык: Русский Фитц — незаконнорожденный сын наследного принца. Воспитанный слугами, он вырос в темных коридорах королевского замка, не зная ни почета, ни славы. Его ждала дорога убийцы, верно и преданно исполняющего приказы своего короля, а также участь человека, способного своими, может, не очень значительными поступками сдвигать мировые колеса и приводить в движение силы, недоступные пониманию простых людей... Но на то он и Фитц Чивэл Видящий! Фитцу удалось выполнить опасную миссию в роли королевского убийцы, но это стоило ему слишком дорого. Чудом пережив попытку отравления, он дает себе клятву не возвращаться на королевскую службу. Но любовь и…
Assassin’s Fate Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0-00-744425-7, 978-0-00-744425-0 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Harper Voyager Язык: Английский Prince FitzChivalry Farseer’s daughter Bee was violently abducted from Withywoods by Servants of the Four in their search for the Unexpected Son, foretold to wield great power. With Fitz in pursuit, the Servants fled through a Skill-pillar, leaving no trace. It seems certain that they and their young hostage have perished in the Skill-river. Clerres, where White Prophets were trained by the Servants to set the world on a better path, has been corrupted by greed. Fitz is determined to reach the city and take vengeance on the Four, not only for the loss of Bee but also for their torture of the Fool. Accompanied by FitzVigilant, son of the…
Fool's Quest Robin Hobb
ISBN: 9780007444212 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Harper Voyager Язык: Английский Ranking alongside George R. R. Martin as a groundbreaking master of fantasy, New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb delivers the second book in her long-awaited Fitz and the Fool trilogy.
The harrowing adventures of FitzChivalry Farseer and his enigmatic friend the Fool continue in Robin Hobb’s triumphant follow-up to Fool’s Assassin. But Fool’s Quest is more than just a sequel. With the artistry and imagination her fans have come to expect, Hobb builds masterfully on all that has gone before, revealing devastating secrets and shocking conspiracies that cast a dark shadow over the history of Fitz and his world—a shadow that now stretches to darken all future hope.
Long ago, Fitz and the Fool changed the world, bringing back the magic of dragons and securing both the Farseer succession and the stability of the kingdom. Or so they thought. But now the Fool is near death, maimed by mysterious pale-skinned figures whose plans for world domination hinge upon the powers the Fool may share with Fitz’s own daughter.
Distracted by the Fool’s perilous health, and swept up against his will in the intrigues of the royal court, Fitz lets down his guard . . . and in a horrible instant, his world is undone and his beloved daughter stolen away by those who would use her as they had once sought to use the Fool—as a weapon.
But FitzChivalry Farseer is not without weapons of his own. An ancient magic still lives in his veins. And though he may have let his skills as royal assassin diminish over the years, such things, once learned, are not so easily forgotten.
Now enemies and friends alike are about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose.
Praise for Robin Hobb and Fool’s Assassin
“Fantasy as it ought to be written.”—George R. R. Martin
“Hobb knows the complicated workings of the wayward human heart, and she takes time to depict them in her tale, to tell her story sweetly, insistently, compellingly. . . . A book meant to be inhabited rather than run through.”—The Seattle Times
“[FitzChivalry Farseer is] one of the best characters in fantasy literature.”—Fantasy Book Review
“[Hobb’s] prose sparkles, her characters leap off the page.”—Tor.com
“Modern fantasy at its irresistible best.”—The Guardian
“Fantastic . . . emotionally rich storytelling.”—Library Journal (starred review) -
Fool's Assassin Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0007444176, 978-0-00-744417-5 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Harper Voyager Язык: Английский Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withywoods with his beloved wife Molly these many years, the estate a reward to his family for loyal service to the crown. But behind the facade of respectable middle-age lies a turbulent and violent past. For Tom Badgerlock is actually Fitz Chivalry Farseer, bastard scion of the Farseer line, convicted user of Beast-magic, and assassin. A man who has risked much for his king and lost more... On a shelf in his den sits a triptych carved in memory stone of a man, a wolf and a fool. Once, these three were inseparable friends: Fitz, Nighteyes and the Fool. But one is long dead, and…
Assassin’s Fate Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0007444281, 978-0007444281 Год издания: 2018 Издательство: Harper Voyager Язык: Английский The much-anticipated final conclusion to the Fitz and the Fool trilogy.
