Almaz Braev
  • 23 книги
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Almaz Braev – лучшие произведения

  • Red. Fundamentalism Almaz Braev

    Over 150 years of modern history, Marxism has become a religion. Crowds of old Pharisees have created communist churches, but now they do not have the main building – the International. Today, when there is an offensive of world fascism against humanity, the so-called communists are a crowd of talkers and hypocrites. Old prayers cannot defeat world fascism. The situation around has changed. But the Pharisees never cared. They have fed their vanity at all times.

  • The Third. Covid liberalism Almaz Braev

    And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.Bible (King James) /Revelation

  • Kazakhs and Turks Almaz Braev

    Kazakhs and Turks are two fraternal peoples belonging to the Turkic world. This book is an attempt to trace how these two peoples passed their way to modernity. What they experienced. What we have achieved. What they can be proud of. I’m sure it will be fascinating for the reader. We have not raised such a topic yet. Although a lot is written about the Turks. How they subjugated all neighbors, created great empires that is a lot of populism in such writing. It is my intended for readers to think

  • Empire man. Zealot Almaz Braev

    Have been many “wild” empires in history when conditional barbarians seized large territories with more developed peoples. But the savage empires quickly crumbled. What is the reason? The simplification of the world is the main reason for the death of an empire. Simple organisms die faster. More the internal imperial bacilli lead to death. And only the Zealots (super people), changing the vector from simplification to a new one, could do something.

  • Socialistas. ?lite. Parte 2 Almaz Braev

    Nacionalistas y socialistas durante todo el siglo 20 han vivido como un gato con un perro. Acus?ndose unos a otros de incompetencia y de sabotaje y de c?mo equipar mejor a la sociedad. Hoy apareci? una tercera persona en el escenario, la situaci?n cambi?. Y algunos nacionalistas y socialistas se han Unido a la democracia decorativa en el tercer mundo, se sienten bien con las nuevas autocracias. El grupo y el ego?smo, el populismo y la ignorancia conducen a la batalla con la sombra.

  • Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs Almaz Braev

    Maidan in Asia resembles a nomad campaign. The same motives. It is only interesting why the Maidan of the Kazakhs was ten years behind the Maidan of the Arabs – the same nomadic Sunnis. Kazakhs have rebuilt themselves perfectly, they have learned everything, according to the level of professional and scientific, they could quite arrogantly look at “backward Africa”. Such a rapid restructuring could happen precisely from stress. Is the high reflection of the Kazakhs the reason?

  • Kazakhs and Japanese. Fortitude and perfection Almaz Braev

    The cheapest pride is national pride. It discovers in the subject infected by her a lack of individual qualities that he could be proud of; otherwise, he would not have turned to what is shared by millions. Whoever possesses great personal virtues, constantly observing his nation, will, foremost, notice its shortcomings. But man, who has nothing to be proud of, grabs the only thing possible and is proud of the nation to which he belongs; he is ready to defend all its shortcomings and stupidities

  • Hierarchical man. Zerot Almaz Braev

    The elites of the West want to introduce mechanisms of democracy among traditional peoples and do not know that these mechanisms are immediately used for tradition. Many people stop looking at who is nobler than their ancestors and start competing for money.

  • Refag Almaz Braev

    All these aborigines, and even the elite of the so – called independent states are completely impressed. They have no idea that there could be any more life in the Solar galaxy. If there is such a life somewhere outside the galaxy, it is still a market life. And in the cosmic dust, the same modest oligarchs move there, causing admiration among our peoples. What is the meaning of the traditional world, even in market realities? Yes, elementary. Show that you are superior to others.

  • Socialista. ?lite. Parte II Almaz Braev

    Nazionalisti e socialisti per tutto il 20° secolo hanno vissuto come un gatto con un cane. Incolpandosi a vicenda per incompetenza e distruzione e come meglio organizzare la societ?. Oggi c’? una terza persona sul palco, la situazione ? cambiata. La democrazia domina. E parte dei nazionalisti e socialisti si ? attaccata alla democrazia decorativa nel terzo mondo, si sente bene con le nuove autocrazie. Il raggruppamento e l’egoismo, il populismo e l’ignoranza portano a combattere l’ombra.

  • Orange vs. Brown. Fascisms Almaz Braev

    The old type of empire opposed the empire of financiers, and stand against the new planetary fascism. But it does so that the citizens themselves infected with the philosophy of money, singly and with the whole mass, would not run over to the enemy’s side. This form of the old species alone is not enough for resistance: this form feeds on old juices, from which the old lesion grows. Money, like internal parasites, eats up all the insides – without a body, an aura cannot appear

  • Autocracy vs.  fake Almaz Braev

    The author is not against democracy. Just-auto believes that the traditional people it is contraindicated, all at once. All at once, it will just lead to irreversible tragic consequences. And in portions, dosed together with the change of generations, everything is possible. Moreover, they want it so much, but who?

  • Monotonous MAN. Zeref Almaz Braev

    Terrorist attacks have become more frequent in Europe. In this book, you will understand why this happened. If you put a glass dish with boiling water in cold water, the glass dish will crack. Similarly, monotonous people cannot immediately understand a complex civilization. Of course, any monotony can be used. The monotony of these people is used by the special services

  • La tradition contre le communisme Almaz Braev

    La doctrine marxiste de la dictature du prol?tariat a ?t? utilis?e en Russie comme dictature de la tradition. Ce n’est qu’en Europe que la bourgeoisie a m?ri ? une dictature financi?re sur le monde, et en Russie, la nomenclature a m?ri ? une branche de la dictature financi?re mondiale.Pour le spectre politique de gauche, il faut une r?forme, une nouvelle id?e. Pour la gauche, il faut une r?forme aujourd’hui.