Точи Онибучи

Tochi Onyebuchi

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  • 84 читателя
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Лучшие книги Точи Онибучи

  • Боевые девчонки. Демон Биафры Точи Онибучи
    ISBN: 978-5-9614-3180-3
    Год издания: 2021
    Издательство: Альпина Паблишер
    Язык: Русский

    В 2172 году большая часть Земли непригодна для жизни. Мир уничтожен радиацией, изменения климата столь катастрофичны, что люди перебираются в космические колонии. Между Нигерией и Республикой Биафрой идёт жестокая война, в которой задействованы смертоносные мЕхи, а солдаты получают искусственные органы и бионические конечности, чтобы выжить. В лагере Боевых девчонок растёт маленькая Айфи, которую Онайи — старшая из девочек — когда-то подобрала в разрушенном войной посёлке. Айфи понятия не имеет, кто она и почему так непохожа на остальных, пока однажды не оказывается в плену у врага. После отчаянной борьбы Онайи решает, что Айфи мертва.…

  • Beasts Made of Night Tochi Onyebuchi
    ISBN: 044849390X, 9780448493909
    Год издания: 2017
    Издательство: Razorbill
    Язык: Английский
    In the walled city of Kos, corrupt mages can magically call forth sin from a sinner in the form of sin-beasts – lethal creatures spawned from feelings of guilt.

    Taj is the most talented of the aki, young sin-eaters indentured by the mages to slay the sin-beasts. But Taj’s livelihood comes at a terrible cost. When he kills a sin-beast, a tattoo of the beast appears on his skin while the guilt of committing the sin appears on his mind. Most aki are driven mad by the process, but 17-year-old Taj is cocky and desperate to provide for his family.

    When Taj is called to eat a sin of a royal, he’s suddenly thrust into the center of a dark conspiracy to destroy Kos. Now Taj must fight to save the princess that he loves – and his own life.

    A gritty Nigerian-influenced fantasy.
  • Goliath Точи Онибучи
    ISBN: 9781250782953, 1250782953
    Год издания: 2022
    Издательство: Tordotcom
    Язык: Английский
    In the 2050s, Earth has begun to empty. Those with the means and the privilege have departed the great cities of the United States for the more comfortable confines of space colonies. Those left behind salvage what they can from the collapsing infrastructure. As they eke out an existence, their neighborhoods are being cannibalized. Brick by brick, their houses are sent to the colonies, what was once a home now a quaint reminder for the colonists of the world that they wrecked.

    A primal biblical epic flung into the future, Goliath weaves together disparate narratives—a space-dweller looking at New Haven, Connecticut as a chance to reconnect with his spiraling lover; a group of laborers attempting to renew the promises of Earth’s crumbling cities; a journalist attempting to capture the violence of the streets; a marshal trying to solve a kidnapping—into a richly urgent mosaic about race, class, gentrification, and who is allowed to be the hero of any history.
  • Rebel Sisters Tochi Onyebuchi
    ISBN: 9781984835062
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Razorbill
    Язык: Английский
    It’s been five years since the Biafran War ended. Ify is now nineteen and living where she’s always dreamed–the Space Colonies. She is a respected, high-ranking medical officer and has dedicated her life to helping refugees like herself rebuild in the Colonies.

    Back in the still devastated Nigeria, Uzo, a young synth, is helping an aid worker, Xifeng, recover images and details of the war held in the technology of destroyed androids. Uzo, Xifeng, and the rest of their team are working to preserve memories of the many lives lost, despite the government’s best efforts to eradicate any signs that the war ever happened.

    Though they are working toward common goals of helping those who suffered, Ify and Uzo are worlds apart. But when a mysterious virus breaks out among the children in the Space Colonies, their paths collide. Ify makes it her mission to figure out what’s causing the deadly disease. And doing so means going back to the corrupt homeland she thought she’d left behind forever.
  • Riot Baby Tochi Onyebuchi
    ISBN: 1250214750
    Год издания: 2020
    Издательство: Tordotcom
    Язык: Английский
    "Riot Baby bursts at the seams of story with so much fire, passion and power that in the end it turns what we call a narrative into something different altogether."—Marlon James

    Rooted in foundational loss and the hope that can live in anger, Riot Baby is both a global dystopian narrative an intimate family story with quietly devastating things to say about love, fury, and the black American experience.

    Ella and Kev are brother and sister, both gifted with extraordinary power. Their childhoods are defined and destroyed by structural racism and brutality. Their futures might alter the world. When Kev is incarcerated for the crime of being a young black man in America, Ella—through visits both mundane and supernatural—tries to show him the way to a revolution that could burn it all down.