Prince FitzChivalry Farseer’s daughter Bee was violently abducted from Withywoods by Servants of the Four in their search for the Unexpected Son, foretold to wield great power. With Fitz in pursuit, the Servants fled through a Skill-pillar, leaving no trace. It seems certain that they and their young hostage have perished in the Skill-river.
Clerres, where White Prophets were trained by the Servants to set the world on a better path, has been corrupted by greed. Fitz is determined to reach the city and take vengeance on the Four, not only for the loss of Bee but also for their torture of the Fool. Accompanied by FitzVigilant, son of the assassin Chade, Chade’s protégé Spark and the stableboy Perseverance, Bee's only friend, their journey will take them from the Elderling city of Kelsingra, down the perilous Rain Wild River, and on to the Pirate Isles.
Their mission for revenge will become a voyage of discovery, as well as of reunions, transformations and heartrending shocks. Startling answers to old mysteries are revealed. What became of the liveships Paragon and Vivacia and their crews? What is the origin of the Others and their eerie beach? How are liveships and dragons connected?
But Fitz and his followers are not the only ones with a deadly grudge against the Four. An ancient wrong will bring them unlikely and dangerous allies in their quest. And if the corrupt society of Clerres is to be brought down, Fitz and the Fool will have to make a series of profound and fateful sacrifices.
ASSASSIN’S FATE is a magnificent tour de force and with it Robin Hobb demonstrates yet again that she is the reigning queen of epic fantasy. -
Fool’s Quest Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0007444249, 978-0007444243 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Harper Voyager Язык: Английский 'Fantasy as it ought to be written' George R.R. Martin
Robin Hobb returns to her best loved characters with the second volume in a brand new series.
Years ago, they freed a dragon from the glaciers on Aslevjal. Then they parted, the Fool returning to far-off Clerres, while Fitz finally claimed a wife, a family, and a home of his own.
Now, betrayed and broken, the Fool has made his way back to the Six Duchies. But as Fitz attempts to heal his old friend in Buckkeep Castle his young daughter Bee is abducted from Withywoods by mysterious raiders who leave ruin and confusion in their wake.
Fitz must rescue his beloved Bee. At the same time the Fool is determined that Fitz travel with him to Clerres to wreak vengeance. Fitz must grimly take up his assassin’s tools once more, but will he also be forced to choose between saving his child and avenging his dearest friend? -
Fool's Assassin Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0007444206, 978-0007444205 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Harper Voyager Язык: Английский Tom Badgerlock has been living peaceably in the manor house at Withywoods with his beloved wife Molly these many years, the estate a reward to his family for loyal service to the crown.
But behind the facade of respectable middle-age lies a turbulent and violent past. For Tom Badgerlock is actually FitzChivalry Farseer, bastard scion of the Farseer line, convicted user of Beast-magic, and assassin. A man who has risked much for his king and lost more…
On a shelf in his den sits a triptych carved in memory stone of a man, a wolf and a fool. Once, these three were inseparable friends: Fitz, Nighteyes and the Fool. But one is long dead, and one long-missing.
Then one Winterfest night a messenger arrives to seek out Fitz, but mysteriously disappears, leaving nothing but a blood-trail. What was the message? Who was the sender? And what has happened to the messenger?
Suddenly Fitz's violent old life erupts into the peace of his new world, and nothing and no one is safe. -
Assassin's Fate Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0553392964, 978-0553392968 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Del Rey Язык: Английский More than twenty years ago, the first epic fantasy novel featuring FitzChivalry Farseer and his mysterious, often maddening friend the Fool struck like a bolt of brilliant lightning. Now New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb brings to a momentous close the third trilogy featuring these beloved characters in a novel of unsurpassed artistry that is sure to endure as one of the great masterworks of the genre.
Fitz’s young daughter, Bee, has been kidnapped by the Servants, a secret society whose members not only dream of possible futures but use their prophecies to add to their wealth and influence. Bee plays a crucial part in these dreams—but just what part remains uncertain.
As Bee is dragged by her sadistic captors across half the world, Fitz and the Fool, believing her dead, embark on a mission of revenge that will take them to the distant island where the Servants reside—a place the Fool once called home and later called prison. It was a hell the Fool escaped, maimed and blinded, swearing never to return.
