Карл Дойкер

Carl Deuker

  • 2 книги
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Лучшие книги Карла Дойкера

  • Gym Candy Карл Дойкер
    ISBN: 978-0618777136
    Год издания: 2007
    Издательство: HMH Books for Young Readers
    Язык: Английский
    Runningback Mick Johnson has dreams: dreams of cutting back, finding the hole, breaking into the open, and running free with nothing but green grass ahead. He has dreams of winning and of being the best. But football is a cruel sport. It requires power, grace, speed, quickness, and knowledge of the game. It takes luck, too. One crazy bounce can turn a likely victory into sudden defeat. What elite athlete wouldn’t look for an edge? A way to make him bigger, stronger, faster?
    This novel explores the dark corners of the heart of a young football player as he struggles for success under the always glaring—and often unforgiving—stadium lights.
  • Runner Карл Дойкер
    ISBN: 0618542981
    Год издания: 2005
    Язык: Русский
    Book DescriptionBut the weather-beaten sailboat Chance Taylor and his father call home is thirty years old and hasn"t sailed in years. One step from both homelessness and hunger, Chance worries about things other kids his age never give a thought: