Рейчел Эванс

Rachel Held Evans

  • 3 книги
  • 2 подписчика
  • 92 читателя
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Лучшие книги Рейчел Эванс

  • Как я год жила по Библии Рейчел Эванс
    ISBN: 978-5-04-109038-8
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Эксмо
    Язык: Русский

    Решительная и независимая девушка Рейчел не умеет пришить пуговицу на блузке и больше всего на свете обожает смотреть футбольные матчи, поедая жареные ребрышки. Но отчаянный характер заставил ее решиться на радикальный эксперимент над собой: целый год буквально следовать библейскому идеалу женщины. Мы знаем, что Библия требует от женщин быть скромной, кроткой и почтительной. Но суровых и даже странных правил для женщин там гораздо больше… Не стричь волосы? Вставать до рассвета? Самой шить себе одежду? Называть мужа «господин»?! За долгие 12 месяцев Рейчел ждало множество испытаний: жить в палатке на лужайке рядом с собственным домом,…

  • A Year of Biblical Womanhood Рейчел Эванс
    ISBN: 9781595553676
    Год издания: 2012
    Издательство: Thomas Nelson
    Язык: Английский
    Strong-willed and independent, Rachel Held Evans couldn't sew a button on a blouse before she embarked on a radical life experiment--a year of biblical womanhood. Intrigued by the traditionalist resurgence that led many of her friends to abandon their careers to assume traditional gender roles in the home, Evans decides to try it for herself, vowing to take all of the Bible's instructions for women as literally as possible for a year.

    Pursuing a different virtue each month, Evans learns the hard way that her quest for biblical womanhood requires more than a "gentle and quiet spirit" (1 Peter 3:4). It means growing out her hair, making her own clothes, covering her head, obeying her husband, rising before dawn, abstaining from gossip, remaining silent in church, and even camping out in the front yard during her period.

    See what happens when a thoroughly modern woman starts referring to her husband as "master" and "praises him at the city gate" with a homemade sign. Learn the insights she receives from an ongoing correspondence with an Orthodox Jewish woman, and find out what she discovers from her exchanges with a polygamist wife. Join her as she wrestles with difficult passages of scripture that portray misogyny and violence against women.

    With just the right mixture of humor and insight, compassion and incredulity, A Year of Biblical Womanhood is an exercise in scriptural exploration and spiritual contemplation. What does God truly expect of women, and is there really a prescription for biblical womanhood? Come along with Evans as she looks for answers in the rich heritage of biblical heroines, models of grace, and all-around women of valor.