For all his injuries, however, the Fool is not as helpless as he seems. He is a dreamer too, able to shape the future. And though Fitz is no longer the peerless assassin of his youth, he remains a man to be reckoned with—deadly with blades and poison, and adept in Farseer magic. And their goal is simple: to make sure not a single Servant survives their scourge. -
Fool's Quest Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0553392948, 978-0553392944 Год издания: 2016 Издательство: Del Rey Язык: Английский The harrowing adventures of FitzChivalry Farseer and his enigmatic friend the Fool continue in Robin Hobb’s triumphant follow-up to Fool’s Assassin. But Fool’s Quest is more than just a sequel. With the artistry and imagination her fans have come to expect, Hobb builds masterfully on all that has gone before, revealing devastating secrets and shocking conspiracies that cast a dark shadow over the history of Fitz and his world—a shadow that now stretches to darken all future hope.
Long ago, Fitz and the Fool changed the world, bringing back the magic of dragons and securing both the Farseer succession and the stability of the kingdom. Or so they thought. But now the Fool is near death, maimed by mysterious pale-skinned figures whose plans for world domination hinge upon the powers the Fool may share with Fitz’s own daughter.
Distracted by the Fool’s perilous health, and swept up against his will in the intrigues of the royal court, Fitz lets down his guard . . . and in a horrible instant, his world is undone and his beloved daughter stolen away by those who would use her as they had once sought to use the Fool—as a weapon.
But FitzChivalry Farseer is not without weapons of his own. An ancient magic still lives in his veins. And though he may have let his skills as royal assassin diminish over the years, such things, once learned, are not so easily forgotten.
Now enemies and friends alike are about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose. -
Fool's Assassin Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0553392913, 978-0-553-39291-3 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Del Rey Язык: Английский Nearly twenty years ago, Robin Hobb burst upon the fantasy scene with the first of her acclaimed Farseer novels, Assassin’s Apprentice, which introduced the characters of FitzChivalry Farseer and his uncanny friend the Fool. A watershed moment in modern fantasy, this novel — and those that followed—broke exciting new ground in a beloved genre. Together with George R.R.Martin, Robin Hobb helped pave the way for such talented new voices as Scott Lynch, Brandon Sanderson, and Naomi Novik.
Over the years, Hobb’s imagination has soared throughout the mythic lands of the Six Duchies in such bestselling series as the Liveship Traders Trilogy and the Rain Wilds Chronicles. But no matter how far she roamed, her heart always remained with Fitz. And now, at last, she has come home, with an astonishing new novel that opens a dark and gripping chapter in the Farseer saga.
FitzChivalry—royal bastard and former king’s assassin—has left his life of intrigue behind. As far as the rest of the world knows, FitzChivalry Farseer is dead and buried. Masquerading as Tom Badgerlock, Fitz is now married to his childhood sweetheart, Molly, and leading the quiet life of a country squire.
Though Fitz is haunted by the disappearance of the Fool, who did so much to shape Fitz into the man he has become, such private hurts are put aside in the business of daily life, at least until the appearance of menacing, pale-skinned strangers casts a sinister shadow over Fitz’s past... and his future.
Now, to protect his new life, the former assassin must once again take up his old one... -
Assassin's Fate Robin Hobb
ISBN: 978-0-553-39295-1, 0553392956 Год издания: 2017 Издательство: Del Rey Язык: Английский More than twenty years ago, the first epic fantasy novel featuring FitzChivalry Farseer and his mysterious, often maddening friend the Fool struck like a bolt of brilliant lightning. Now New York Times bestselling author Robin Hobb brings to a momentous close the third trilogy featuring these beloved characters in a novel of unsurpassed artistry that is sure to endure as one of the great masterworks of the genre. Fitz’s young daughter, Bee, has been kidnapped by the Servants, a secret society whose members not only dream of possible futures but use their prophecies to add to their wealth and influence. Bee plays a crucial part in these…
Fool's Quest Robin Hobb
ISBN: 0553392921, 978-0-553-39292-0 Год издания: 2015 Издательство: Del Rey Язык: Английский The harrowing adventures of FitzChivalry Farseer and his enigmatic friend the Fool continue in Robin Hobb’s triumphant follow-up to Fool’s Assassin. But Fool’s Quest is more than just a sequel. With the artistry and imagination her fans have come to expect, Hobb builds masterfully on all that has gone before, revealing devastating secrets and shocking conspiracies that cast a dark shadow over the history of Fitz and his world—a shadow that now stretches to darken all future hope.
