Абдул-Халик Лалхен — об авторе
- Родился: ЮАР
Биография — Абдул-Халик Лалхен
He graduated from the University of Cape Town in 1998. His internship and Community Service posts were completed in South Africa. He moved to the United Kingdom in 2001 and completed a two year post as an SHO in Anaesthesia in Bath and Swindon before being appointed as a Specialist Registrar in the North West School of Anaesthesia which has its headquarters in Manchester.
He obtained the FRCA in 2004, the Diploma in Pain Medicine in 2007 the FFPMRCA in 2008 and an MSc in Medical Education in 2015. He was appointed as a Consultant in Pain Medicine and Anaesthesia at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust in 2008. His areas of special interest are Neuromodulation, Medical Education and…
Medico-legal Medicine.
Pain Medicine
Medical Education
Medicolegal Medicine