Саймон Терни

Simon Turney

  • 5 книг
  • 4 подписчика
  • 111 читателей
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Новинки Саймона Терни

  • Калигула Саймон Терни
    ISBN: 978-5-389-15467-4
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Азбука, Азбука-Аттикус
    Язык: Русский

    Все знают его имя. Каждый думает, что знает его историю. Рим. 37 г. н. э. Император умирает. Борьба за власть началась. В попытке восстановить порядок в стране больной Тиберий объявляет своими преемниками Нерона и Друза, сыновей Германика, потомков великого Юлия Цезаря, не догадываясь, что таким образом изменит судьбу империи, что к власти придет один из самых страшных тиранов в истории – Калигула. Но был ли он действительно чудовищем? Ливилла, младшая сестра Калигулы, рассказывает о том, что на самом деле произошло. Как ее тихий, заботливый брат стал самым могущественным человеком на земле. И как с помощью лжи, убийства и…

  • Commodus Саймон Терни
    ISBN: 1474607365, 9781474607360
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Orion
    'Astonishing . . . A fascinating, detailed and dramatic story of one of Rome's most notorious emperors' SUNDAY EXPRESS

    Commodus is a brilliant, thrilling novel about one of Rome's most intriguing - and notorious - emperors, for fans of Simon Scarrow, Conn Iggulden, Christian Cameron, Ben Kane and Harry Sidebottom.

    Rome is enjoying a period of stability and prosperity. The Empire's borders are growing, and there are two sons in the imperial succession for the first time in Rome's history.

    But all is not as it appears. Cracks are beginning to show. Two decades of war have taken their toll, and there are whispers of a sickness in the East. The Empire stands on the brink of true disaster, an age of gold giving way to one of iron and rust, a time of reason and strength sliding into hunger and pain.

    The decline may yet be halted, though. One man tries to hold the fracturing empire together. To Rome, he is their emperor, their Hercules, their Commodus.

    But Commodus is breaking up himself, and when the darkness grips, only one woman can hold him together. To Rome she was nothing. The plaything of the emperor. To Commodus, she was everything. She was Marcia.

    From the author of the critically acclaimed Caligula ('an engrossing new spin on a well-known tale' - The Times) comes the new novel in The Damned Emperors series: Commodus.


    'Commodus by Simon Turney is my sort of historical fiction - people who actually lived - with their lives told in an intriguing and interesting way' - Amazon review

    'Truly a magnificent read, insightful, powerful, emotional and gripping from the start' - Amazon review

    'Simon Turner is a first class writer, and he certainly did his research well' Amazon review
  • Каліґула Саймон Терни
    ISBN: 978-617-09-5572-2
    Год издания: 2019
    Издательство: Фабула
    Язык: Украинский
    Роман Саймона Терні — чи не найкращого з сучасних історичних романістів Англії — це глибоке занурення в римську історію, у ті часи, коли юнак на ім’я Гай Германік випадково опинився спадкоємцем імператорського титулу і в лічені місяці був змушений перетворитися на обережного й розважливого політика, який ставив перед собою високу мету: привести Рим, очищений від тиранії, до «золотої доби». Натомість його чекали незліченні зради і змови, спротив знаті, втрата політичних союзників, безумство, жага помсти, а наостанок — жорстока смерть і наклепи істориків, які ославили Калігулу тираном-кровопивцею. Психологічно точна й майже сучасна історія, від якої неможливо відірватися до останнього рядка.
  • Caligula Саймон Терни
    ISBN: 9781409175186
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Orion
    Everyone knows his name. Everyone thinks they know his story.
    Rome 37AD. The emperor is dying. No-one knows how long he has left. The power struggle has begun.
    When the ailing Tiberius thrusts Caligula's family into the imperial succession in a bid to restore order, he will change the fate of the empire and create one of history's most infamous tyrants, Caligula.
    But was Caligula really a monster?
    Forget everything you think you know. Let Livilla, Caligula's youngest sister and confidante, tell you what really happened. How her quiet, caring brother became the most powerful man on earth.
    And how, with lies, murder and betrayal, Rome was changed for ever . . .
  • Caligula Simon Turney
    ISBN: 9781409175193
    Год издания: 2018
    Издательство: Orion Publishing Group
    Язык: Английский
    Caligula: loving brother, reluctant ruler and tortured soul.

    The five children of Germanicus are cursed from birth. Father: believed poisoned by the Emperor Tiberius over the imperial succession. Mother and two brothers arrested and starved to death by Tiberius. One sister married off to an abusive husband. Only two are left: Caligula, in line for the imperial throne, and his youngest sister, Livilla, who tells us this story.

    The ascent of their family into the imperial dynasty forces Caligula to change from the fun-loving boy Livilla knew into a shrewd, wary and calculating young man. Tiberius's sudden death allows Caligula to manhandle his way to power. With the bloodthirsty tyrant dead, it should be a golden age in Rome and, for a while, it is. But Caligula suffers emotional blow after emotional blow as political allies, friends, and finally family betray him and attempt to overthrow him, by poison, by the knife, by any means possible.

    Little by little, Caligula becomes a bitter, resentful and vengeful Emperor, every shred of the boy he used to be eroded. As Caligula loses touch with reality, there is only one thing to be done before Rome is changed irrevocably. ..