Long ago, Fitz and the Fool changed the world, bringing back the magic of dragons and securing both the Farseer succession and the stability of the kingdom. Or so they thought. But now the Fool is near death, maimed by mysterious pale-skinned figures whose plans for world domination hinge upon the powers the Fool may share with Fitz’s own daughter.
Distracted by the Fool’s perilous health, and swept up against his will in the intrigues of the royal court, Fitz lets down his guard . . . and in a horrible instant, his world is undone and his beloved daughter stolen away by those who would use her as they had once sought to use the Fool—as a weapon.
But FitzChivalry Farseer is not without weapons of his own. An ancient magic still lives in his veins. And though he may have let his skills as royal assassin diminish over the years, such things, once learned, are not so easily forgotten.
Now enemies and friends alike are about to learn that nothing is more dangerous than a man who has nothing left to lose. -
Fool's Assassin Robin Hobb
ISBN: 978-0553392425 Год издания: 2014 Издательство: Del Rey Books Язык: Английский Over the years, Hobb’s imagination has soared throughout the mythic lands of the Six Duchies in such bestselling series as the Liveship Traders Trilogy and the Rain Wilds Chronicles. But no matter how far she roamed, her heart always remained with Fitz. And now, at last, she has come home, with an astonishing new novel that opens a dark and gripping chapter in the Farseer saga.
FitzChivalry—royal bastard and former king’s assassin—has left his life of intrigue behind. As far as the rest of the world knows, FitzChivalry Farseer is dead and buried. Masquerading as Tom Badgerlock, Fitz is now married to his childhood sweetheart, Molly, and leading the quiet life of a country squire.
Though Fitz is haunted by the disappearance of the Fool, who did so much to shape Fitz into the man he has become, such private hurts are put aside in the business of daily life, at least until the appearance of menacing, pale-skinned strangers casts a sinister shadow over Fitz’s past . . . and his future.
Now, to protect his new life, the former assassin must once again take up his old one. . . . -
Магия отступника Робин Хобб
ISBN: 978-5-389-21018-9 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Азбука Язык: Русский Жители Геттиса поверили, что Невар Бурв, их кладбищенский сторож, виновен в чудовищных злодеяниях. В этом пограничном городе-крепости расправа над преступником никогда не заставляла себя ждать, но на этот раз она не состоялась — ярость толпы уступила колдовству незримых властителей, решивших взять судьбу юноши в свои руки. Невар отправляется в лес — маги хотят превратить его в оружие, которое поможет остановить гернийское нашествие на земли народа спеков. И Невар близок к тому, чтобы покориться их воле, потому что любая попытка сопротивления не дает ему ничего, кроме боли и отчаяния, и он уже не верит, что в его силах помирить заклятых…
Странствия убийцы Робин Хобб
ISBN: 978-5-389-20644-1 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Азбука Язык: Русский Шесть Герцогств на грани гибели. Жестокие пираты один за другим сжигают прибрежные города. Младший принц Регал объявляет себя королем и переносит столицу в далекий от побережья Тредфорд, бросив полстраны на произвол судьбы. Спасти королевство, вернуть трон королю Верити, законному наследнику династии Видящих, остановить одержимого жаждой власти Регала — все это выпадает на долю Фитца Чивэла, приговоренного королевским судом к казни и чудом избежавшего гибели... -
Королевский убийца Робин Хобб
ISBN: 978-5-389-20718-9 Год издания: 2022 Издательство: Азбука Язык: Русский Фитцу удалось выполнить опасную миссию в роли королевского убийцы, но это стоило ему слишком дорого. Чудом пережив попытку отравления, он дает себе клятву не возвращаться на королевскую службу. Но любовь и жестокие обстоятельства влекут его обратно в Баккип, ко двору постаревшего и больного короля Шрюда, в зловещую паутину интриг, в войну с врагами Шести Герцогств, которая разгорается с новой силой.